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Former Mrs. Hippie...

Old Hippie

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First some back ground. This former Mrs Hippie is a uni grad, had a decent job in real estate in BKK, like many, she moon lighted in the higher end hotels. Some of you may have met her when she went to Gulliver's with me, or made the rounds with me.


I met her a few years back, and we hit it off well, traveled around in her car, stayed in her home, and had a good time.She helped guide me along through the "Si Saket Girl ordeal" and was a good friend when I needed one. No lies or misconceptions on either part, it was what it was. I liked her then and now. I felt and still feel, I know her well.


Ok, so flash forward a few years, I get replaced for better prospects, I go with other girls, meet new Mrs. Hippie(s), but we remain friends to this day.


Last year, she told me she was going to marry a guy and move to San Diego. She had her doubts, but figured he was a decent catch and had always treated her well, and taken care of her daughter. Her main doubt was if he would live up to the many promises he had made her. I suggested if she had any doubts, she should wait. She felt he would do as he promised.


He made good on some of the stuff, seemed cautious on other stuff. He seldom works, lives off old family money, and investments. When he does work, he makes big money. His lack of a permanent full time job was another concern of hers.


They married, and she moved to San Diego last December. I've been to see her, met him, he seemed o.k. a bit arrogant, but hey, I'd be also if I had that kind of money and situation. She seemed happy and eager to make it work. I have to say she really was trying.


I got a call from her this morning. She is leaving him. Essentially, after trying, and discussing the problems with him, he refuses to live up to the promises he made to her. His refusals to get a full time job being the number one issue.


Additionally, he had promised to give her parents 10,000bht a month (chump change for him) and provide private school for her daughter, and also provide Mrs. Hippie with a the means to obtain a master's degree, either from a U.S. school (Tuition here is fairly cheap in the Cal state system), or online from a Thai school. All with in his means. He now refuses all of it.


His main reason is always the same,"we can't afford it now, because I am not working." She replies well, get a job so we can, you had no problem buying dinner for our friends last night ($400) or playing golf ($200) or playing online card games ($??) and if you worked, there would be no issues of money..." (He does leagal consultant work, and does very well, and frankly, probably doesn't even need to do that, as he has family money and investment income).


So they argued and discussed etc, and she made her decision to leave. So this morning when she called, she was crying, he had tried to kick her out at 3a.m.,with nothing, he even demanded the clothes she was wearing, as he had paid for them. She told him she'd leave first thing in the morning, and she did. Her girl friends picked her up, and she will stay with them for 2 days and then fly back to Thailand at her own expense.


Now as misogynistic as many think I am (and admittedly, I am, I do admit I have issues with women, with cause maybe, which doesn't make it right, but I do admit it) I do feel sorry for her. She really did try. She gave up everything she had to come here, left her country, her parents, her daughter, her job, friends etc, to come her. All based on many promises this guy made to her, but never delivered.


Now if this were straight out whoring, or even straight out macking, I'd say hey, som nom na, you played and got played. But it isn't. It is or was an attempt to make a go of it, and to have a decent husband and new life. To me, it changes when marriage is involved, it is no longer "the game."


As I said, she did try. She went from being independent career woman to housewife, who took cooking classes to learn to cook farang foods, was cleaning, doing laundry etc, all stuff she never did for herself, but was willing to do for her husband. As I said, she wanted this to work.


So all hard hearted bullshit aside, here is an example of a guy who got a decent girl, treated her like shit, and blew it. She will leave with the clothes on her back, maybe a few other things and return home. I do feel bad for her. Often, I mention there are exceptions, here is an exception where the girl got the bad end of the deal. Discuss...


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Shit happens. It's not fair when it comes from either party. Looks like she got screwed over by a Thai guy in the beginning too. Hope she can sock him for alimony or something. the guy can afford it.


A wanker like him makes it harder for the real good guys.





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Her Former Thai husband (now a BKK cop) took off, left her with the kid. With the help of her parents and a sugar daddy, she got an education and made something of herself. She certainly didn't deserve this. I am fearful the guy may go nuts and hurt her, a concern she also has. 2 more days and she is home and hopefully safe. She thinks she can get her old job back, so she isn't too worried.

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