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Posts posted by panadolsandwich

  1. I think I've got to the bottom of the Barr story - it goes something like this:

    Trump: Bill I want you get Roger Stone off the hook - we go back a long way.

    Barr: Okay will do, but I want you to understand I'm going to have criticize you a little bit.  Cast some shade on the whole thing.  It provides us both cover if it ever comes back to bite us on the ass. 

    Trump: Goddamn it, you're a genius Bill.  Most people would never suspect such a cunning plan!

    Barr: President Trump you do understand I'm going to have to say something a little bit bad about you - but it's really in your best interest.

    Trump: All understood, this was a genius idea I came up with wasn't it Bill?

    Barr: Oh very much genius sir, this idea of yours is absolutely brilliant.

    Later. . .

    Trump on the phone to Barr: You fucking ungrateful shithead what the hell did you say about me? [Trump feverishly twittering - being the President I can interfere with any criminal case I goddamn like].  Hangs up the phone. 

    Barr:  Fucking hell!  I wonder how many years in prison I'm looking at. . .


    • Haha 1
  2. Also the Iowa caucus was a real poll and he came fourth with Amy Klobuchar nearly pipping him for that post.  The public really don't like him.  Which is obvious, he shares a hell of lot of characteristics with Trump.  It wouldn't surprise me if the same oligarchs backing Trump also back Biden - it would become a no lose situation for them. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, chocolat steve said:

    I'm not  saying Trump is fucked. I wouldn't be surprised if he won. All I am saying is the record he is running on is vastly overstated. His hard core support isn't voting for financial reasons.

    Just let the candidate be anybody except Biden.  If it is Biden, Trump will romp home.  Not so sure why Trump appears to be so scared of Biden.  I suspect it's a ploy to get the DNC to ram Biden through like they did with Hillary.

  4. 2 minutes ago, chocolat steve said:

    Reduce the wars, the VA invariably won't have to spend as much caring for vets. We create our own issue. What would the expenditure of the VA be like if we didn't invade Iraq and limited Afghanistan to just going after OBL? 

    I'm entirely on board with this, but 50 Billion isn't so bad and rather then being pissed away on the (at the very, very least 80 billion dollar - more likely triple that) wall since it really does help people out.  Not too mention ceding all that real estate to Mexico (building a wall on the river would perhaps cost Trillions of dollars and would be an engineering feat in and of itself). 

    The biggest mistake the USA made was not just toppling the executive in Iraq.  That's exactly what the Iraqi army was expecting.  Get rid of the Generals, promote the competent people, and install a few people to manage the transition.  Continue to pay the military who really weren't to blame mostly.  Instead it had to be a complete and utter take over with foot on the throat style diplomacy. Destroy all the workable infrastructure, go in all guns blazing like a bunch of cowboys - encounter little to no resistance, then ask yourself - ok what the fuck do we do now?  We just can't leave and we've pissed off *everyone*, absolutely *everyone*.  Hmmm.  It doesn't take Nostradamus to predict what was going to come next.  

  5. 39 minutes ago, chocolat steve said:

    ...Bill Clinton had very high polling numbers in every category. So, using the same line of thought.........?

    Trump is fucked?  Not so fast Steve.  Hilary believed the polls which predicted she was going to romp in.  On election night she was so shocked she didn't even address the crowd to announce her defeat.  She just couldn't do it.  Apparently she was in a catatonic state.  She hardly even bothered to campaign she was so sure she'd get in.  It was her turn you see.  She was Presidential royalty you see (well that's how she viewed herself). 

    The polls got it spectacularly wrong.  Of course they didn't factor in the Russian influence, particularly in social media.  Hilary was rather clueless in that regard.  She was a lazy Senator and as a Presidential Candidate she took the high road every time, which pissed a lot of Americans off that were tired of her arrogance.  Most people saw through her facade, one moment she'd be acting like a ditsy housewife - 'How do I clean a computer, with a cloth?' was incredibly insulting to American's intelligence.  She didn't do herself many favours by speaking in one language to bankers from Goldman Sachs for example, and adopting a folksy tone when talking to 'ordinary folk'.  Almost anyone could and should have beaten Trump but the DNC didn't go so far as to shoot themselves in the foot, they blew the whole leg off.  

