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It's absolutely hosing down here in central Bangkok and I feel no closer to our favourite dens of inequity than I would if I was back home in NZ. Keen to get out for a beer but if it keeps up like this, I'll stay in. Is it just me or when it rains like this, do other locals stay in, or still make an effort to venture out?

Actually, I shouldn't grumble beecause no doubt it will stop soon enough. It never seems to rain for too long in Bangers.

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I am one of those nerdy types that just heads out with my umbrella in hand. Of course, I generally go through several hundred umbrellas a year left behind in bars. Also, if it doesn't rain, the bargirls think I look hilarious schlepping around with an umbrella. Although, there was one time during a show in Fantasia when my trusty umbrella had a semi-starring role. Nah, you don't want to hear about it.

Even with the umbrella though there are times the rain is coming down so hard I am soaked below the waist and it is not from playing with myself. Then, there are the streams and rivers to ford.

But, all of it is just a minor annoyance when I want to go out.

By the way, your column is tops. Keep up the good work!

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I like to park myself in a bar before the downpour starts. Once the deluge gets underway, I have a nice excuse for knocking back another beer or two and being late for appointments or meeting the girlfriend ... sorry honey but it's not my fault, blame on that F*@#ing downpour ... BURP.

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If Stickman and Khun Sanuk are both sitting down inside , because its pissing down, then it can only mean that the quality of this weeks Stickmans Weekly, will be even better as there will be more keyboard time


How goes it guys


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I used to head out when it was raining because I thought (rightly or wrongly) that it would discourage the punters and, as such, the bars would be more interesting.

Now I'm lazy and the Thais have instilled me with an abnormal fear of walking in the rain as it obviously increased my chances of getting sick by 100x.


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