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Brexit And The British Expat


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I am currently on holiday and have enough time to deepen my knowledge about the Brexit idea . Unfortunately the world or parts thereof seem to be willing to listen to idiots like Trump, Farage, le Pen , Wilders etc . , they are now suddenly everywhere Germany included . What they have in common is the lack of a concept for better times to come ( Britain´s mysterious future glory arising from what ? ) and an instinct to jump on popular movements . I am scared they will become stronger and stronger .


I am fairly sure that the Brits ( to my regret ) have voted for or against something while they did not realise what it really was or is or shall be . Let us meet here in two years again and check the result . Chok dee .


Associating supporting Brexit with following Trump is patently absurd logic. How about this - Kanye West loves his dogs. My friend loves his dogs. My friend must share Kanye Wests views and be influenced by him. I'd better make sure I condemn dogs so people don't conflate me with Kanye.


A lot of the genuine liberals I know (not talking about regressive leftists) fully supported the Brexit and consider Trump a buffoon (no offense to Trump supporters). But yes, the media along with an army of social media goons have gone on a full blown drama queen extravaganza "Oh, those simple peasants that voted leave, they're so unsophisticated and ignorant... THE SKY IS FUCKING FALLING"


Please. No doubt there will be consequences. Your last statement is gratefully cogent and accurate - nobody, including everyone here, knows exactly how this will pan out. What we do know is that a vote was cast to leave the EU. Couldn't agree more that an honest assessment should be made in a couple years on exactly what the consequences are. I think it should prove very interesting.


Similar arguments to yours were made when Germany unified circa 90. "The economy will collapse, it's the end of Western civilization, etc.", What happened was a stress to the markets and the economy -- but also a much better situation in the long run.


Funny how things pan out when people decide to own the outcome, despite the preaching otherwise.

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Boardmembers unpatiently awaiting the UK becoming great again and " getting their balls back " should closely follow potential Prime Minister Johnson´s brilliant concept . Which is to be published as soon as possible , though not immediately . Maybe later . Potential prime Minister Johnson did yesterday find out that the future UK shall stay open to migrants from anywhere in the world although only in a in a most human way . Would that include Polish bricklayers ?


I am extraordinarily delighted that so far none of the non-AngloSaxon boardmembers did create silly and totally superfluous jokes about Brexits during French football tournaments as per yesterday . Very educated .


I saw somewhere that Wayne Rooney got 13 million GBP in 2015, mind you, they're worth a lot less these days.


Also, to my amusement I saw Boris Johnson described as a shaved Orangutan. Apt.

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