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Posts posted by YimSiam

  1. It was a dark night, rainy season - place was fairly quiet, I can't really visualize - but do remember that I ended up with a sweet girl Burmese girl who spoke Burmese, Thai and English very well. She had a motorbike, she got a phone call from the border crossing, a businessman or official was visiting out at the bridge and was staying in a kind of government bungalow out there and wanted a Thai girl. So we got on her bike, rode to some house, picked up a plump and young-looking Thai, and the three of us rode out to the border to drop the girl off with the guy from Burma. Drove back to my girl's place, the bottom floor in a townhouse-type building, spent a couple hours with her, then she drove me back to where I was staying (do they still have Baan Thai up there? Used to stay in the greatest little bungalow - simple but quiet and private, I really enjoyed the time I spent up there). Dropped me off, then she went out to the border to pick up the girl at the guesthouse! Probably just before dawn, I'd guess.


    This was in the day of the mini-photo-sticker, and I actually still have a little sheet of photos of that chick with the motorbike somewhere in my stuff... Not so hot, but cute enough, smart as hell and a good little businesswoman... one of those very fun, weird, unexpected nights that stick in your mind long after (but not apparently enough for me to remember what that karaoke looked like inside...)


    How about Y2k? That place still open? Thai disco, friendly if you're not an asshole. (Not that you're an asshole - everything suggests otherwise!)




    In the end, to counter the challenge posed by Thaksin and the village vote, the old regime will be forced to choose between honoring the results of democratic elections (however unpalatable they may be... every country gets the government that it deserves...), and a military-imposed coup. They'll choose coup, as always before.



    I shoulda put money on it... Though the odds can't have paid much!



  3. Yes, mixed sarcasm and cynicism with my legit points, that's true - but it's not absolute bullshit, just a mix of nonsense, bullshit, and real issues. You likely guess that I can't tell slurred speech by southerners... Certainly I can't. I just mean to echo a sentiment that's not hard to find in Thailand - regional racisms and so on, denials of 'true Thainess' as a means of discrediting message, statements that Muslims in those crowds are not really Thai, etc. My apologies if it appears that I am backing the view that a different accent might make one less Thai - I have certainly no capacity or desire to do that, just blabbing on.


    I stick by the following: Thailand has been for many decades run by a relatively small number of families who have obtained special treatment through the institution of the monarchy, including benefits that are effectively corrupt and anti-democratic.


    (... and that the army has served as an instrument of this powerful clique during this time, most notably by imposing a coup whenever things became unsatisfactory to the ruling clique... It's hard to find another explanation for Thailand coup addiction - unless coup susceptibility is like herpes, once a country gets it once, it keeps coming back!)


    I also stick by the claim that the street protests of the past months are primarily a coordinated effort by members of the previously-ruling elite, who see their privilege at risk at present, and are trying to shore up their protections against the democratic instinct of the majority of Thais. It seems clear to me - but perhaps I'm inclined to think folks like Suthep have ulterior motives, just part of my mental make-up.


    In the end, to counter the challenge posed by Thaksin and the village vote, the old regime will be forced to choose between honoring the results of democratic elections (however unpalatable they may be... every country gets the government that it deserves...), and a military-imposed coup. They'll choose coup, as always before. And we'll just have to disagree on whether that's a good thing, on whether it's justified by the corruption of this regime (which is the complaint, right? That Pheu Thai is too corrupt? And has bad policies? The 'bad policies' argument should obviously be resolved through the next election, as is the case throughout the world's democracies - don't like a rice policy that benefits a certain segment? Vote the bums out of office! So the focus really is about corruption, it would seem. Or perhaps the real argument is that the Thai rural voter is simply too uneducated, too easily swayed by promises from those like Thaksin, to be trusted with choosing their government - I disagree with that idea, but I do think it is at the core of any support given to Suthep and so on).


    All this stuff- protests, criminal cases, and so on - is about who will get to have best control over Thailand's significant assets and people in the coming years, nothing more. It's a dirty street fight, nothing more - and it's getting desperate and more urgent given the fragility of the Suthep side's greatest symbol of legitimacy - while they can't win an election to save their lives, at least they are associated with the yellow. Sharks versus Jets, Bloods versus Crips - it's ugly, but the clear will of the people should be Thailand's guide. They can put every member of the Thaksin family in jail (certainly there is a good chance that they've violated laws of various kinds) and a popular, populist party will continue to win elections, and will challenge the yellow power. Suppressing that does not seem to be a long term solution - but then, long-term is not really a Thai concept.


