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HIV vaccine developed in the LOS

Guest baldrick

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I would suggest anyone actually interested in this to read this article instead of the superficial barely accurate BBC one. . It never ceases to amazing to me the stupid, ill informed comments people make without bothering to find out at least one fact.


This was a 3 year field trial, sponsored by the US Surgeon General in which two existing vaccines, both of which had been shown to be worthless on their own, were tested on 16,000 non HIV positive volunteers in Thailand. Half were given the combined regime, the other half placebos. All were given AID’s prevention education and condoms. After 3 years, 74 of the 8,000 placebo volunteers contracted AIDS and 51 of the 8,000 vaccinated ones contracted AID. They are claiming that the regime decreased the chance of contracting AIDS by 31%( (74-51)/74 = 31% ) The two vaccines were developed some time ago by the Sanofi Pasteur in France and Vaxgen Inc in San Francisco. Vaxgen sold the rights to a non-profit orginzation when its vaccines miserably failed its field trails.


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