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...and for those who may not know outside the states. NO ONE likes the police. Why? Because the police are an unofficial tax on the people. Cities have an illicit agreement with their police to generate revenue by writing tickets for any slight infraction. 

So, this whole 'Blue Lives Matter' support is bullshit. Its really about the police cracking down on any one who is deemed non conservative. There isn't a person, right or left wing that hasn't been pulled over by a police officer hoping to give them a ticket over something. None. The possible exceptions are very small towns where everyone knows each other. But generally speaking,  no. The high way police especially. They are 100 percent about taking your money. They arent the ones coming in case you really do need the police for something...generally speaking. 

The police are backed by Republicans now ONLY because they are arresting people they oppose politically. The police generally are right wing in support but they still will write up anyone for a ticket. The police generally will back right wing militias in protests as well. Even in Democratic cities . 

But that same militia person is driving somewhere and that same cop sees some small infraction, they are getting a ticket. Some smart right wingers try to limit this by having a Blue Lives Matter bumper sticker. It may or may not work. Generally speaking though, people get nervous when any police car is driving near them. You might say, you get nervous in your own country as well so its not a unique feeling to Americans. But in America the feeling is far more worse because of their targeting of the population for revenue. I've driven in several countries. There are many stories of Thai police having their usual monthly ticket writing campaign. In America depending on who you are it can even be arrest over any mundane thing. Arrests make money too. you have to post bail, pay a fine, etc. 

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Two things. Any black (or latino) person who gathers outside a Trump rally and later goes in has to wear some sort of merchandising alerting the crowd he is a tRump supporter. I guarantee you 100 percent if they had on any non descript shirt and pants they'd be looked at suspiciously, and someone would eventually ask them why they are there. Their clothing and body language MUST project that they are a tRump supporter to avoid being confronted. Guaranteed.  if you notice the black ones are overly promoted, American flags, cowboy hat or MAGA hat, shirt, whatever, basically "do not hurt me, I'm with you guys"

Second, per the video, 'so what?'. Nothing illegal, certainly typical political behavior from BOTH parties. State either both parties do it or its bias. The tRump kids are worse. These kind of things mainly fall in two categories. For the ill informed right winger its 'Look how corrupt the Dems are' and its cognitive dissonance from their own. They literally have convinced themselves their party or person doesn't do the same or worse or 2nd, using as a socially acceptable defense (to them) that voting for Trump is justified. It's like backing someone who has robbed a bank because the other guy shoplifted once and equating the two. 

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Lincoln set the low standards when it came to law breaking and ignoring the constitution yet he is commonly regarded as your greatest President. Not because of the means, only because of the end, he managed to defeat 11 states who (arguably) legally left the Union. In doing so troops were raised without congressional approval, free speech went followed by Newspaper owners and editors jailed without trial, papers closed down and even opponents deported who disagreed with his tax measures. Maybe Trump could be the new Lincoln?

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No politician is pristine. If Jesus himself ran for higher office the opposition (ironically Republicans probably) would say he consorted with prostitutes, thieves and the dregs of society. However we have always had a line. The line changes. 

What is scary is there is no line with the tRumpers. None at all. The Republican establishment both fear and loathe him. The people putting out the harshest ads against tRump are other Republicans. They have a line. We all have one. And about 40% of the people will accept things that our own government would call out in other countries. 

tRumpers may not believe this but I'm sure Democrats would not accept the same things in a candidate. At least not in the present. Frankly, it scares the f*ck out of me what so many fellow Americans are willing to accept purely for power and other reasons. 

The protests and the crime and looting that happened as a result is obviously bad. However, and this is not an excuse, it is a reaction. Reaction to perceived injustice, etc, We may or may not agree with it but they feel they have no choice because nothing else has worked. The American story is similar. The Boston Tea party is no different than the protests today. None. Trump is arbitrarily doing things not as a reaction but proactively. Lying repeatedly, kids in cages is not a reaction. Not preparing the country adequately for Covid19 because of how it may affect his re-election is not a reaction to injustice. This is just a drop of so many things. A long, long list of things that prove bad character, morals and even breaking the law. I was not happy with Obama, Bush, Clinton on things they did but it was political things. Things you don't like but politicians sometimes do. tRump goes way, way past that. Much farther and the fact its celebrated by many of his supporters are at best ignored, means we are at a precipice. Eventually the Dems, the ones left of the present leadership, will adopt thee same mindset and excuse it with what is happening now  has happened over the course of the last 4 years. And in some ways I couldn't blame them but a far left controlled world is scary as shit and they have the numbers. They have the youth, meaning they have the future. And it will be because the tRump supporters right now have condoned fascism-lite. and soon to be outright facism. 

We're fucked. our foreign friends know it. China and Russia can see it. And I think we are too far gone to fix ourselves. The only types of events that may...may (and no guarantee of that) right the ship unfortunately is another foreign war or a depression. It won't happen organically. It will take a societal changing event to see if Americans will finally look at each other as fellow people and more importantly, not accept behavior in our leaders that are abhorrent. 

My guess? 40% give or take is too high of a number. At most 37% of the German people voted for the Nazis in each national election. It took a devastating world war to bring the other 67% to say never again and we'll do what ever we need to do to make sure. 


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Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, even Nixon were not existential threats to the Republic. A couple of them did impeachable acts. The Constitution anticipated and has a remedy and we have seen it in action. The Republic was never threatened. We all knew the country would survive. Both sides accepted the decision even if they didn't like it. 

Never has a president ever publicly and unashamedly torn down institutions,  openly said he will defy the constitution (transition of power and other things). A former chief of staff served to protect the president from himself and to protect the country from a possible calamity due to the whims of the president. 

It's surreal. And yet, millions of his support know this. They know we are one incident away from some catastrophic event that could very well happen and subconsciously to our conscious fear, are hoping those around him, will stop it from happening. The daily job of the staff is to save him from himself. It's to save the country from him. Essentially that's the job. Many first hand accounts of administration officials told to do illegal, unconstitutional, impossible, highly unethical acts and don't do it hoping he forgets about asking it. 

It's insane. This has zero do with party. In fact, I can envision Biden needing some measure of it himself if his cognitive issues worsen. Reagan was certainly mentally deficient for chunks of his presidency. Eisenhower was probably incoherent for lapses of time after his stroke in his second term. 

Neither Biden, Reagan or Ike were consciously making decisions that they knew was a total disregard for the rule of law...routinely None of them were making decisions with the mindset of a King or dictator. None of them told their staff to do something they knew were illegal and to find a legal way to nuance it as legal. 

And the Democratic party would not put up with it even if it was Biden. The poll numbers for Nixon say the same. The poll numbers for Trump say it is perfectly fine with them. 


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Never in the history of the country and probably any other country has so many people of his or hers own party endorse the opposition that they have almost no ideological similarity with. This number of people supporting the opposition in which they don't agree with is ONLY because their own party's leader is an existential threat to the Republic. 

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