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BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell


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I find it strange that the BBC was reporting the collapse of WTC Building 7 20 minutes before it fell.


As you can see in the video on the page at the link below, the building is clearly visible in a live shot behind the reporter, still standing while she reports it's collapse.


She appears to have been cut off 5 minutes before the building collapse, the collapse would have been caught live in the background.


I know many of you won't find this strange... but I, as resident conspiracy theorist, find it just a little odd.





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It is hard to believe so much was fucked up that day to allow such to happen without their being several conspiracies. But then, the USA government is an entity of itself. Ask a federal employee that Social Security should be cancelled and what was Social Security to now be adminstered by the program Federal employees have.

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There is quite some information out there and people start reading things what was on the internet since October 2001!


Most interesting of all is that LARRY SILVERSTEIN ordered to PULL Building 7. (Pulling means controlled demolition) I wonder how he was able to pull it when there wasn't explosives planted inside already. One thing is for sure, he wasn't planting termite during and after the attacks he simply doesnt have the time, they way it fell shows it was professionl work! So how in hell can he pull it just like that??? Why does the WTC comission report say it collpased (actually it imploded) due to the vibrations of collapsing other buildings


Building 7 is the key to the truth because there are 2 official stories and they are entirely different and both actually make no sense! It is not a conspiracy it is evidence! Here is the video which will probably be one time the most important one in this whole drama http://youtube.com/watch?v=7WYdAJQV100&mode=related&search=

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