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Everything posted by buffalo_bill

  1. “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart … It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.” Which is NOT what the lovely Pam said after we had celebrated our farewell party. I found this piece somewhere but can´t remember who was involved. Any ideas?
  2. Thank you , I was wondering about the low cost which of course depends on what you get.
  3. Taking into consideration that the original Neanderthaler has been found in a valley probably 20 minutes by car from here I hereby require the right to call myself the only Neanderthaler on this board. https://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.purch.com%2Fw%2F660%2FaHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzA5OS8yMTUvb3JpZ2luYWwvbmVhbmRlcnRoYWwtZmFjZXMtTk8tUkVVU0UuanBlZw%3D%3D&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.livescience.com%2F62210-neanderthal-big-noses.html&docid=hmz10luCEB05IM&tbnid=zN3G6lhzPtFtlM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjXtaqyx4_eAhVIK1AKHbS7CbkQMwhCKAswCw..i&w=660&h=412&hl=de&bih=910&biw=1280&q=Neanderthal&ved=0ahUKEwjXtaqyx4_eAhVIK1AKHbS7CbkQMwhCKAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8 ( Selfie 4 minutes ago)
  4. Gentlemen, discussing the problem who pays in case a Lao citizen in Siam would suffer from a serious health problem like f.e. the much sought after cancer. Cost money too mut I guess. Madame Pam tells me she does have a sort of accident insurance but no such insurance that would cover hospital bills, operation etc should the situation arise. She further tells me it would cost 8000 Bht but could not specify within what time and what the company pays in case. Does anybody have a guideline or maybe a recommendation how to proceed. Thank you in advance.
  5. Could any NZ expert on this board please study Mr Stick´s comment on the NZ press in his latest Weekly and either confirm his findings or declare him tingtong.
  6. Can`t remember, your question further shows pure sexism. More good news: a genius within the MRT Skytrain administration after maybe 10 years evaluating seems to have authorised the moneychangers in the glassboxes to ISSUE TICKETS !!!! instead of just giving back coins.Which saves joining the queue at the machine. A great move. Just come from massage, velly velly goos.
  7. I hereby seriously apologize for obviously having violated MRT pre departure coach-inspection rules. I do vaguely remember having seen a female person in a light green uniform running through the train and I am delighted to learn that I seem not to belong to dubious objects that better be thrown out on behalf of public safety. Velly goos.
  8. Gentlemen, while I was about boarding a train at Hualampong MRT station yesterday immediately after all incoming travellers had left the car I stepped forward and took a seat. Only to find out that I was the only passenger while a lot of people were waiting outside and did not move even a fraction of an inch. I am used to Siam Square 17:00 boarding rules and started to feel somewhat displaced til all of the sudden the crowd went marching inside. What was this ? New junta rules saying falangs enjoy priority boarding on public transport to develop tourism? People praying for safe arrival before takeoff?
  9. The total income of a German member of the Bundestag which would be your congress is a taxable 130.000 USD plus another ca 70.000 to cover cost of their mandate like offices etc. In rough figures. I do not want to enter an endless discussion about how Donald was right or wrong in paying taxes. Time will tell anyway.
  10. Mr Cavanami, I have read the recent report of the NYT about possible tax evasion of the Trump family. Trump of course says it is all lies by the fake news media but there is a huge pile of documents which tell the opposite. They seem to have spent 18 months on researching this case and I believe them every word. Would you say the failing NYT is making this up? Kind of all phantasy?
  11. Mr cavanami as far as I can remember Republicans like the Bushs or Reagan have been accepted by the US citizenship although many did not like them of course. What the difference makes is that Trump is such an example of dishonesty and pure vulgarity that people get angry. This guy divides the country and I wonder how this will end up . Maybe Mr Minzey has a point.
  12. Next year probably you would have to join the queue at that EU Visa office in Dover
  13. Big promprem coming https://centreforaviation.com/analysis/reports/brexit-up-in-the-air-implications-for-aviation-if-the-uk-votes-to-leave-the-european-union-262860
  14. We ( or they ) are heading for desaster. Without an agreement for example all planes from the EU and vice versa are loosing their landing rights, how is this going to work? I may propose a Union Of Temporarily Disturbed Normally Civilised Countries (UTDNCC) under the leadership of President Donald and further encorporating the UK , Italy, Hungary and Poland. I do not consider Turkey as civilised although their leader seems to suffer from something serious and would as such be fully qualified . The leaders of this union should meet somewhere ( Boris for the UK ) and identify a new world order. Italy sorting out the financial side, Hungary and Poland responsible for human rights. Donald heading the promotional department and Boris fucks his hairdresser ( female ) . I invite your enthusiastic agreement.
