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What Film (Movie) Have You Just Watched?


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Just watched Avatar again, why? cause I got an HD copy off the electric network.


Whilst very much still "dances with smurfs", the technology is very impressive.


BTW I've worked out that there must be a god, the Na’vi in Avatar have breasts, even though they’re not mammals, and the male Na'vi have nipples, but the females either don't or the leaves, beads and other adornments always strategically cover them on the females only.


So: there must be a god because even on aliens he gave males redundant nipples.

And: god must be american because you never see females nipples on screen.


I rest my case.


And may I never be struct down by lightening and may I be wealthy and prosper, now I know there is a god, please.

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A few weeks ago I d/l'ed and watched Machete.


Basically a 'B' movie with over-the top violence which makes the violence seen in some Peckinpah & Tarantino movies seem tame.


BUT...it is a farce and parody of other blood & guts movies as well as being a comedy.


Coss may like it...as it too has some nudity ;-)

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Mr Nice


The life story of Howard Marks, a one time Oxford Physicist Graduate who found he could make more money out of dealing dope, Rhys Ifans plays the role perfectly.



On a side note, my ex wife way back then was Howard's niece so the movie is kind of personal to me.

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Do the Na'vi gals have navels? If they do and you can see them, their Creator can't be American - never be allowed on TV in the US. Just ask Barbara Eden. I remember complaints from "naturists" about the Na'vi women always having their boobs covered. They asked how many primitive tropical terrestrial women covered up their norks?

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