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Chavez minister in spat with US


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Chavez minister in spat with US


"Venezuela has accused US officials of stopping its foreign minister, Nicolas Maduro, and stripping him of his travel documents after he visited the UN."




"Mr Maduro phoned Venezuelan television station Globovision on Saturday to tell them he had been detained.


Mr Mauro said the situation had deteriorated when he informed officials that he was Venezuela' s chief diplomat.


He said he was confined to a small room and told to remove his clothes.


"They started insulting, yelling and brought a police officer... and they started threatening us," Mr Maduro added.


"Now I have no documents and cannot travel.""







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The Venezuelans are really pushing this aren';t they? All or some of what Chavez said may well be true about GWB, but this outburst is unheard of in such a setting. Frankly, I think the man showed is ignorance.


As for this incident with the strip search...? Sounds like Bullshit, there would be a tape, and or a hughe gap if the tape were erased...and a lot of explaining to do. The way their are whistle blowers and rats, some heads would roll, I doubt it hapened.

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Maybe this time the UN will move the HQ, but every time something like this happened before the US governments begged to keep it there and paid compensation. Castro has a embassy in NY and can travel as often he likes to the US with his heavily armed bodyguards......

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Cheaper to apology and lose face obviously, not yet on BBC


- Utrikesdepartementet kan bekräfta att venezuelanske utrikesministern Maduro dragits in i en händelse på JFK, sade UD-talesmannen Gonzalo Galegos.


- UD beklagar denna händelse. Förenta Staterna ber utrikesminister Maduro och Venezuela om ursäkt.

Source in Swedish


- State Department can confirm that the venezuelan foreign minister was involved in an incient on JFK, State Department spokesman Gonzalo Galegos said.


- State Department regrets this incident. United States of America ask foreign minister Maduro and Venezuela of forgiveness.


(Just my retranslation)

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