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Usa Thread


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1 hour ago, cavanami said:

May be an image of text that says "Check out these statistics. Mass shootings in the US per President. Mass shooting equals more than four killed: Ronald Reagan: 3 George H.W. Bush: 4 Bill Clinton: 8 George W. Bush: 8 Barack Obama: 24 Donald Trump: 4 Sloppy Joe Biden (Source: CNN) 22 in three months."

And under Donald Trump we had Las Vegas Shooting (Ranked 1), Sutherland Springs (5), El Paso Walmart (7) and Stoneman Douglas High School (9). So, Four out of the Ten worse Mass Shootings took place under Trumps watch, don’t statistics make interesting reading when you know more facts.

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I think if we trawl back, through this very thread, we'll find that, the august brains, amongst us, long ago, expressed shock and concern, about the provision of US law enforcement, with military equipment and surplus WWII clothing and symbology.

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Let science and REAL statistics tell the full story...hey commie, social engineer, why nothing in the mainstream media about Jaslyn Adams and who or what group (BLM) killed her with a hand gun....but let;s focus on the AR 15....stooges!!! Where? Chicago the wonderful Dem run city and state...NOT!!!

If Politicians Actually Cared About Gun Violence They'd Say Jaslyn Adams and Secoreia Turners Names


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