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9 hours ago, Coss said:

From an outsider's view ::

The project that is, endeavouring to cement the Trump clan, as 'Royalty'.

Promoted by the Republicans and with the opposition Democrats, bending over backwards, to not, run the Trumps out of town on a rail.

There's your new social order, there used to be the Kennedys as the USA royals, the Bush clan had a go, now the Trumps want the gold toilet.



Don't forget The Clintons as well, they had a two decade run. The examples you named had children or a spouse who carried on the dynasty. None of Trump's children can and according to a new book out, Melania is dumb as bricks. Also, the preceding examples had their royalty within the party. The Kennedy's after JFK were more or less given a wide berth by Republicans because of the memory of JFK seared into the minds of Americans via history books and the media. The Bushes were never liked by the Dems and The Clintons were hated by the right, openly. Trump is feared and disliked by the establishment Republicans. The Bushes were liked and supported by the establishment GOP. Same with the Clintons by the Democratic establishment to the point, they cheated Sanders out of the nomination. 

Trump is zealously supported by the alt right, extreme right wingers and the Fundamentalists. What may end his run is the same thing that ended the Bushes: a financial crash and if that crash happens before the election he's done or if it happens after his possible re-election, he will spend 4 very tough and grueling years. Which may open him up to impeachment because he will have been abandoned by a large percentage of his own party. And those Republicans who despise him secretly will have political cover to openly attack him. 

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I have a theory as well regarding China. I think eventually they may take on America's fight against Islamic extremism. Why? They are oppressing the moslem minority in their own country and although they have a hands off foreign policy towards Islamic extremists, it may run smack into their economic agenda overseas. China pretty much owns sub-saharan Africa economically and if the growing Islamic extremist attacks and encroachment grows into the countries just south of the Sahara, China will bring its military to the continent to protect its economic interests. They may also extend political and if need be military opposition to the funding and source money of those extremists in Iran or Saudi Arabia. For now, their huge thirst for oil will nullify that but eventually they may do some of the things America has done such as patrol the gulf and insert themselves militarily and politically into the region. 

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The average Mainland Chinamen regard the HKG protesters as nothing but troublemakers who need a kick in the ass. Any intervention will be backed by big national support as much as they for example consider Taiwan and Tibet as integral parts of the  Republic. The average Chinaman still wants to become rich, buy a BMW and gives a damn about politics.

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The mainland and HK are totally different culturally (as well as dialect except for the immediate area closest to HK which also speaks a fair amount of Cantonese). If the mainland allowed unfettered travel  to HK would be swamped. That said, Chinese government is in a conundrum. Crush it harshly and they may very well hurt themselves internationally in how they are seen and may find major countries denouncing them and even taking some measures. Let the protest go on and it could be uncontrollable and tantamount to putting toothpaste back in the tube.  

I don't think HK will be able to sustain, the might is with the mainland. The mainland may do what America has always done (and others before it) and use their economic power as a threat to countries who give verbal support to the protesters. 


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