    Ignore the polls, at this point given that nothing has been done about election interference they are pretty much meaningless. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, chocolat steve said:

    If I was prez, I'd severely cut our military budget, specifically many of the roughly 800 military installations large and small we have globally. Any combat veteran has universal healthcare head to toe, mental, dental, physical, etc. They can pick the doctor, don't even have to be the VA hospital. Their choice. All others who have served but non combat, any VA hospital. 

    Families (spouse, children, and some benefits to parents, full if only child) of KIAs, MIAs, monthly amouint to be determined, livable wage for a certain length of time. 


    Trump budget zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, the military's newspaper


    I don't begrudge the military their medical care.  Out of a budget of about 700 Billion about 50 is spent on medical care (2019 figures) about 14%.  Obviously having a medically fit standing army is one of the things you can't really skimp on.  But I do agree the military should be slimmed down.  The last thirty years or so has involved getting more and more contractors involved (mercenaries).  The don't have to report when these guys are KIA - there's no flag draped coffins or military salutes, they are just quietly buried.  Which has made perpetual war more palatable for the public, who quite naturally don't like their young men and women being slaughtered for foreign adventure. 

    You might look at the axing of Stars and Stripes as a reaction most likely to Trumps growing unpopularity with the military.  He's made some awful micro managing decisions, overriding senior officers decisions, like the punishment of the madman shooting civilians in the Seals.  Firing Generals, the most recent Alexander Vindman for his testimony about his 'perfect' phone call to the Ukrainian President - which by the was highly illegal.  But it's a long list including John Kelly. 

    No one forgets his comments about John McCain which were pretty rich coming from someone who dodged the draft, in fact comes from five generations (as far as we can trace back) of draft dodgers. 

    Also raiding the military's budget for his prized wall hasn't gone over that well - which is a large understatement.

  7. Does anyone know why AG Bill Barr asked Trump to stop tweeting?  There's an awfully lot of people scratching their heads over this.  Is it a case of "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"?  Is it the case that he feels so secure in his position that he can criticize the God-like Trump.  It's usually the routine that you'll be thrown under the bus, bullied and sued for your impertinence after that move. 

    I for one smell a large whiskered rat.  It's become entirely obvious that Barr is Trump's lapdog. 

    Image result for barr trumps lap dog

    Here is the AG's Oath of Office:

    I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

    Take note of the 'without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion', part.  Which is exactly what has been going on recently - mental reservation for the purpose of evasion.  Mental reservation if you don't know it is also known as a 'lie of necessity'.  That where there is a conflict between Justice and Veracity (truth) that Justice will prevail.  The constitution expressly forbids this.  There's are high likelihood Barr will be going to prison once he is deposed.  And he's recently faced some serious pushback from his own department. 


    Trump personally intervened in Jessie Liu's appointment to a senior Treasury position just one day before she was set for a confirmation hearing in the Senate.  Apparently she wasn't corrupt enough to his liking. 

    There a real storm brewing and the shit is about to hit the fan in a big way. 

  8. Soi biker,

    I wish to make a confession.  It is I that is the infamous 'Butcher of Bangkok' (copyright and film options pending).  Political targets were taken and sold as pork at the market in Klong Toey. Bones were ground down as fertilizer and I don't know dumped in rice fields I suppose.  As your numbskull friend will attest I was the 'brains' behind the operation acting well beyond the capacity of a brain, as he would put it. 

    Of course I could never have got away with this operation without State assistance.  As the mastermind I would meet in the basement of a pizza parlour in Washington DC, it was there I received instructions, some say directly from fake US citizen President Obama.  The Clinton foundation was bankrolling the whole operation.  It was I that facilitated the whole deal to sell Stinger missiles to ISis - we are talking very deep state here.  We kind of pioneered the whole Russian fiasco as well, I personally wrote the damning report on Trump and his involvement with those prostitutes in Russia - I left out the excretory stuff, for reasons of ahhhemmm! propriety.  I also left out his feelings of fear for tall buildings, they made him small and quite rightly he was paranoid about being thrown from one - what with his predilection to sucking guys off.  I think Flash made reference about this type of behaviour regarding Pete.

