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Global Warming Is A Hoax


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Well, it would be the height of folly to try to argue: "Climate is absiolutely static, and unchanging". So - I am very comfortable with the idea that climate is a dynamic function - always in a state of flux. As far as man having any significant effect on global climate, that idea is total rubbish. Here is my screed:


CO2 is plant food. Every Kudzu vine, every buttercup, and every Redwood - every piece of wood, every blade of grass, every cluster of hops, every lump of charcoal, every pinecone, every baseball bat, cricket bat, thatched roof, watermelon, every sheet of paper in every book ever printed, every railroad tie, every cotton print dress, every linen tablecloth - is composed of carbon that was extracted from airborne CO2 via photosynthesis of plants. Watch and learn:







If you want to lower CO2 in the atmosphere, just plant more trees – or any other kind of plants. If the globe is warming up due to excess CO2 in the atmosphere (which seems unlikely to me), then that should mean more plant growth - which can ONLY occur by extracting more carbon from the atmosphere. So - the system has to be automatically self-correcting. That’s the whole point. Human beings - like every other animal - exhale CO2 - which becomes plant food, which is essential to all plant life. Plants take in CO2, perform photosynthesis, and then “exhale†the oxygen that is the waste product of their metabolism. It is an eternal and wonderful exchange .… and then us animals eat the plants – Hah!. Cut a cross-section through the earth. Then - depict the thickness of the extremely thin (relative to the diameter of the earth) layer that holds all oceans, the earth's crust, and the entire atmosphere. You quickly see that everything we think of as the world around us is just a thin surface infestation of the much larger earth. That thin surface infestation is - literally - sandwiched in-between an extremely hot, mostly molten orb, and a very, very cold surrounding vacuum of space. It is the height of hubris for men to think that anything they can do within that thin surface encrustation could significantly change the temperature within that region - in comparison to the immense hot and cold forces that surround it. And - that is before you even consider the Sun.


If you took all the human beings alive on earth, and you gave each person one square meter of space to stand in, every single one of seven billion humans could stand on the island of Borneo - with hundreds of thousands of square meters left over. Humans are trivial players at global level.




If only there were some... natural explanation for falling and rising temperatures. Such a hypothetical source of warming would have to be massive, however. On the order of magnitude of our own Sun.




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Thailand had 60% forest cover in 1945. When I arrived in the 1970s, it still had over 40% forest coverage. Today it is no more than than 20%, if that. I wonder if that has anything to do with the climate changes here. :hmmm:




You can almost see the borders of Thailand from the air. Thailand is brown, whilst its neighboiurs are still green. :(




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As usual a simple thing like a title is misleading,


Do I believe Global Warming will happen, no


Do I believe Golbal Cooling will happen, no


Do I believe the environment and possible temperature CHANGE will happen, BIG YES, we're fucking the place up, and it will change, warmer colder I don't know,

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Wasn't the earth once thought to be flat? Anyway this is an ongoing argument and everyone will have their own views.

Personally I really don't think we can afford the risk. As for the carbon tax if it is implemented properly why not. The world's biggest poluters should have to pay a price. If only it could be structured in a way that protected the consumer from in the end paying it.

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I love this argument - I could talk about this for hours. But in a few bullet points here is my summation:

  • Climate Change - always has - always will -humans or no humans. They were bloody clever to shift the name from Global Warming to Climate Change.
  • As pointed out in posts above, we humans are really arrogant if we think we can influence nature in more than a passing, glancing way.
  • A positive in all of this - with the exception of carbon taxes - everything proposed to combat Climate Change is a bloodily good idea, Climate Change or no Climate Change.
  • Carbon taxes et al - every Politicians wet dream - Vast sums of money and taxes that no one in their right mind can refuse.
  • All of the accurate modelling data we have is focussed on timespans of about 100 to 200 years. A time so short, that the natural variability of any graphing, will show it to be meaningless in the fullness of time. It's a Gnat's fart in the Universe.
  • When Politicians and Marketing Experts scrabble over each other to get on the bandwagon, you know something's wrong.
  • A lot of data is misrepresented by the media who generally have their heads up their arses when it comes to understanding anything that's not gossip. An unrelated example of this follows: "Young men's chance of colorectal cancer doubles!" When what they are describing is a rise from 0.03% to 0.06%, another Gnat's fart in the Universe.

So, are we getting warmer? - probably

Will the Oceans rise? - probably

Will weather events become more extreme? - probably

Is it our fault? - not much, perhaps in the order of 1 %

Will what ever happens, happen anyway? - of course.

Why are people called Climate Change Deniers? Because they needed a disparaging name, Climate Change Realist would not do their cause any good at all.


Pity I haven't got 4 more hours to rave on about this....

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Do I believe the environment and possible temperature CHANGE will happen, BIG YES, we're fucking the place up, and it will change, warmer colder I don't know,


I disagree with this one on a scientific level. My evidence is 10,000 years ago sea level was like 100 meters lower than it is now and and great ice sheets covered most of the globe. All of which we had nothing to do with.


Do we have some impact? Sure, probably a little as we cover the globe. But it is nothing compared to the change brought on by the spinning bobbing planet we live on.

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And always remember, Nicolaus Copernicus.


But I will say, that the Climate Change proponents do have some science on their side. But what they're seeing, in my view, is not long term enough.


I know very few graphs, that take a straight line and continue it forever.





Oooooohhhh! I remember one, a plot of the temperature of absolute 0, over time.

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