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Interesting webcam


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DS >Have not partaken...yet....back again next week..<


Worth giving DD a try. I did 2 days ago, a once a year treat. Only for those with stamina, I did the 2 hour stint and it just about killed me. Only peculiar thing, one odf my caregivers claimed she loved young boys best (Noom noom), whilst the other said she was dreaming of finding a 40+ farang woman to take care of her....

But it didn't stop them from performing over and beyond the call of duty in 'taking care me'.


Chef@Home....Jomtiem is that where I met you some time ago? I'd like address, too, but doubt it has a 'm' at the end of jomtien....


I occasionally need a nice ST room in JT, especially close to Soi 6, i don't like massage rooms with curtains!

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In the meantime I found out that 4 of them own a laptop and on Saturday a guy came round the corner selling underwear sexy too mut . He used a plastic torso to demonstrate the beauty of his products . They did not buy any .


Further I may confirm that none of them ladies seem to smoke ( tobacco ) and all eat like there is no tomorrow .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gentlemen ,


by watching this webcam I have in the meantime been able to build sort of emotional relationship to a couple of the ladies . Probably kind of Facebook though I have no real idea what Facebook is . What I note is that really none of them smoke cigarettes , surprise because European prostitutes all smoke like silly ( as I was told by several friends ).

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Could please somebody currently in Pattaya drop by and explain them it is better to let the batteries of their laptops expire from time to time rather than immediately plug in the charger right away .


" plug in " in Thai is pa-lag in


Could the same person please fix a reminder at the wall asking the lady facing the webcam to pull her skirt down rather than showing the world what her knickers look like . I have enough problems with this on the BTS already and cannot risk another crisis .

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