    Of course my motivation was money, but that couldn't be all - I was attracted to the, hang on what is it again - thasss right - the Commie Globalist agenda, whatever the fuck that is, but it did seem rather appealing at the time.  I'd appreciate it if you could explain it to me, I'm fairly quick on the uptake, but I'd hate to think I did all this based on a fake Commie Globalist agenda and the deep state which I'd failed to appraise.  But that's just me.  Best regards,




  9. 1 hour ago, Soi biker said:

    Hang in there Cav.  It's obvious the Commie Globalist are in melt down.  I guess they can not handle losing.  They should save their powder the grand show is yet 

    to come. Makes you wonder why Commie Globalist propaganda butt monkeys can never see a big picture.[well we know]  If it was not for CS  putting on socialist

    Jimmy Dore you would think all Commie Globalist were complete idiots.  They bring nothing to the table but gas lighting.  But the butcher, I mean fake surgeon,

    fake psychiatrist [what ever] brought up something of concern, with saliva drooling out his mouth he brings up assassination.  The Commie Globalist have been

    using assassination and genocide since the Bolsheviks when they can not win any other way.  Now they have a Bolshevik leading in the polls and they thing they

    can taste blood.

    Gotta go guys my wife made reservations at a resort for Valentines day.

    Wow,  this is just too easy.  Why do I keep getting thrown all these softballs?  To handicap myself for this cretin I'd have to lobotomize myself, understandably I won't go that far. 

    Okay let's get started.  What the hell is a 'Commie Globalist'?  And what is this big picture you are talking about?  I'm genuinely curious.  While you're at it what the fucking hell is a butt monkey - is that the wife you're taking for a 'Valentines day'.  I really am genuinely confused. 

    What is this grand show you talk about?  And why should be people be saving their powder - do you mean drugs?  Forgive me but you appear to be completely off your face on something or other.  Are you quite all there?  Perhaps a lie down is in order.  I'd advise presenting yourself immediately to the nearest emergency department.  Try to get a grip.

  10. Hey Coss,

    I've been thinking about what you said about language.  When I mimic people I'm playing around, sure, but I think it's more complex then that.  I think the reason that most can't do is rather prosaic.  You have to very carefully listen to someone if you plan to do it.  You have to stutter, slur words and get the wrong intonations precisely right.  Oh you also need to understand the language as well.  There's the timing which is crucial. You have to study their behaviour, something I'm sure you've noticed as well.  People are so boringly ritualistic.  They go about their lives quite mindlessly.  It shouldn't bother me, after all, it doesn't concern me, but for some reason it does. 

    But most language is non-verbal really.  You might wake a cute customer assistant up behind her counter, and you'll know instantly whether she will sleep with you, depending on the reaction. 

    You can read people like a book.  It really is that easy.  Most people want to talk about themselves.  They like a good listener.  Especially if the attention is from a young professional - a student of the language no less, a man of merit and from an upstanding family.  And if the rumour was that he was seen down Nana plaza carousing with all those unseemly women, well boys will be boys after all. 

  11. Sanders gets my vote.  He's popular with the youth.  He also chimes with what most Americans want, like Universal Healthcare.  It's kind of lazy to describe him as a communist I think.  His policies more reasonably align with the Nordic countries like Finland for example, or Norway. 

    His track record as a Senator is impeccable.  He turns up to all those boring committee meetings and almost always pushes some amendment through for the little guy.  He does it because he's one of the only politicians who takes his job seriously.  He's the sort of guy who checks his restaurant bill because he wants to ensure he isn't *underpaying*.  The reason he's so hated by the left and the right is that he's scaring the living shit out of them.  He's popular with the people for a damned good reason.  You watch, the Iowa result is just the very beginning of the *Burn*. 