    (Not that I would know the last bit, as I don't speak Thai. I'm the kind of farang that only knows Thai short time and Thai long time, anyway.)


    "Why don't you try listening some time ... if you could understand any of it."


    Hm. That's puzzling, I've never seen you play the "but you don't speak Thai like me" card before, so I assume you're saying that I'm just too dumb to understand the ideas being expressed? That's okay, I have thick skin. 'N' I ain't too smart, neither.



  4. No need to worry Shamus, there's been no popular protests going on these past months. It's been more of some kind of "modern art" installation piece, during which members of the ruling elite - a small roster of families benefiting from monarcho-religious dispensation and other quasi-monopolies have paid some ignant Thai folk (especially Southerners - are they really Thai anyway, these Muslims with their slurred speech? A question never far from the minds of the young, tasty, indignant-for-the-moment Bkkians who reinforced their stupid tent cities by day...) to sit in the street and cheer incomprehensible anti-democratic rants about - well, who knows what he was shouting about, that Suthep... That particular beer hall putsch has been put aside for a while, til new posters can be printed up with another... slogan.


    The Burmese used to sorrow that the play was long over, the final lines spoken - yet the curtains had yet to be pulled closed, and the actors refused to leave the stage.... Refused to acknowledge the end of this evening's entertainments, and the inevitability of tomorrows new cast, new set, new story.

  5. WIth respect to the poster who mentioned its only a problem for the ones who actually look like girls, I would say yes that is a problem too.


    But no, the real problem is when the place starts closing and you see it's SO MANY LB's coming out of every opening, both inside NP and outside in front. There'sno way on earth all those LBs are getting customers, or even 5% of them are.



    This was the disconnnect where I kind of got interested in the LB thing, though in Pattaya not Bangkok - thinking: I hardly EVER see a guy with these hundreds and hundreds of LBs (classic Jenny Bar style, full on big chicks), and yet... and yet... if they weren't making sufficient money for themselves and for the bars, they wouldn't be there.

    (Entertaining to imagine that it would be one of history's most bizarre variations from normal market forces, though: "Manager Jack, katoeys doesn't really pay, and arent an issue that customers are interested in, but we've got those extra slots in the stage lineup - how about a bunch of 6 foot trannies?†“Yeah, great, Owner George, and we'll do it at LOTS of bars! how many can you round up, Recruiter Nong?")

    The answer MUST be that the LBs do make money… and then it's staggering to think that it is almost all happening without the punter and his new friend being seen in the street or at hotels the way the girls are with their customers. So then I started asking around, why don’t I see them out of the bar? LBs tell me only a few customers are willing to walk down the street with an apparent LB, so they arrange to meet at the ST room or hotel or just go upstairs in the bar. On the sly, kind of.

    So I'd had a degree of awe at the whole enterprise for a while - the size of it, the fact that guys are interested in that particular aesthetic and activity, which just does not start to do it for me, the fact that is thrives despite obvious antipathy. Not enough awe to go chasing chicks with dicks or whatever, but more academic, if you will. (asterisk here: 8 or 9 years ago I did get up the couragosity to barfine a kathoey, to see what the fuss was about. The moment she undressed to reveal a weird male body, tiny dick, etc – that was the end of that experiment, didn’t even go thru with the bj offered, just paid up and called it a night.)

    And it was around the time of my Pattaya questions I met the most charming, petite, beautiful little spinner-type with an incongruously huge set of pristine, non-surgical breasts. Breasts that seemed almost like they'd been grafted on but not silicone, her frame was small, her hips so narrow, strange that she was so buxom… And they were like a pair of Pacific Islands, totally unmarred, balanced, no weird distention, no tattoos. But hey, miracles happen! Early 20s, she was, and I went with her a bunch of times - long time, short time, hang-out-and-drink time. One could say we had similar interests, it wasn’t the most positive time for me generally. And for a long time, I didn’t doubt at all. Just enjoyed her great and crazy company. Often.

    But slowly I started to piece together little things that puzzled me, and once the idea crossed my mind – no way, is she a lady boy, this one?! - it all started to come together, and I realized that I'd been sleeping with a ladyboy over many months, and had had no idea. Well, huh. It takes a while to accept that – I came up with lots of alternative explanations, but in her case, the truth must out.

