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A "mere" 50% increase in price since Barry took office...which is also what my health insurance premium went up thanks to the fuckin' Demoncraps and Obama. (Affordable health care my ass.) Hoping that they all get sick and die, I am..




Plenty of legit criticisms of Democratic solutions for heath care. However, first, the Republicans had to come kicking and screaming even to address affordable health care which is a crisis. When 2 of 3 personal bankruptcies are health costs related its a crisis. Second, what are their solutions? Health Savings Accounts? Does nothing but create a new tax dodge for people. It doesn't address the core issues. The core problem is that the health industry has too much power with Congress and until that is addresssed health care costs will continue to be a crisis. Medical tourism is one result of that. Americans are spending their money overseas for medical care instead of in the U.S.

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They aren't..lol. Who writes the tax codes? Very few people who are millionaires pays the tax rate for that tax bracket. If they do, they should fire their tax advisor. The tax codes favor the rich and corporations. Every time we hear of the actual tax rate a very rich person pays or a corporation thats making tons of money like Exxon, its either very little as a percentage and sometimes no taxes at all.


Paying 50% of all taxes doesn't necessarily mean paying your fair share. If you control 90% of all the wealth, of course by default you will pay the lions share of the taxes but its not an absolute that you're paying the effective tax rate for your bracket.

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Obama's health plan is flawed. How much flawed, I can't say but I can say that part of the reason its flawed is that the Republicans hacked at it enough where its not recognizable.


My question is if Obama had gotten everything he wanted on healthcare would it have been better than what we ended up with? I don't know. I have a suspicion on what the answer would be though.


Also, again, the Republicans have no better solution if at all. All well and good saying the health plan we have isn't good but not addressing it is even a bigger crime. Its a crisis and they won't even acknowledge that.

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Obama's health plan is flawed. How much flawed, I can't say but I can say that part of the reason its flawed is that the Republicans hacked at it enough where its not recognizable.


Well, you aren't alone in knowing how flawed it is. Heck, even those who voted for it don't know cuz I doubt if ANY legislator read about 2400 pages in the bill. Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West, even noted "we'll know what's in it when it's in force" or words to that effect.


Now, to say that "...the Republicans hacked at it..." is just plain WRONG. At the time, Demoncraps controlled both houses of Congress and the White House. It is 99% Demoncrap. I don't know how much news you got regarding this travesty, but at home we were inundated. It was clear that the Demoncrap caucus working on the bill was meeting in closed door sessions and excluding Republican reps. I don't know if you saw the televised meeting between Senate/House leaders and Barry, but it was a friggin' disgrace the way Barry spoke about 90% of the time and refused to accept the objections and ideas put forth by the Republicans. What was particularly objectionable, was his flip comment that "elections have their consequences"--meaning "tough shit" if you don't like it. Well, a few months later, he found out the consequences of elections when the GOP took over the House. To Barry, I say "tough shit" and that's why he's basically been a lame duck since. (Thank God.) And hopefully, he'll be a one-termer if the fools who elected this "Prince" stay away from the voting booths.



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Obama camp: If election were today, Mitt would win


President Obama's campaign staff made the curious decision to build a fundraising message around their candidate's apparent weakness, warning supporters that Mitt Romney would beat Obama if the election were held today.


"Friend," Obama campaign manager Jim Messina wrote today, "If the general election were held today, President Obama would lose to Mitt Romney -- according to the latest poll from Washington Post-ABC News. Now, many other polls put the President on top, but all point to the same reality: We're looking at a race that will be tighter than you think," Messina warned.


Messina didn't even bother praising the president when he asked for money. "If the idea of a President Romney scares you, it's time to own a piece of this campaign," he said before appealing for donations of $3 and up.


Obama's Messina added that "we must not overreact to any one poll. But this one is a reminder that we have to remain vigilant -- always focused on November 6th and the work we have to do to win."


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Maher Insults Alabama and Mississippi Voters: 'Toothless Tuesday Too Tight to Tally



HBO's Bill Maher on Tuesday took a disgusting cheap shot at Alabama and Mississippi voters.


With all eyes on Republican primaries in those states, Maher sent a message via Twitter saying, "Toothless Tuesday too tight to tally!"


This came just days after he and his Real Time panel mocked poor people in Mississippi.


Their behavior was even too offensive for Roseanne Barr who tweeted Tuesday, "I was really disheartened to see how Pelosi's daughter& Bill Maher portrayed southern americans-classism at its best by H'wood elitists."


Barr followed this up with, "southern folk are not all toothless idiots or racists, unlike what bill maher &pelosi's daughter want us to think."


You know what they say - when you've lost Roseanne Barr...


Readers are reminded that this is the same man that gave $1 million to Barack Obama's Super PAC.


Wonder what he'll say about black voters and Hispanics.

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Vets angry over American flag featuring Obama



LAKE COUNTY, Fla. — Tempers are flaring over a version of the American flag flying in Lake County. A veterans group says the flag is an outrage.


The flag, which features a picture of President Obama, was taken down Tuesday afternoon.


Korean war veteran Don Van Beck said his blood was boiling.


"I can't describe how upset was because you just don't do that to the American flag," Van Beck said.


Van Beck found it flying outside Lake County Democratic headquarters under the stars and stripes.


Marine Corps vet John Masterjohn was seeing red.


"Joseph Stalin, pictures of Mao, pictures of Adolph Hitler. The pomp, the ceremony -- the flags like that," Masterjohn said.


Nearly a dozen veterans went to the door and aimed to take it down.


"No. This is private property. This is private property. You're not allowed to touch anything. I'll call the police," Democratic Party chairwoman Nancy Hulbert said. "Just went online. Just went online and looked up the flag code. There is no higher-up in Lake County. I'm responsible. I take responsibility."


"If you've been a veteran and fought -- and some died for this flag -- you don't want to see it desecrated. That's how simple it is," Van Beck said.


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