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A Newbie In PI Part 3


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Maybe thats what he meant to say, but it's nowhere near at all what he wrote. Actually, i think apples and oranges are perfect things to compare: They're both fruit, they're round, and they have many differences and similarities. Here's an example of a bad comparison (that can appropriately be called an apples to oranges comparison, in the sense that people on this board would use that phrase): Comparing the cost of AC hotels with the average temperature in pattaya. The ways in with AC and pattaya (or any place) CAN be interestingly compared are too numerous to mention. I don't see how people can go to 2 (or more) places and NOT compare them. (I think what he meant was that they cannot be compared "when you are so drunk your mind is shot", or something like that).

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"Actually, i think apples and oranges are perfect things to compare:"


That is the problem with using idiomatic English, the meaning gets lost in the translation. It’s a figure of speech meaning the same thing that you took a small paragraph to say.


All people are saying is it is apparent you have the knowledge to add something here, but for some reason, known only to you, your post are consistently rude, unnecessarily sarcastic, arrogant, negative, and contribute nothing.

But, that's just my opinion. :(


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