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  2. Gentlemen, I woke up from a lengthy depression yesterday night. Reason of which being the horror of the yellow swine probably winning the race in November. I read somewhere the Kamala is actually leading in some polls somewhere. Does not mean to much for the moment but the sun almost starts shining somehow. If only she could decide to attack the yellow swine day by day just quoting his lies and laugh about them. Make him appear as ridiculous as he really is.
  3. Dear Sir, before I pass away I shall visit the Isaan Rocket festival. I swear.
  4. Minority, an oft misused word. Blacks aren’t a minority, whites are only 16.3% of global population We have Black history month, but no white We have International Woman’s day, but no mens We have Pride month, nut no Heterosexual celebrations We, us board members, are the minority, White Heterosexual Males
  5. bust


    Hope you cook better than you take photos. Though that wouldn't be too difficult.
  6. Unfortunately these days you have more rights as a minority than the majority.
  7. Mekong


    Shows you how much I know, I never realised that sub forum existed
  8. I used to drink for the Olympics, unfortunately I never placed, for a medal. These days, I don't think I'd qualify for selection.
  9. ditto Whilst I err on the side of tolerance for the .. ahh .. non-binary, I think they like to be called, the amount of oxygen that the rainbow community consume, is excessive in my opinion. Which brings a new perspective to the old programming joke: "There are two kinds of people, those who understand binary, and those who don't", the new perspective being, that the non-binary folk don't understand the Hetero folk, this is their (non-binary) failing, not ours. I currently live in Auckland and we, like most cities have a tolerance for and many parades, with these rainbow folk. But to be fair, I take more interest in the many Polynesian festivals and events around the place, more interesting, more friendly and some of the girls... mmm...
  10. What? a Republican? with an AR-15? and no Licence? Shooting people? What is the world coming to? Related: I saw the director of the secret service get "questioned" / abused by a bipartisan group of members of congress, the lack of civility from the Republicans is astounding. It wouldn't surprise me if the outcome of this fracas, is a declination by the secret service, to provide security for ex-presidents, who want their own Nuremberg rallies. Here's your rule book Mr/Mrs Ex President: 1/. no atomic bombs/top secret stuff/cutlery or furniture smuggled into your private residence 2/. no secret service security at events you organise, of more than 40 people. These agents are not taxpayer funded goons. 3/. you are not a President any more, you may call yourself Mr/Mrs Ex President. 4/. if you have committed and are convicted of, crimes, you will be required to comply with any sentence, given for them. etc...
  11. Just had an argument with a noted (in his own mind maybe?) German former journalist /can’t get work/blames the Thais and Americans for it ex board member (KS gave him Das Bootinzeeassoff) and blocked him on all social media…not sure what it is with some of these people but when I hear “quality German tourist” I can’t help but think it is an oxymoron like “Military intelligence” or Jumbo shrimp” or “Enlightened American…” I’ve had many coworkers who went to Thailand and made asses of themselves and I’ve seen many asses of all nationalities over the years and I can’t help but wonder why Thailand would want to seek out anymore of this sort? Most of the tourists we get in the USA are actually “quality people” and I wish Americans would be nicer to them.
  12. Old Hippie