    Perhaps in some sort of defensive effort, I then started to see – correctly, I believe - LBs EVERYWHERE in the Bangkok night scene. Whole ladyboy bars that seem like normal bars, no Casanova these, undiscernible to the untrained eye… huge numbers in the freelance scene, the GTG-lookalike scene especially… the poorly-lit afterhours clubs perfect for the aging ladyboy… the auto-show coyote girls. Okay, not that last one - but my lesson is: you never know. One little doubt with one girl can turn out to be well-founded, and suddenly you've got pearls of suspicion planted in every pink Loi Et bivalve you kiss, making the whole thing much less fun than it used to be for me.

    My prior viewpoint was: hell, if I can't tell in the bar, in the bright lights of the hotel, or between the sheets, does it really matter? Like, ‘hey good trick, you got me that time!’ But that doesn't do it for me now somehow - I think I just don't like to be tricked and made to look like a fool, basically. I get taken for a chump all the time here, ripped off, double-crossed, lied to - finally ending the night by fucking the inverted penis flesh of a young man's body (or, um, the other option - witting or not) is not an okay alternative for me. So now I spend at least as much time trying to assess LB status as I do assessing beauty, sexiness, or an enjoyable personality. That sucks, that is not sanuk.

    Certainly there are areas that are higher risk than others – freelance, latenight, heavy-party scene, you raise your odds. But they are fucking everywhere, these replicas – and I’d be glad to wager that anyone who’s hit 20 or so work-at-night Thai chicks has hit a kathoey and not realized it.

    I got more to say about this issue, as it’s been eating me up and pissing me off, but that’ll have to follow a bit later, if at all. To me, the interesting questions are: why so many of the ‘replica’ (rather than comic) version of the LB now in the nightlife scene? And: if one wishes to differentiate between the ‘born’ chicks and the LBs, how to do so?

    All for now,


  6. In my view, although my timeframe is different - late 90s to now - the important difference is not the ones you see, it's the ones you don't... and can't, even with a good set of eyes and background. While it's especially an issue with freelancers, the LB infiltration of the bar scene is really astounding these days. Docs are getting better at cuts, meds are more effective, and especially, the young trannies are starting the process earlier - prime fodder for the industry once they hit adulthood (and I would expect somewhat before). The tall, buxom types are somebody's cup of tea, but they're not going to fool any but the drunkst of us - the number of really quite amazing near-replica TGs is off the charts these days, I think. Better Living Through Science And Chemistry?

  7. What's the one called on the pavement just in front of the Nana Hotel sign? Not so much a bar in the usual sense as a collective, I suppose. Some very striking, buxom women available, and no bar fine! This must be how it was EVERYWHERE in the good old days...



  8. Mekong,


    So you're suing her and working up criminal charges because she threw you out of the house, sent your stuff home, and caused you a lot of paperwork hassle? Seems a bit extreme - the earlier advice about not getting emotions involved seems good advice indeed! It's been about a month since the last update, so maybe there's been progress... I would imagine that even in the most litigious societies her actions would hardly be the stuff of significant damages, let alone possibility of criminal sentence. My money is on her and her family being let off completely scot free, and you having a hard time getting a visa over the next few years... But hey, I may be wrong! Any update?



  9. Encore,


    May be the same girls, probably not - the story is always interesting the first time you experience it, but then the second and third time something similar happens, the second or third time you go through the events with a new girl, it becomes clear how frequently these same stories occur. These two girls both "went inside" after this story, one is apparently out now and back living with family somewhere on the eastern coast side, the other has been in jail maybe the past six months or so. The kid involved in the story - amazingly - is a robust four year old luuk kreung, healthy as a horse, smart & strong -- and has given me chance to think more than a few times about how strange and lucky/unlucky life can be. There we were, spending our few days trying to get rid of that baby a few years ago, and now here that baby is - growing up.



  10. Ah, Happy Pub. Used to visit often some years ago - around 2005, I guess. Had a regular there - but for the life of me, that's the sum total of what I can remember about her! No name, no image, just that she was from Happy Pub, and had a kind of happy demeanor - although probably I'm just conflating the name of the bar with the attitude of the girl. Fond memories - kind of.



  11. OK, as far as I know this is the status of the bars in Washington Square (they’re listed in order, if entering from Suk Road and walking clockwise around the square).


