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Snus and giving up cigs...


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Just wanted to thank any Swedish or Danish posters for this great stuff.




Please leave the danes out of this.

We have a more refined taste and don`t appreciate appearing in public with 2 lines of tobacco drool originating from the corners of the mouth.


It is entirely a swedish phenomenon.





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anyone trying to acquire a good dose of oral cancer should do so as well!

This is a modern myth supported by the tobacco industry. There is no scientific proof that it it causes cancer in the mouth. I have used the shit for 40+ years and I don't claim that it is good for you because it's not. It is however much less detrimental to your health than smoking. I know this from experience as I smoked for 25 years.

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From what I have read my risk of cancer- the worst being pancreatic cancer- is the same as smoking.


Had a huge care package sent from overseas and then ordered another from an online store. Anyone having this sent to them in the US be aware that some brands have Cuban tobacco in them and customs will grab them or maybe even invade Cuba if someone sends them to you.


The Danes can't be left out of this as two of the most popular brands are Danish. Thunder and Offroad.


Strongly suggest this to any cigarette smokers.

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My comment was on oral cancer. There might be a slightly elevated chance of cancer in the intestines. However the chance of cancer in the lungs or larynx are much higher with smoking. There is also a much higher chance of various lung diseases (slow suffocation) with smoking. When the EU passed their ban on snus the tobacco industry forked out large sums to support the ban. I.e. the politicians were basically bought. If Sweden hadn't been exempted from the ban I'm quite sure we wouldn't have joined in the first place.

I have gotten the impression that you are American. The USA is the only country in the world with more snus user in absolute numbers than Sweden. On a percentage basis Sweden is way ahead of any other country. There used to be an American brand available in Sweden but some arsehole had put peppermint in it so it was quite appalling. :neener:



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