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Coming to Thailand & Have Medication ?


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I have 6 herniated discs in my neck and back, from 2 auto accidents in the last 3 years (both involving drunk drivers! Why do they never get hurt?). As a result, I have been on pain killers for a long time, specifically oxycodone 30mg. I am seeing my doctor a few days before I leave for Thailand. I will be gone for about 2 months.


So, here is my question...what am I allowed to bring over? I doubt my pain doctor will give 2 months worth, as this would be 420 of them. So, more likely I will be prescribed my usual month supply. It will be in a prescription bottle and I am getting documentation from the doctor to cover my bases.


I have read that pain medication and opiates are not really available there, so what do I do when I run out? Unfortunately, running out is not an option as I will become very sick without them, not to mention be in tremendous pain.


Any solid knowledge and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, this is all validly prescribed medication. I just do not want problems entering the country. Thank you in advance.

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Had a friend a few years ago who took into Thailand a wide range of prescription drugs for a serious condition.


When he was running short went to a pharmacy and was able to get all the drugs he needed.


One thing he did was get his Doctor to give him the clinical/trade names of the drugs (as some drugs are marketed under different names in countries).


LP get off the soapbox :shifty:



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I have 6 herniated discs in my neck and back, from 2 auto accidents in the last 3 years (both involving drunk drivers! Why do they never get hurt?). As a result, I have been on pain killers for a long time, specifically oxycodone 30mg. I am seeing my doctor a few days before I leave for Thailand. I will be gone for about 2 months.


So, here is my question...what am I allowed to bring over? I doubt my pain doctor will give 2 months worth, as this would be 420 of them. So, more likely I will be prescribed my usual month supply. It will be in a prescription bottle and I am getting documentation from the doctor to cover my bases.


I have read that pain medication and opiates are not really available there, so what do I do when I run out? Unfortunately, running out is not an option as I will become very sick without them, not to mention be in tremendous pain.


Any solid knowledge and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, this is all validly prescribed medication. I just do not want problems entering the country. Thank you in advance.


7 - 30 mg Oxycodaine per day is a lot. I hope you have been taking them for a while.


The Mission Hospital will fill your prescription if you need a refill. Taking 7 pills a day might be questioned.


Have you ever used Tramadol? You can get that without a prescription.


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Don't know where you're from, but from NZ my doctor will happily prescribe what ever is needed, that's how round the world yachties get morphine and the like for the med kits.


But make sue you take a copy (or 2 or more) of the prescription with you, the Thais have been known to confiscate meds or shake down people with pills etc legally or no. A prescription at least denies them the opportunity to accuse you of illegal substances.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks...One last question, I have read numerous accounts where all I need is to make sure it is in the original bottle and I am fine.


On the Thai FDA page though,is an application to fill out and submit for controlled substances, which my oxycodone under Thai law is a 2. Should I do that to be on the safe side?

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As far as bringing prescription medications into Thailand, you should be fine as long as they are in the prescription bottles.


The first thing to do is talk with your doctors, explain that you are taking a long trip, that some medications are NOT available in Thailand, and that you would strongly prefer to carry a supply sufficient for the entire trip, Just In Case. Since your trip is going to be long enough to require a pre-arranged visa, you should have no trouble convincing him it is medically prudent.


Next, get your doctors to write a letter describing your situation and your medical history, explaining that you really do need the pain meds in question. Take several copies. This letter is for the benefit of the TSA outbound, Thai Customs on arrival, and US Customs inbound, as well as for the Thai doctors you're going to see when you arrive.


If you're coming from the US, you'll probably arrive very late at night. The next day, or the day after, see a local physician, and get local prescriptions written *AND* *FILLED* for everything you need. I'd do this at Bumrungrad Hospital's clinic, but that's just my opinion. Go on the local drugs IMMEDIATELY. This is to find out whether you are going to have a problem with them BEFORE you run out of your travel supply. Only buy what you actually need.


On the trip back, don't try to bring back excessive quantities, and MAKE SURE they are in the original package. If you can, keep a copy of the Thai prescription and instructions from the Thai doctor. I've never had Customs question me about bringing Thai meds back in, but then I've never tried to bring back any of the interesting drugs, just small quantities of asthma meds and antibiotics.


Worst case, you will find that you can't take any of the local drugs, and have to use your travel supply.


Best case, you'll carry almost all of your travel supply back with you. Customs will almost certainly ask you about them. This is why you kept copies of your doctor's letter. You tell them, truthfully, that you carried a supply for the whole time, in case you WEREN'T able to get local equivalents.


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