    • Silver Dollar CLOSED
    • Texas Lone Star CLOSED
    • The Cats Meow CLOSED
    • Wild Country CLOSED
    • Bourbon Street CLOSED
    • 52 Bar
    • The Prince of Wales
    • Hare & Hound
    • New Square One Pub (Taffy’s Hairy Pie Club)
    • Dennys Corner Bar
    • The Puss-Inn Pub
    • Cheers Pub
    • Happy Pub
    • The Sportsman Bar & Restaurant
    • Dubliner


    Can anyone update the above?


    PS A mate of mine tells me that he and some of the other WS regulars have been drinking in the Easy Bar (next to the Hare & Hound) but I’m not aware of this bar. :dunno: Anyone know it?


    Well, if you started walking clockwise, then I'd say maybe you arrived about fifteen minutes too early... If going counter-clockwise, you were a good hour or more too late!



  12. I’ve never known what’s good for me, this much is true. I try to do things right, have a good time, nobody gets hurt, but... there's always a hitch.


    The story basically starts here in the Pattaya Marriott lobby at noon on a Tuesday in June, where a Korean tour group gawks at me like I’m part of the Ripley’s Believe it or Not exhibit, or maybe they’re looking at my 35-year-old drop-dead-wasted Pattaya freelancer Neung, or perhaps it’s the two of us combined that’s shocking them. Anyway, Neung and I, we’re doing our best to look casual, but near cross-eyed from our night of Pattaya’s worst gutter adventures we parse the couches through cheap faux-glamour Walking Street sunglasses, stalling flat-footed in the lobby to suss out little Tou. This Tou, she’s a regular of mine, due to meet us here about half an hour ago, straight off the bus from Bangkok.


    Neung’s never met Tou before, but she spots her before I do ‘ I guess the giveaway is Tou’s swollen belly under a long t-shirt, and the fact that Tou’s a cheap-looking Thai girl sitting alone in a nice hotel. Neung pulls on my shirt and points to a chair where a nervous white-skinned girl is holding a magazine and trying to appear comfortable. Neung’s right, for once, it’s definitely my Tou: the sharp nose and chin she had done when she was eighteen, gift of a Japanese customer; the loose t-shirt that tries to hide the pregnant belly; the skittish look, cheeks drawn, of a Thai street girl who hasn’t taken care of herself for years.


    I hate being this fucked up during the daytime (call me old-fashioned), so I’m hesitant to yell or whistle to get Tou’s attention. Nonetheless, before I can start towards her she looks up and sees me, her Kim. It’s that telepathic thing the girls have, they can feel someone look at them, and go immediately into action.


    Tou’s out of the chair in a second, running to me, and though part of me wants to blend into the scenery I can’t help but give this tiny girl a hug and swing around big enough to catch everyone’s eye. Fuck ‘em: when that wide-eyed group is back in Seoul they’ll be wishing they were in my crazy shoes. I’ve known Tou for three or four years, she’s played various roles and she hoes a hard row, and what I’ve learned over time is that she’s got a great heart and spirit. These days I’m always happy to see her, especially alive and smiling.


    Once we’ve had our hello, it’s off to the elevator as quick as I can herd these two - there’s a joke in here about herding Thai pussy, but I’ll skip it. Before coming back to the Marriott, Neung and I were at JP bar from about 6 am, and we are looking well the worse for wear. Neung. Ah fuck me, Neung. She and I go back a couple years, probably because we feed our own worst appetites, and the past evening has been no exception. Even skulking through the lobby alone, we turned heads. Now, with a clearly pregnant little white-skinned freelancer from Bangkok thrown in, we’re obviously the main attraction for staff and customers alike... Damn dirty freak-pervert farang, please stand up, please stand up. Yessir, that’s me for the moment.


    I press 9, the door slides closed, and here I am: 34 years old, on a supposed holiday, and in an elevator with two lifetime hookers well past their prime, one just out of jail, and one at least three months’ pregnant with the child of an unknown customer ... Where did I go wrong, I wonder again? One day, but not today, I’m gonna write a trip report about the 10/10 stunner I took from some go-go, and the great sex we had, and how I love Thailand and like to cook Thai food and study Thai language, and how I’m sending my stunner my money now. One day, but not today. Shoot me the day that happens.


    This trip started five days ago, in Bangkok, off the plane from my current home in south Asia. I spent a couple disappointing days in Bangkok, then two in Siem Reap with friends from the States. From Siem Reap straight to Pattaya, it was about 4 am the night I arrived when I got a call from Tou, who explained her current dilemma: a few months’ pregnant, she couldn’t work Sukhumvit anymore, but she didn’t have anywhere else to get money from. [Enter Kim, stage left...]. She’d meant to get an abortion once she’d found out about her missed period, but... well, time just passed and she never had the money, and she thought that next week would be fine. Now, with Kim back in the country, she hoped I could help out with that.