  15. bubi speaks : As much as I hate Trump and almost anything he does I do disagree with what is currently happening with Kavanaugh. Once a process follows set rules you got to accept the result whether you like it or not. Obeying these rules come what may is the basis of a democratic system even with a clown like Trump in charge. Apart from this wise statement I totally support the above quoted tweet by a Mr Avenatti, I could not be said in a better way. Excellent summary. Just came back from a short break in Portugal, an American couple sitting next to us in a bar tried to explain some Scandinavian friend how great Trump is. Certainly no rustbelt ambassadors they were , rather the opposite. We had the opportunity to overhear such an enormous bullshit that I am questioning the US basic education system, this is not normal any more. What sort of world are these people living in, scaring. Trump in his latest big press conference explained the crowd that the Chinese are impressed by his big big brains. Should this be the unlikely truth they should send a brain surgeon to dig for the sad result I recommend.
  16. Learned bretheren planning to travel to Vientiane in about 3 weeks from now , home of SEA´s sweetest woman. The initial idea to take the night train No25 sadly had to be cancelled due to lack of time and now the question arises : travelling most probably eco I suspect horrendous queues at either end of the journey at airport immigration . I landed recently at Don Mueang and spent the rest of the morning in between estimated 500.000 Chinamen. Would it make sense to take a plane to Udon Thani and then continue by taxi crossing the border at Nong Kai ? Madame tells me that the trip would cost about 2 hours door to door. As we are talking : I like to spend the evening sitting by the Mekong smoking a cigar. I love the quietness of this river. Even after thorough research I could not find a decent place offering facilities that come close to my imagination. Would anybody be able to issue e recommendation greater Nong Kai or Vientiane area ? Thank you in advance, sincerely yours
  17. Whether or not you may call this censorship depends on your point of view. It basically means that internetplatforms which publish any content that originates from their users has to be checked for violation of copyrights. Because nobody could do that by hand unless employing ten thousands of poeople they are obliged to establish automatic filters. There are exemptions for small platforms. Youtube for example shall be kept responsible if you copy and paste an article from your beloved fake press and upload it on youtube. Article 13 is a part of a major legislation project to have publishing companies receive a share of the profits that the platforms generate by using their works . This is in brief. We could use up the bandwidth of the forum to discuss this in depth . Summary : facebook hates it , publishers love it
  18. Mr Cavanami the difficulty with your pieces is always that you seem to read things which nobody said. I did never quantify any of the Chemnitz participants. You would not be able to really separate the groups from each other because the hardcore Neonazis do not appear like a hooligan but in suits. They have learned the lesson. What you have seen in Chemnitz has been a Saxony classic for many years. They were already after the Vietnamese and Cubans at DDR times. To make sure your sleep is not endangered I may explain you that other than your heavily disturbed video heroes wish to think there is not the slightest danger that the 1933 times may come back. Germany is doing far too well, migrants included, that the vast majority would be willing to give this up. 280.000 of the recently seen immigrants have already been absorbed by finding jobs paying tax and social security. Bad news for you but finally we will make it. The real problem also from my point of view is that rejected refugees are not taken out right away . The Federal Republic is far too soft in handling these people.
  19. Mr Cavanami I am seriously touched by your permanent concern about Germany´s well-being . But the only thing I can see melting down at the moment are Donald´s brain cells. And as it looks I have a lot of sympathisers within the White House sharing my opinion. If you read the tape recording of the Trump/Woodward phoneconversation you know what I mean. The people in Chemnitz are a mixture of neonazi/hooligan futureless fuckups and normal citizens worrying about too many refugees. You forgot to meation that some days after 65.000 assembled to show different views. And the truth is that some of the migrants are ready to kill for whatever breaks their fuse. Alltogether I would estimate the total number of migrant based killings should now about average the standard US highschool massacre. I would therefore recommend to keep on selling machine guns to anybody but send all buyers home from where their families once have immigrated into the US. Don´t send Trump.
  20. Off topic Mr Coss , it is now 21:35 Germany , what is your time locally ?
  21. " After Trump left the Tank, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declared: "He's a fucking moron." ( Bob Woodward ) Doomsday is near Donald . At least I hope so . Disclaimer : I am a USA supporter
  22. I may recommend a visit to the museum in Kanchanaburi
  23. Mr radioman, in defense of PVG airport staff I may officially publish here that in February of this very year 2018 I found myself stranded within a crowd of an estimated 200.000 Chinese citizen struggling to get through security at about 05:00 in the morning . I did approach a Chinese official in a blue uniform explaining that I had no intention to ask for a favour of any kind but if he knew an alternative to pass security in a somewhat more elegant way he accompanied myself to a counter for maybe members of the Long March or appointed enemies of Donald Trump and I got through in no time. Dealing with them Chinese in uniforms leads into nothing if they think you do not respect them. Be wise and dress well.
  24. Congratulation, although there is no way to "know" what happens to an errorfare once it has been published everywhere. Usually they appear on codeshare flights when somebody misinterprets something that the actually flying company offers. Flyertalk is one of the great assembly points of bullshit worldwide which is why I call them liartalk.
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