  12. Anyhow Cav, you're off the hook.  You've been schooled and by the legendary Panadol no less.  You should chalk that up as quite an achievement.  There are people begging to be schooled by me.  I mind being three years old and looking at people like you.  Of course I was too young to know much of anything, but I knew people like you existed.  Cheap people.  Contemptible people.  People not having any sense of pride, or dignity. 

    Anyhow you're off the hook.  All you have to do is the banjo duel.   Remember I'm good.

  13. 26 minutes ago, cavanami said:

    I always say, I am old enough to know better 55555555555555

    Okay so you are on board. Congratulations, don't worry I've got the banjo legislation primed and ready to go.  The Mexicans will do as they're told, it's all in hand.  It will take some cajoling, but I'm sure we as a team are equal to the task.  As you say old enough to know better, but the poorer for knowing what a sad old cheap man you've become. 

    I have handicapped myself and this is the best you can come up with?  And still if you are struggling in deep water I would swim and save you.  That is the difference between you and I.  I can't stay angry at anybody for very long.  I've got this conscience you see.  Don't see this as a weakness, I'll do you a bad turn in a heartbeat, not because of any sense of justice, just for the devilment of it.  I'm just as bad as Trump, think about it.  I'm more competent.  I can play the banjo like the devil.  I'm suring you can as well, suring you can - so if we can't work as a team, then it is dueling banjos!!!

  14. Cav, you're going silent on me. 

    I've been thinking long and hard on this and I think this may work.  Trump's policy to make Mexico pay for his Game of Thrones style wall, complete with alligator and shark swamps and sharp spikes on too, with transparency, electrification and a laser system to stop drugs from being thrown of the top - Mexico will pay for all of this.  On this Trump and I as I am sure you as well are in accord.  Mexico will let us have the wall with all it's whiz fan dangled contraptions. 

    Thereby freeing up the American budget - just think of the possibilities!  Every man, woman and child could be gifted a banjo.  Who'd have thunk it, a world were a kid didn't have his damned birthright, a banjo.  This is not an impossible dream, Trump you and I can make this happen.  Have you decided on a date for the banjo duel yet?   Don't mean to harp on it, but it sounds like you're fairly advanced in age, so don't wait too long.  It could be a while before we can put this banjo legislation through congress, and there will be some rather difficult diplomacy to sort out with Mexico - don't dream it's over buddy, don't ever dream it's over - if there's a man that can do it, that man will be Trump. 

  15. 56 minutes ago, Coss said:

    As a person of some obvious command of the Language, and ergo, an underlying intellect to support such use, I'm sure you'll agree (understand or disagree) with the following:

    At some point in the past, my money is on about 80,00 years ago (arbitrary and approximate estimate), a change happened in society.

    In the Tribal structure of humans, leadership was almost universally bestowed on those who could; i.e. the biggest strongest warrior who could kill more bears and fight off more enemies and rivals, than the weaker actor and poet types (generalisation).

    A smart dude (lets call him Trog), worked out, that by telling the rest of the tribe "things", that he could have all the advantages of leadership, without the work of doing it.

    So  the benefits of this approach for Trog were, access to more fertile women, more food, better sleeping arrangements etc etc.

    What worked to Trog's advantage, was that the other members of the tribe were facile and gullible, not having learnt that snake oil salesmen were inherently untrustworthy, and also that snake oil wasn't a "thing", not having been invented yet...

    So as they say, "the rest is history", literally, as it happens.

    And now we have con artists, grifters, lies, marketing careers and politicians.

    If I got my hands on a Time Machine , not only would I go back and get DNA samples from The Virgin Mary and every man she ever knew, I'd also go back and knock Trog on the head.

    My belaboured point, is that many things in the Human experience are transitory, the fashion for Women to get their norks out and rouge up the nipples for attendance to the French courts of nobility, for example. The craze for YoYos, thinking you can get away with gas chambers, all sorts of phenomena.

