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Posts posted by khunsanuk

  1. Hi,

    " If a traveler staying at their hotel tests positive, the guest has no choice but to be hospitalized at that specific hospital for 7-10 days at their own cost – usually around 10.000 THB per day."

    Yes, unfortunately true.

    Travel inside the country is completely unrestricted once you are out of quarantine period (there is a 2nd mandatory test/hotel stay on day 5 after arrival).


  2. Hi,

    Unfortunately that is a possibility. Or they may just run you over.
    Thais can be extremely hot headed, especially when they think they have lost face. (because of course they have the right of way, after all they are driving a car and you are just walking)


  3. Hi,


    Well, it happened again. Someone got killed while walking on a pedestrian crossing. Lots of outrage and news coverage, especially since the deceased was a doctor (who of course are more important than poor people (yes, I am being sarcastic, obviously)).

    Of course, we all know what will happen. People will forget in about 2 weeks and absolutely nothing will change.

    I cross a pedestrian crossing every day when going to work. Not a single driver stops unless absolutely necessary; many don't even slow down, and that is before they can even get a good look at the crossing.


  4. Hi,

    "Do you ever get the feeling they are making it all up as they go along and doing a very bad job of it."

    Yep, all the time :)
    They have no clue what they are doing, but feel like they have to be seen to be doing something, anything.

    It's a bit like many Thais thinking the doctor didn't help them unless they got some meds from him/her.


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