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Posts posted by USVirgin

  1. Amazing how all day parking those same spots on or along the 'soi' is completely free, but come night suddenly those boys want cash - guess they need to finance those fancy 'lights' they wave all night freakin useless really!


    They do that in LA as well. The valet firms go so far as to steal 'no parking' signs from other locations and put them up on the street in front of the establishment, then use those spaces.

  2. I saw Bruno this week. While it had its moments, I wouldn't recommend it - fewer laughs than The Hangover, and many of the best ones I'd already seen in ads or trailers.


    Not a great movie for the homophobic, but I knew that going in, and the only movie where the usher (or whatever they call kids working at the movie theatre) apologized to me as I was leaving. When I said, "it wasn't so bad", he must have assumed I was queer since I was with a guy. I think a lot of men experience cognitive dissonance after leaving that flick, trying to rationalize laughing at a movie that showed so much dick, and very little pussy.


    The Hangover was good, and I think it's fantastic how well it did, essentially from word of mouth, but I think it's overrated due to a lack of better competition.

  3. A blonde is showing off her new tattoo of a giant seashell on her inner thigh.


    Her friend asks her why she would get such a tattoo and in that location.


    She responds: "It's really cool. If you put your ear up against it, you can smell the ocean."

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