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Origin of the word 'Monger'


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It gets used often enough on boards like this and I cannot recall hearing or reading anywhere how the term came to be associated, as it seems, for those consorting with others being of low morals and frequently engaging in sexual practices for pecuniary interest on the part of said others.


I thought google was my friend but it seems to suggest definition more of a sales related role so I'm not sure I get it.


Anyone care to enlighten me or if you consider yourself a 'monger' how would you define it/yourself?



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mon·ger (mnggr, mng-)


1. A dealer in a specific commodity. Often used in combination: an ironmonger.

2. A person promoting something undesirable or discreditable. Often used in combination: a scandalmonger; a warmonger.

tr.v. mon·gered, mon·ger·ing, mon·gers

To peddle.




[Middle English mongere, from Old English mangere, from Latin mang, dealer in slaves, probably of Greek origin.]



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Punter is another good one. Wikipedia, that ever accurate resource (not), but anyway, says:


A British and Australian English colloquial term for a paying guest or customer...


I think time spent with a BG and referring to oneself as a paying guest does have a certain quaintness to it, maybe even accuracy.


If whoremonger is truly its root then I can truly add that I have in my time mong-ed a few whores to be sure.


A search on whoremonger further reveals such delicacies as at Dictionary.com



someone who consorts with whores; a lecher or pander.


Now pandering I have heard of. I think it is often used as the legal term when prosecuting, whoremonger might raise a few eyebrows with the wig and gown set! Though of course to suggest one is off on a nights pandering doesn't quite have the same impact with ones mates.


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