    So as many things in the world will come and go, I feel that Democracy as evidenced by the good ol'  U S of A, is about to become extinct. In other countries it may or will survive.

    Diseases are going to foment a serious decline in Tourism, something that survives on quite untenable propositions, vis,  that one has to go somewhere and see something that doesn't look anything like the brochures and costs a lot of money.  

    Money itself, digital currencies only work when the electricity is turned on, otherwise it's just what someone says it is (I'm a quadrillionaire! I have 7 quadrillion golden apostophettae, !⁷⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰    see?). Conversion rate - 1 golden apostophetta ! = 12.1474 USD

    So Royalty only works, when proles lick it's feet,  see what can happen:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_of_the_Romanov_family

    Ditto for Presidents and anyone else  who claims precedence over the fellow proles.





    for those that need to count 'em   !⁷⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰

    Yes thanks for this.  I think you meant to type 80,000 years ago when Trog raised his ugly head.  At a generational rate of 25 that wouldn't only account for roughly 3000 lifetimes ago, a lot but on the scale of evolution a relative blink away.  It's reasonably safe to say we as a species weren't much different then from now.  No, Trog was always with us, he is part of us.  We wouldn't even have language if you or I didn't share Trog as an ancestor. 

    We do vary a lot as a species.  Einstein and Trump are both human.  Only one was a genius and only one claimed to be a genius.  The important thing to note here is you can't fake genius you'll always be found out in the end.  Likewise nobility - what the royals are doing to Harry isn't very noble, it's the exact opposite.  It's indecent (literally not fitting), indecorous (literally unseemly).  Lastly it's undignified. 

    At least I thought Harry deserved better, bastard or not.  And a lot of British people agree with me.  So what if he is a bastard.  Most British families have some kind of skeleton in the cupboard.  We all like a bastard, he's mocking them by marrying a mixed race intelligent woman.  He's figuratively telling them to go and find a gene pool.  Jug ears Charles and his spawn William are literally in danger of embolism it's frothed their blood up so much.  Philip did have an embolism, sadly not a big enough one to carry him away, it would have made a perfect Christmas gift watching that bigoted racist motherfucker go.  But he had to fuck with the timing.  It won't be long, not for him, nor the lady. 

    And when it comes, and it will, the whole establishment will be put to the test.  As I say, even as a babe in arms I realised it was all just an act.  But I do have to thank her for one thing - I do lack good breeding which in her language translates as being a a buck toothed hare lipped jug eared cretin.  In fact the lady made me quite the compliment.


  16. 2 hours ago, chocolat steve said:



    Trump reportedly spent important policy meetings grilling Reince Priebus about badgers

    I should really finish my don't underestimate Trump post.

    Whilst he is an idiot, he is a dangerous idiot.  Most people presume he is an idiot and they are correct.  He knows that, so he plays along.  When talking about policy for example, a subject he is inherently never going to understand, he'll belittle you by bringing up some nonsense that he remembers by a kind of keyword.  Badger Priebus would be a good example.  What about Mini Mike, Sleepy Joe, Shifty Schiff.  You have to be reminded that this guy is a grown adult and not a child in a playground. 

    He will get what's coming to him.  There is not one single shred of a doubt about that.  There are so many coming for him that the only mystery will be who got to him first. 

  17. And the Queen is a very tedious person.  As a 5 year old child I managed to splash her with ice cream.  Even at that age I mind her reaction was completely over the top - and yes she did mention good breeding and my lack of it.  My father was furious, how dare she mention my breeding when her entire family is like a stagnant pond.  I could see he had a point.  I was instructed to make an apology and you know, that was where I learned how the world worked.  I apologised in such a sarcastic manner it was surprising when she kissed my on the forehead and said she forgave me.  What I took from that it was that it was all just an act.  A costume drama.  You act out your part.  The thing was - I was never acting.

  18. 9 hours ago, Coss said:

    Which is unsettling to me, as I'm used to Budgerigar Genetics, in which the female has the XY chromosomes and the male is XX and by extrapolation, Dinosaurs woulda had this arrangement.

