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Canadians in the U.S. military


In counter-current to the movement American draft-dodgers and deserters to Canada, about 30,000 Canadians volunteered to fight in Southeast Asia. Among the volunteers were fifty Mohawks from the Kahnawake reserve near Montreal. One-hundred and ten Canadians died in Vietnam, and seven remain listed as Missing in Action. Canadian Peter C. Lemon was awarded the U.S. Medal of Honor for his valour in the conflict. (This cross-border enlistment was not unprecedented: Both the First and the Second World War saw thousands of Americans join the Canadian Armed forces before the U.S officially declared war on Germany).

In Windsor, Ontario, there is a privately funded monument to the Canadians killed in the Vietnam War. There is also a monument in Vancouver, at Beach Ave. and Jervis St. surrounded by palm trees and visible on Google Street View at 49.280796,-123.138494. In Melocheville, Quebec, there is a monument site funded by the Association Québécoise des Vétérans du Vietnam. However, many Canadian veterans returned to a society that was strongly anti-war. Unlike the United States, there were no veterans organizations nor any help for them from the government, and many of them moved permanently to the United States. There has been ongoing pressure from Canadian Vietnam veterans to have their comrades' deaths formally acknowledged by the government, especially in times such as Remembrance Day.


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Americans are moving to Canada because of the Health Care ruling.



People Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare



Canada has European style health care system, covering all citizens. smirk.gif


How soon people forget:





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All this talk about leaving America is bullshit. No one is going anywhere. The same as Baldwiin and others said they were gonna do in 2000. Which made no sense at the time (in retrospect yes...lol). It gave me a little sympathy for Bush because he wasn't given a chance. Granted, he f*cked up his chance but no one knew for sure and how he f*cked up was not predicted. No one was saying if we elect Bush we'd go to war. It was more about social issues like abortion, etc. which didn't come to fruition.


Moving after 2004 election had some merit. Anyway, what I imgagine may happen with regards to the health care bill is that it becomes part of our society. Just like social security, medicare and other government programrs. That's the biggest fear for opponents. You can't get rid of something that has become part of society. Very difficult to do so.


Its why ending Social Security as some Republicans talk about doing will be very, very difficult. Its part of the American consciousness. We may not like it but its now an expectation. Health care will go the same route. The only hope is if Romney wins. It will be new enough to get rid of alter because we haven't used it. If a Republican wins in 4 years, it may be too late.


I still think the vehemence against it is far more about being anti Obama than its merit. I still say had a Republican recommended it they'd hail it as visionary. When it was done on a state level you never heard a national outcry from the rest of the states. Some things do have a national outcry even though its limited to one state and they are not affected. The Arizona immigration and abortion laws for example as well as the Wisconsin laws. Also, the same sex marriage in some states. Religious right went bat shit over it and it became part of the national debate even though they weren't affected by it. Unaffected people talked about all these things on talk shows, etc. and its part of the national debate even though 90% of Americans aren't effected by it. However, you didn't hear the same national debate when Mass., and other states had a similar Obamacare bill. They didn't give a shit.


With about 2 of every 3 personal bankruptcies tied to Health Care costs and America having by a far, far gap, the most expensive health care in the world and above otehr industrialized nations, its a bonafide national crisis that is just as, if not more important than any other domestic issue we have. Avoiding it or trying to paper over the cracks as Republicans do is a friggin' disgrace. I know why. Its about keeping the money coming from those folks and the sad thing is that many Dems are controlled by the same money and they are even more hypocritical. At least a Republican can claim an ideological opposition sans the campaign money. Dems have no such excuse.


The Health Savings account thingy conservatives propose is bullshit. It leaves the instittions in place and changes none of that. Also, it leaves too many poor and working class without enough money for too many health issues. Seen and unforseen issues.


I'm healthy (knock on wood), never had a sick day in my life. Never had to call in sick. But I chose my last few jobs based on their health care plan. The money was almost secondary. I recall turning down once a pretty good job that had a lot of incentives, etc because the health care plan was crap. They knew it and aaid in interviews that if you hit your goals you will have the money to buy your own insurance in addition to the one they had.


What amazes me is that Republicans as well as Dems MUST be part of that 2/3 that have gone through that brutal bankruptcy process due to medical bills but are fighting any changes tooth and nail. That's a head scratcher to me. I have many conservative friends, who I know are one paycheck away from the street if they were to get sick but their only view about health care is that Obamacare is somewhere between Mao and Stalin. They don't demand that the health care system changes. They don't demand the Republican proposed changes. They only say 'Obamacare is socialist' parrotting Rush and Glen Beck. My own family members who are conservative. Its utterly amazing to me.


We as a people need to get our collective heads out of our asses and stop seeing the party affiliation as the country and the opposition party as the enemy. They are your fellow citizens, fellow Americans and in many cases your friends and family.

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This is f*cking scary. It can happen to any of us...




Im sorry but I would be working at McDs before that happens or especially when it did! I think that article just underscores the fact that there are many jobs some Americans just will not do because doing nothing is easier. I read that and I call her a quitter. This point I found telling...


"I was spinning out of control," she says. "I was starting to lose my wits. It's very surreal being at a level of depression where it's easier to think about suicide and dying than it is to bend over and pick something up you're stepping over. It was getting bad enough that my friends started looking at me, going, 'You better get out of here.'
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