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>Jeez - if I were from one of the states of the United America that voted in Trump, I'd be ashamed.

>What with the majority of American Media calling Trump and his gang Criminals, there's one foot over the edge of the precipice >and the US depends now on the balance of a Moron Blowhard.


or more of your fantasies....


Every time I give you links you scream fake news.


>Cavanami :: Trump cancels summit - and just in case you shriek 'Fake News' here's a link to the about 99,200,000 >results that Google has on this 'I told you so' event...

Of course he cancelled the summit, as he should have!

President Trump will no kow tow to ricket man....WTF, get back on your meds!!!


And yet you predicted the summit would go ahead. Try and have some consistency will you.


I can hear the rocks rolling around in your head Cavanami.

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Bubi, since you have so much time to present your all knowing knowledge on the USA...your father land is burning down!


The following is a recent true story of the exploitation going on in Germany...


My wife was promised a job as a cook in a restaurant here in Munich since quite a while, The restaurant is owned by a German, and run in partnership with his Thai brother in law who is kitchen chef.


My wife could only start now as she suffered for more than a year from a frozen shoulder. Yesterday she had her first test day.

And what a day that was - 12 1/2 hours work with only one 15 minute break (about 2 1/2 hours more than the legally permitted maximum hours, and lets not even talk about breaks, also legally regulated), and not as a cook, but as a kitchen help, preparing vegetables and washing dishes!


Today she was supposed to start at 10 am, and most likely again finish at 11 pm. I went with her, and spoke with the owner. He said that they would not want to exploit workers, but i asked what those hours were other than pure exploitation? And as to not working as a cook, he said that every worker would have to do everything.


Well, as my wife said, apart from the cooks there, who just cooked, and she did every menial labor other than cooking. My wife did not even get to do a test cooking.



We asked for her papers back, and see this as another lesson that one should not judge based on the surface.

That is how Thais (and other foreigners) easily and regularly get exploited here - not knowing about the legal situation and accustomed to the way how the labor situation is in home countries with no or insufficient labor laws, and no enforcement.

We have to still live on quite a tight budget, but we can survive, and do not need to sell our soul to employers. We will look for a reasonable job for my wife. One day we will find something.

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Every time I give you links you scream fake news.




And yet you predicted the summit would go ahead. Try and have some consistency will you.




I can hear the rocks rolling around in your head Cavanami.


Coss, too bad you only have an empty vacuum between your ears...

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