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God will stay put !


"Stumping in Virginia Beach on Saturday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney made an odd campaign promise: He vowed to keep the phrase "In God We Trust" on our money."





"In God we trust" was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956.



Now which God is he talking about.


Mormons claim Jehovah is God of this world

but not the supreme God.


They also claim Jehovah and Jesus are the same.


After the Mormons baptized Adolph Hitler,

Adolph is now destined to be a God over his own world.


Being that th Mormons believe Jesus and the Devil

are brothers.........


.... wait.... are Mormons Scientologists?



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"On the other hand, it’s safe to ask any Scientologist about Kolob. This is the star, or possibly planet, that is closest to the throne of God. Astronomers haven’t found it – yet – but it served as the inspiration for the planet Kobol in Battlestar Galactica.


Why is it safe to ask Cruise about Kolob? Because it’s Mormon, not Scientologist: it appears in The Book of Abraham, “translated†from Egyptian papyri by Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. I use inverted commas because Smith couldn’t read Egyptian. The papyri were funerary texts.


The person you mustn’t ask about Kolob is Mitt Romney. The teaching isn’t a secret, but Latter-day Saints aren’t keen to discuss it. These days they stress their similarity with Christianity, and there’s no Kolob in the Gospels."



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Romney Flip-Flop.



"Most notably, Romney said that he would keep some parts of President Obama's health care reform legislation — something he had previously promised to repeal in its entirety. He also criticized his running mate Paul Ryan's support for defense spending cuts, calling them a "big mistake.""


Wink Wink Nod Nod



What happened to the full repeal?


Romney was for it before he was against it. Now he is for it again !



Sounds like Willard is becoming a Socialist!

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Frankly, with how bad Romney is as a candidate, I'm shocked that the race is as close as it is. I know party loyalists are going to go with their party but really, I think it should be fairly clear to independents. Obama isn't Thomas Jefferson but he's not nearly as awful as conseravtives say he is. No one, absolutely no one would have been able to turn the economy around in 4 years and the last two he has been stymied at every turn by Republicans in Congress whose only agenda is to make sure they say no to anything he tries to do. Even at times things they are in favor of. The sad thing is (and this goes for Dems as well at times) is that the opposition WANTS the job situation to get worse so that they can get back in power.

I'm going 3rd party but of the two main candidates its a no brainer to me were I an independent who would only vote for either of them.

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"The federal government has owned and managed land in the United States almost since its inception. The Louisiana Purchase and the conquest of the West put huge tracts of land in its hands. Most of those lands have been sold or granted to states and to individuals, but many lands—one-third of the land area of the United States—still belong to the federal government. Those lands include natural wonders as well as vast, desolate, nearly valueless regions.


Does it make sense for the federal government to be the largest single landowner in the United States? A recent study by the Cato Institute, How and Why to Privatize Federal Lands, argues that it does not. The authors, Terry Anderson, Vernon Smith, and Emily Simmons, make the case that turning public lands over to private hands will not only save money but will protect critical land areas, and they lay out a creative plan for how it can be done."




Gotta love those Cato Institute people.

Sell the Washington Monument.

Sell the Smithsonian Museums.


Heck, sell the White House!

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"Sowell has stated that he was a Marxist “during the decade of my 20s"; . . .


Sowell compared President Barack Obama's actions to Adolf Hitler's in a June 2010 editorial for Investor's Business Daily titled "Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny?"[32] Sowell described the role of uninformed citizens ("useful idiots") in the rise of Hitler and Vladimir Lenin, arguing that the U.S. was on a "slippery slope to tyranny" because citizens weren't thinking about the issues. The example he gave was the creation of a relief fund for the BP oil spill, which he said gave the President an unconstitutional "authority to extract vast sums of money from a private enterprise and distribute it as he sees fit to whomever he deems worthy of compensation." "




Yes, a fine example of objectivity !

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"Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 44%, Republicans 42%


For the first time since January, Democrats now lead Republicans on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending September 9, 2012.


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Democrat in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 42% would choose the Republican instead. The last time the Democrats held a lead over the Republicans was in late January."




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