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Everything posted by TheCorinthian

  1. You need to think about it a little. Cops and the military train a LOT. How many bullets does it take to teach someone to shoot well? How many to keep them able to shoot at a high level of precision after initial training? Many federal agencies require their agents to go to the range every month and some even more.
  2. I doubt it but maybe. What it is, and has been reported a lot, is what is called "strategic sourcing." Just like how big companies like airlines and shipping buy fuel. What I find very very funny is a lot of people who claim to have vast business knowlage (some here!) dont seem to have ever heard of strategic sourcing.
  3. Free video conferencing on the free Google Hangouts platform would have cost him (us) about 75 cents.
  4. You seem to forget that as bad as that may have been.... the idiots in the house burned it down themselves.
  5. You of all people should know the danger of 2nd guessing the men on the ground.
  6. Lets be frank and honest, there does too seem to be a problem: Link
  7. Each of those is based on some serious supposition. I wonder why Canada and England don't have those problems....?
  8. Of course you will. That is why I say "verifiable sources." Pic is at best fiction base on the time stamp in it alone. The video..... you really should read the comments, note the date, and brush up on history.
  9. Well.... He is after all a registered Democrat. {Source: CNN}
  10. Maybe... But it's obviously not been working and you will still have to show me the voter fraud. 'Cause I cant find it in any verifiable source. Dems however....
  11. Others here did. I dont see it. And as the guy that gets sent to kill and die by the people that are elected, I have a bigger stake in voting than most people. But you did say: Yet when I look at it (and I bet if you do too, you will see...) more dems have been flat out convicted of VF than there are reps that have even been charged with it in the past decade. BTW if reps were so big on VF.... would they not have won a lot more...? reps are getting killed in elections... Just like dems did for about 10 years in the 80s.
  12. That really sounds more like a political move than a real argument. Perhaps in response to the mass of democrat "favored" convictions. I am still waiting for this "proof" that keeps getting mentioned. Hell, Canada does it...!
  13. Yes to all. But I don't... 1) See how you get this is a republican only issue. Again I bring you ACORN. They are up to I think 50 convictions of voter fraud. Link 1 Link 2 2) Do not agree with you that requiring ID's makes people not vote. Nor have I seen any credible evidence proving it does. Look up voter id rules in other countries.
  14. Show me this proof. Like above, show me how you found this impression. ACORN, for example, was a 100% dem "movement."
  15. rep or dems... ID verification would help stop anyone from cheating.
  16. Everyone has to register to vote. ID is a must there. So they have one of some kind. There are also people (lots!) that buy guns with out any id at all. Legally. I dont agree with that either. And Voting is way more important... and gets way more people killed.
  17. As a member of the military and getting old, I totally believe you should have an ID to vote. Voting is more powerful than buying a drink or driving a car or a gun. And i believe you should have ID to do all four of them.
  18. I did an op in Norway back in 1999'ish. There are caves there with prepositioned gear for a fight with the USSR. And about 3000 Army pukes doing maint on..... Jeeps! And other gear from the 50's!!!!
  19. Drifter is right. I wish it was that easy Flash.
  20. I will have to find it but you may be right. It comes from something I read a few years ago.
  21. You're missing the point. 70% or so of Americans have negative net worth. They owe more, may a lot more!, than they have. So if you play the numbers game like the stats Cav posted, you have to look at it from this perspective.
  22. One thing to remember is that if you have NO DEBT and $10 in your pocket.... You are richer than like 70% of all Americans.
  23. FYI, there is a big push for that in healthcare. It has a lot to do with the transmission of desease. So many if not all hospitals in the states are going to essentially "touch free" bathrooms and antiseptic finishes. I saw an impressive study on its effectiveness a few years ago.
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