    Of course, at the first mention of pregnancy, I’d pulled out my abacus and started doing the math... and figured that even with the widest margins of error, the most freakish biological deviations, and the effects of the ancient Chinese calculator, there was no way I could be the father. After that, things took on an academic flavor, I have to admit.


    This is what she tells me while I’m trying to find a quiet space on Walking Street in the early morning, somewhere quiet enough to hear her pathetic story. In yet another of my many moments of poor judgment, and in a poorly-considered attempt to get her off the phone, I told her to get on the bus and come down to Pattaya, where we could talk in more detail. It bought me time to party a few more hours, but also meant we’d soon be face-to-face. Oops.


    Get on the bus she did, and that’s how I found myself in my Marriott room with Neung and Tou in the early afternoon, listening to Neung and Tou discuss Tou’s options.


    You might wonder how Neung and Tou share an interest, and why Neung would be trying to help Tou out at all. I really can’t understand it myself, but there’s a strange ‘honour among thieves‘ with these girls, and girls who can link themselves through a specific farang - Kim, say - can in a way expect some kind of consideration. A few months ago there was a fire on lower Sukhumvit and one of my very ex-regulars, Pom Yao, lost her room and possessions. Among the freelancer crowd, consensus was clear: because Pom Yao was an ex-Kim girl, and because Tou was a semi-ex-Kim girl, Tou should help Pom Yao out during her time of trouble. And Tou did, letting Pom Yao stay with her for a couple months, until she got back on her feet again. Strange. Sadly, Pom Yao is no longer with us these days, it’s too bad. She was one of those messes with some spark deep inside that made her special – still doomed, but special doomed.


    Anyway, this particular bizarre Tuesday afternoon Neung tried to help Tou with her problem, this child she’s got in her, while I stood witness and watched the problem grow ever greater. I mean, not literally, her round belly stayed pretty much the same, but our awareness of just how fucked she was, of exactly how few options she had, grew immeasurably.


    Initially, Neung took Tou down to Soi X, where there’s apparently a ‘helpful’ clinic. There, the first problem emerged: Tou has no ID card, having lost it at some point in the past couple months. Neung tries to be helpful, making her way through her mobile phone memory until she’s found a friend who will rent her ID for 1K baht ‘ and a promise that Neung will go to the wat and tamboon for the life lost during the abortion... Neung says she would have been happy to loan Tou Neung’s own ID, except that – of course – Neung doesn’t have one either, she says a friend stole it from her a couple months ago to try to force Neung to pay back debts Neung alleges she doesn’t owe, at least not to the girl who stole her ID... but enough about that. I enjoy Neung and her stories, but trust them? No thanks.)


    Arranging this whole transaction is taking a while, and just after Neung has finalized everything, pregnant Tou arrives back at the room: the clinic can’t do the procedure, with or without the ID. She doesn’t say exactly why, but she says the clinic referred her to another doctor on Soi Y, who can do it, but it takes all day, so she’ll have to go in the morning. For the time being, there’s nothing to do but wait.


    Tou begs to stay in my room with me and Neung, but I’ve had it with this kind of nonsense so I hand her some money ‘ enough for the room and the procedure she’s going to need ‘ and send her out to find a cheap room somewhere in Pattaya. Poor baby, here she is, how many months pregnant, and she’s being turned out on the streets of Pattaya while Kim and his newer girl go out all night... Sometimes I think these girls play me like a violin, other times I think I’m the height of cruelty.


    Whichever it is, kind or cruel, at 10 am the next morning, Wednesday, I’m still out with Neung when I get the call from Tou: the clinic won’t do the ‘procedure’ for the 10k that was estimated. They’ve done an exam and, well, she’s not four months pregnant, she’s six months pregnant. That doesn’t mean a total bar to the procedure, however, which will shock some of you, while others won’t be surprised at all: rather than the usual 10k, they’ll do it for 65,000 baht, but it’s her risk. Neung says she’s had a friend die recently of a botched abortion (but I’ve already noted Neung can’t entirely be trusted, and keep in mind that Tou – however pregnant – does still pose something of a rival to Neung when it comes to Kim), and she advises Tou not to do it. Probably more relevant to the eventual outcome, I tell Tou that I’m not willing to sponsor her ‘healthcare’ at that particular level, so... that’s that. I’m not sure why exactly I draw the line at 65,000 – partly the principle of the money, perhaps a little less some doubt of my own that the procedure at that stage is an ethical thing to do, perhaps just a mixed desire not to shell out that much and to get the whole series of events over with and get back to my partying.


