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The DNC and the RNC are both corrupt and traitors to the USA people!!! so...


The Trump movement has created a new rebirth of freedom in this nation, a recognition by millions that excluding God from the public square and embracing a godless materialism is a sure formula for the demise of a once great Republic.

Millions of pages have been written trying to understand why the ancient Roman Republic born in freedom died centuries later as a Roman Empire that rotted at its core in moral turpitude and died when Senators started to treat their personal interests above the interests of SPQR, the original formula of “Senatus PopulusQue Romanus,” the Senate and the Roman People.” Barbarians came when Roman empires reduced themselves to providing a crass formula of “Bread and Circuses” to keep an increasingly amoral population fed and amused.//


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A case for creation of The Constitutional Party of Americans

“No country deserves to exist in absence of an idea”

It doesn’t take a genius to notice that emperies are born with a new idea and go to their demise once this idea becomes corrupted and obsolete. And the idea doesn’t have to be noble. It can be sometimes pure evil. Roman Republic, born in freedom, died centuries later as a Roman Empire that rotted at its core in moral turpitude. One has to look at the factors that transformed Roman Republic to Roman Empire and then to oblivion. There are millions of pages written on a subject, that can be summarized in few words- when Senators in Roman Republic started to treat their personal interests above the interest of Rome, the idea of Republic, build on a principle of “Senatus Populus Que Romanus” – the “Senate and the Roman People” died and had to be replaced with the idea of what on surface is unthinkable phenomena – a dictatorial republic, which was successfully implemented by Sulla. These phenomena repeated itself few times in history – The Napoleon’s France is the best example of such, but not for long, as it requires a dictator to have some moral principles. Which, by itself, is highly unusual. And while the original Roman Republic was built on Nobel idea of people’s government- Rome is much more known as an empire of evil, which only goal was to conquer the rest of the world in order to support Rome’s existence. But even that evil empire existed for as long as it’s idea – World domination- was driving Roman Emperors, Senators and plebs. Barbarians only came when Romans as a whole – from Emperor to tavern keeper- become reluctant in conquering new territories and only desired to keep the status quo. For no country or empire has right to exist for the sake of only “Bread and Circuses”....


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9 hours ago, cavanami said:

A case for creation of The Constitutional Party of Americans

“No country deserves to exist in absence of an idea”


Mr Cav, future president Dr. Corsi might soon find out about the obstacles of the US election system, in particular the winner-takes-it-all stupidity. But maybe he only wants to sell silver coins and generate some cash for a new sweater.

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