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Gii-aow Mai ?


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He's been using it for a while now. Should be easy to recognise him if he shows up in it at Gullivers.



haha, the pic is not me I'm afraid. that comes from an online underwear-selling website. apparently, there are guys out there who actually wears those in public as a "bathing suit" when they're sunbathing...!! so that they won't get arrested for public nudity, I guess.



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haha, good try everyone, but no cigar.


you were on the right track with "giaow gap," "to concern, to relate to, be relevant"...


when someone asks "giaow mai?" they're asking if one thing is related to/relevant to another thing.


the positive response would be simply "giaow" ("yes, it's related") and the negative "mai giaow" ("no, not relevant, it's apples and oranges," etc.)




Yes sir...this is what I was looking for. The other answers are well-intentioned but off-point.


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