    An hour or so later, we meet again at the Marriott for a goodbye. Tou is upbeat, as always, laughing about her endless bad luck, and agreeing that her best move is to go back to Bangkok and try to move in with her brother and his family until she delivers the baby. No one talks about what she plans to do with the baby, or with herself, for that matter. She asks to stay and sleep a few hours in my bed, but I just see more trouble with that and take the easy way out: pack her palm with a bunch of US twenties and Thai thousands, and send her to the bus stop... I tell her I’ll try to stop by Bangkok before I fly out, but she and I know it’s a lie, and in the end that doesn’t happen: I go direct from Pattaya to Suvarnabhumi with minutes to spare, and no time for Tou.


    It’s about a month later now. Tou’s resolved to have the baby, although she refuses to call it her baby in her messages and phone calls, instead referring to it as the ‘gik inside’ or ‘my friend’, as in ‘my friend inside come out 2 months’. She says she’s still working Sukhumvit, and I can only hope that means selling beer on Soi 4 after hours, not on her back. Neung, meanwhile, still seems unable to get it back together in Pattaya after her stint in ‘Hong Kong’ (aka Monkey House), and is floating from friend to friend, no room of her own. There’s some Finnish chump in Sweden who might sponsor her someday, but for now, she’s looking at nothing, wishing it was something.


    I guess what I mean to say in all this is: you never know when a holiday will not really amount to a holiday, and if a girl ever mentions she’s pregnant, don’t invite her down to see you in Pattaya... But most of all, if you see a light-skinned pregnant girl selling beer down around Suk 4 in the early hours, buy one for you and one for me, and tip the kid big, because she’s a sweetheart and she’s got almost nothing else going for her.

  13. Chinese girls in Hong Kong? Ok, maybe, if you speak Cantonese and just want a quickie in a brothel, or do the sauna thing. But if you want the full LOS experience, you can get it with Thais in HK. And they make far more money than they do in LOS - but the risks are high, the language skills have to be pretty good, but quality requirements are low - as Gadfly notes, they're almost all older, come in as tourists for a month or two (some 'married' into HK, and have are residents), and have an extensive um, 'support network' for everything from their plane tickets, to their jungle Western Union systems, to the food they eat, and so on. Wanchai is location of choice - either on contract in the rip-off bars, or in the free lancer discos. They tend to get started later than the Filipinas (and now Indos and Vietnamese, and Colombians, Ethiopians, Kenyans, and so on), and are usually the bulk of the very late night crowds along the Jaffe Rd and Lockhart Rd places. Plenty of Thais in Hong Kong - for when you want that loving feel of home... Do some websearches for Neptune II and you'll probably stumble onto much more detailed info quite quickly. My Thai improved a lot while I was in HK, if that says anything... but my bank accounts were bouncing around like the needle on a Fukushima Geiger counter! Say hi for me when you meet them -



  14. so I wonder, is there a thai board out there somewhere with a thread titled: "Crusading Man with Digital Camera Ruins Thai Con Artist Holidays!"? Probably not, because you'll never shut these guys down, their business is too big and too easy -- ever been to India? Morocco? Turkey? Same shit goes on everywhere -- and frankly, I think some people actually find it an exciting part of their trip, something adventurous to tell when they get home ("and the tuk tuk driver was in on it! and the German at the Black Buddha temple too! it wasn't even the King's Birthday sale, and Wat Po was actually open!" etc, etc.) just as long as the cost was not too high. Anyone who doesn't know to avoid anything to do with 'gems' in Thailand needs a wake up call anyway...


    (As to TAT's response, I'll agree that they hardly seem to be doing anything - not even a warning on the website! Meanwhile, the Thai MFA and probably every western embassy give clear and detailed warnings on this scam.)



  15. I think the most notable lease agreement of all time is probably Guantanamo Bay, where - as I recall - both sides have to agree to cancel the lease for it to end. Meanwhile, Cuba fumes while the US pays something like $4 a year for the base...


    Of course, Cuba could send in 100 vandals during the night and try to smash up the place, Thai-style, but I'm thinking it wouldn't work out quite as smoothly...



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