    Thanks for the analysis.  We can safely conclude that Harry is a one in four chance of being legit.  Is he a Prince, a likely King?  Well the science is frowning upon it.  He's had his "His Royal Highness" stripped away.  The crown prince Charles has disowned him.  Prince William is such a genetic freak that there is no possible doubt. Princess Di was openly unfaithful. 

    We are both adults.  The sudden dismissal of Harry wasn't an instantaneous thing.  Think about it for a moment.  How do you fire a royal?  You could arrange for some kind of accident - Dianne scared the living hell out of the aristocracy, she was more royal than the Queen for christ's sake and beloved by the people.  Safe to say they wouldn't wish to repeat that.  A safer arrangement is exile.  It beggars belief that  they are trying it on in this day and age. 

  19. 44 minutes ago, cavanami said:

    You are fifty years too late for any banjo duel. 

    If you get to Bangkok, please advise me and I will try to arrange a meet up like we did with Hugh Hoy. 

    Don't be shy about the banjo, the reason I choose the banjo is because it favours you.  I want the duel to be so heavily weighted in your favour that my eventual triumph will be seen as a win among wins.  I've made no secret that I wish to handicap myself, my youth, my intelligence, my charisma, my education lol simply to eclipse anything you are.  A banjo duel is a fair way to settle things.  I don't wish to be seen as demolishing a feeble old stubborn misguided crotchety man simply because I can.  Dueling banjos gives you a fighting chance.  Take the olive branch and let us fix a date for the duel. 

    Hugh Hoy, hmmm I'm sure would have been carousing with my great grandfather.  Just how old are you?  Next you'll be reminiscing about the good old days with Bernard Trink.  If my calculations are correct you are just about to pop off.  You are out in deep water and I highly doubt you are a good swimmer.  If you don't have much time, please factor it into your banjo decision.


  20. Cav, cav, cav - where for are thou Cav?  You must be furiously practising that banjo.  Can you a least give me a sign that you at least acknowledge our forthcoming banjo duel.  Or are you saving it for the moment when you burst out of the dressing  room banjo in hand and a fresh appalachian tattoo on your chest - it was meant to say Geogia, but the hillbilly put Alabama in stead. 

  21. I should really finish the above post but Im ma chomping on the bit. I can always go back, but I'm keen to get onto the predictions side of things, because the data has come in. 

    What we can say with some confidence, based on this analysis is:

    * Trump's behaviour will become increasingly neurotic.

    * He may go insane - not as far fetched as you may think, he has the all the makings of a paranoid schizophrenic, no doubt assisted by his drug habit and the load of frustration and failure that he has coming to him may just crack his resistance to the terrible forces of his unconscious. 

    * Assassination.  It would be preferable to suicide and Trump may just persuade some half crazy paranoid, not unlike himself to do it.  This is the most undesirable outcome.  It would increase the fanaticism of his followers that would otherwise fall by the wayside.  Picture Caesar being slain by Brutus; Christ betrayed by Judas.

    * Trump will seek refuge in a foreign country. I've really thought about this.  It's highly unlikely, his life won't be worth much once he is deposed.  In fact I think he faces an 'Epstein future'. 

    * Suicide.  This is not only highly likely I would go so far as to say it's inevitable.  For all he's done, I do genuinely feel sorry for him.  He'll most likely be confronted by a billet-doux.  It will explain what has to be done, and the consequences of failing to do it.  Besides when he is finally confronted by his inferiority, his immense failures, being a laughing stock of the world - I think he'll gladly do it.  And may he rot in hell.

    That is how the world currently stands.  I wish it wasn't so, but if you want to play with the big boys, well you have to pay the piper.  Insulting virtually everyone was never going to go well in his favour - what?  he insulted the FBI, the military etc. 


  22. I should really finish the above post but Im ma chomping on the bit. I can always go back, but I'm keen to get onto the predictions side of things, because the data has come in. 

    What we can say with some confidence, based on this analysis is:


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