    I tried to access the recipe forum, but there is some “error.” As many know, I love to cook (not in a gay way) and was looking to see what was there…nothing…anyway, off to cook something and get even fatter…
  13. Later news reports showed he didn't even have a valid license before hand
  14. I share your feelings (NOT in a gay way of course) and having lived most of my life in San Francisco, ground zero for this LBGTQAETC crap, I too am very sick of it. Here of course, we take it even further…a child of ANY age can now declare they are a different gender or no gender and do as they please, parents are even encouraged to play along, and there is a push for “gender reassignment surgery/medications” for kids of all ages. Our governor “Gayvan Screwsem” (Gavin Newsome) passed a bill that says schools can allow kids to declare a different gender, store clothes and what not, and the school cannot tell the parents I mean seriously, WTF? As na young good looking blonde kid growing up here I can tell you these homos ARE VERY predatorial and harass and stalk others, it is NOT a healthy behavior and when men do it to women it is borderline illegal. Yet, the pickle kissers seem to get away it and you better look over your shoulder in lockerooms and restrooms etc… We were in Taiwan Dang in Surin 2 years back and some toothless old fag who worked there was cruising the men’s room, it is annoying and disgusting and should come as no surprise to anyone why AIDS spreads so fast among these sick fucks… All fine and dandy for this very small minority to live as they want, but no need to “celebrate” every damned thing, no need for a flag flying at government buildings and embassies around the world etc… You cannot change your gender anymore than you can change your race, age etc, so stop forcing everyone to play along with this nonsense! You bang a dude in a skirt, you are banging a dude, gay plains simple even the psychiatric community is divided on this…no apparent physical cause so many consider it what it is, a personality disorder or “deviance from the norm” others say “oh whatever, all normal here, play along or you are the wrong one…” WTF is it these people are supposed to be so proud of anyway? Why do these people need a whole month to “celebrate” and to be “celebrated” yet veterans only get 1 day a year? Sick of the whole load of crap…but I don’t want to rant and be labeled “intolerant…”
  15. World record bid for fastest typing of alphabet using the nose Omkar Palav makes his attempt to be the fastest person to type the alphabet with his nose. In short: An Adelaide man has attempted to set a new Guinness World Record at typing the alphabet with his nose. Hitting the space bar in between each letter, he did it in 20 seconds and 51 milliseconds. What's next? Omkar Palav has sent off evidence of his attempt to be verified by Guinness World Record officials. Forget about the Olympics, at least for a few more days, because an Adelaide man may have just broken the Guinness World Record for typing the alphabet with his nose. Yes, you heard that correctly. Omkar Palav has typed out each letter of the alphabet with only his nose in 20 seconds and 51 milliseconds. While his attempt is yet to be verified by Guinness World Records, if considered legitimate — and the evidence suggests it is — he will have beaten Indian man Vinod Kumar Chaudhary who reportedly did it in 25.66 seconds in May. "As per Guinness World Record guidelines I have to put my hands behind me, and I have to type out the alphabet with a space between each letter from A to Z," Mr Palav told ABC Radio Adelaide. "When I am actually attempting, I wouldn't know if I've done it correctly or not [without any nose typos]. "There are times when I could figure out that I might have gone wrong, but ultimately I was able to do that successfully." Omkar Palav tries to be the fastest at typing the alphabet with his nose.(Supplied: Mike Hill) Mr Palav employed a photographer and videographer to record evidence of the attempt at the Findon Community Centre over the weekend, as well as the necessary officials. "I have to involve two independent witnesses, usually people with certified professional documents in Australia. So I contacted two lawyers to witness that event, and two professional timekeepers from Athletics SA and The SA Athletic leagues," he said. "It's something that is very new and is quite surprising that somebody is typing with their nose. "It's a bit hilarious sometimes but they kindly agreed to participate and I was very thankful to them because without them it was not possible." Officials take careful stock of Omkar Palav's world record attempt.(Supplied: Mike Hill) Mr Palav has uploaded the evidence for Guinness World Records to analyse and confirm, which could take up to three months for a standard application — unless he pays a fee to fast-track the process. His first attempt at record An IT worker for 15 years, Mr Palav said he had been training for a month to achieve the feat, and this was his first attempt at the record. "Based on my typing skills, I just figured out this could be done," he said. "I was determined and committed to make this happen but, mostly, I have to bend continuously and move my nose and my face across for different letters in different angles along with the space bar. "It was quite challenging, but I was able to figure out that sequence and make it happen." Mr Palav is now looking at records involving typing the alphabet with only his "pinkies", and typing "100 decimal digits of mathematical constant pi". "But I'm yet to practise that. That is something I'll do in the future," he said. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-23/guinness-world-record-to-type-alphabet-with-nose-at-speed/104131164
  16. bust

    Any New Jokes

    I carry a couple of these in my car and use them regularly
  17. Authorities charge American man over fatal stabbing of Perth man in Krabi, Thailand A Perth man has died after being stabbed while holidaying in Thailand. It's understood the 35-year-old was stabbed in his abdomen around 2am on Monday outside a bar in the coastal resort town Krabi. He was rushed to hospital but died from his injuries. Thai police have arrested a 43-year-old American man and charged him over the death and possessing a weapon without permission. It's understood he will be detained at Krabi prison and the Australian man's body was awaiting an autopsy at a local hospital. Local police have told the ABC the men did not know each other. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed the man's death in a statement and said it was providing consular assistance to his family. "We send our deepest condolences to the family at this difficult time," the department said. "Owing to our privacy obligations, we are unable to provide further comment."
  18. In his defense, he was on his way to a trump rally…
  19. Many a problem has been resolved or at least forgotten with a BJ 😉
  20. Mekong


    Some people don’t know how to read
  21. Glad to see he is dropping out. But naming on her knees Harris?.? Oh her thinking is a good blow job will fix the problem 555
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