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Everything posted by limbo

  1. It's not the first time he came out with some 'shit stirring' comments about the current situation. without seeming to be very well informed and stuck to his guns, whether his views are right or wrong, he could've either phrased some statements better/different or inform himself better. I don't like or take to either of the sides in conflict right now, but don't claim to be an expert on what's going on. However, I try to get myself informed as best as possible under the circumstances without (hopefully) making too broad uninformed statements, like some did or do here.
  2. Fair enough point, but how can B Bill than claim that this unrest smells bad if he even wasn't in the city...........? Just for the record, I'm not pro nor anti government, however, as already stated a few times, I think the Shinawatra clan as overstayed their welcome in Thai politics but I also don't agree with Suthep and the way he wants to install a new non elected govnmt
  3. I can see how you easily missed all the shooting and looting and the burning down of a major shopping mall in 2010, I mean, come on, it's Bangkok after all, stuff like that happens every day, you get used to it. The only bad smell this time around may be coming from your own mouth, with all due respect, it might be too close to your nose if you keep spouting nonsense like above.
  4. Their original band name was 'Pogue Mahone', pogue mahone being the anglicisation of the Irish póg mo thóin, meaning "kiss my arse".
  5. A Merry Dubstep Christmas! You gotta watch this the whole way through girls...
  6. Most (long distance) international flights will arrive in Manila. Cebu pacific has direct flights from BKK to Clark though.
  7. Damn she was hot http://youtu.be/Jxpe1oSp_sg
  8. The original clip, before George Baker started to make dreck like 'Una Paloma Blanca'
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