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Posts posted by ALHOLK

  1. Taking inflation into account, that 280 to 300 is about the same as 130 to 150 ten to twelve years ago. I don't think that's the issue.


    What I saw happening, over a period of about a year, a few years ago, was some VERY unpleasant treatment of those guys you talk about, to the point that they said "Posting on Thai360 isn't sanuk anymore, and life is too short to do things that aren't sanuk." Take a look at the responses to some of the last Trip Reports.


    The inflation that you mention indicates an inflation rate of ~100% over a twelve year period. That is probably a might high but in essence you are right. Bangkok has become much more expensive than it was 15 years ago. I used spend some time in Bangkok when I came to Thailand before, nowadays I stay in Bangkok 1 or 2 days, mainly for shoping. I find that I get much more value for my money elsewhere.

    As for the the treatment of newbies, I have posted quite some time ago that the board has to a large extent been taken over by a clique of expats living in bangkok. This clique won't tolerate any diverging opinions. If any newbie posts something that is not to their liking they will respond with condescending and derogatory responses. The automatic response to anyone not living in Bangkok is: You don't live here so you don't know anything and are completely stupid, Just shut up and piss off.


    I joined this board nearly 15 years ago with the hope of geting some information about Thailand and maybe make some new friends. I have done both through the years but I would say that it would not be possible today. There is very rarely any wothwhile information on the board and making friends require arse kissing which I'm not very good at.


    When I arrive in Thailand next week I will bypass Bangkok due to anti democratic thugs taking over the streets. I come to Thailand to relax and enjoy myself and that is what I intend to do.





    1. Flinstones. A little beer bar at the bottom of soi 8, owned by a great guy, the girls were great fun and always knew where to find a good feed.



    I passe through soi 8 a couple of weeks ago and didn't se Flintstones. I may be gone.

    Soi ( has changed a lot since I was in Patters a couple of years ago.





  3. Hi!


    Obviously all time share operations aren't scams. In Sweden in the 80'ies they were common in the skiing resorts up north. Most of them were perfectly legit. The prices however were based on the assumption that they would rise steeply over a long period of time. Eventually the bubble burst ofcourse and lots of people lost their money.


    Time share might bee a good alternative for some but for those who need flexibility in their planning I don't think they are.


    Considering the week legal protection for foreigners in Thailand, especially those without heaps of money, I would be very careful.






  4. Hi!


    I don't doubt you but I have on a couple of occasions told the girls that I'm not in the market for time share appartments. They are either extremely good actors or they don't have a clue to what I'm saying. Perhaps some do understand that it's a scam and others don't.





  5. Hi!


    I think you should reconsider. Even if you can find a timeshare that isn't a scam it's still in most cases a poor deal. Think about it. You are restricted to 1 or 2 specific weeks every year. As I do know a little about your work I doubt if you can say for sure that you are going to Thailand on one specific week for the upcomming 10-20 years.


    15 years ago time share apartments were popular in the Swedish skiing resorts. They were perfectly legit and no scams were involved but people still lost lots of money on them. They will tell you that if you can't use a week they will rent it out for you and you make money. This is complete and utter BS.


    Also consider SOTH's comment about the people behind the racket being crooks. I have heard this from several other sources and I don't even have a problem with the blokes at Dog's Bollocks. :grinyes:





  6. Hi!


    These time share scams have been around for quite some time now. I once heard from an Englishman that they are orchestrated by conn men that have been kicked out of Spain for running the same kind of racket there. I don't know if this is true though.


    A friend once went to one of their sales promotion meetings. He said that ther was lot's free food but no booze. Apparently they were not alowed to serve alcohol so he left quickly. :grinyes:






    P.S. I have filled out the forms a couple of times but never give them my real name or location. Also I doubt if the young ladies on the street know what it really is about. They seem to believe that they really are doing survey on tourism.

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