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Posts posted by dean

  1. Just how many American men live and work in Thailand because they fled the US because they wouldn't or couldn't pay child support? A local KC man was arrested at LAX on returning from LOS. He had fled the US and stopped paying the $1,500 a month court ordered (1996) judgement to his ex wife. He worked in Thailand in senior management at the Prestige hotel chain. He now owes $165,000. At age 60, He will have a hard time paying it. It isn't going to help raise the child, who must be at least 18 plus by now. It's nice to know that Thai firms do a through background check on their prospective employees.

  2. Craigslist sperm donor forced to pay child support to lesbian couple - despite giving up parental rights to the baby BEFORE she was born




    A sperm donor has been ordered to pay child support for the biological daughter he fathered to a lesbian couple who found him via Craigslist.


    Angela Bauer, 40, and partner Jennifer Schreiner, 34, placed an ad on the site three years ago for a donor which was answered by William Marotta.


    'We are foster and adoptive parents and now we desire to share a pregnancy and birth together,' Bauer wrote in the online posting.


    Mr Marotta provided sperm which was used for artificial insemination by Ms Schreiner. In return, he gave up parental rights including financial duties for the child.


    The three signed a legal document which stated Mr Marotta, a married mechanic who fosters children with his wife, would have no rights to the child.


    Bauer and Schreiner updated Marotta on their daughter's well-being occasionally but he has had little contact, according to the Kansas City Star.


    The arrangement changed earlier this year when Ms Schreiner, the only parent registered on her daughter's birth certificate, applied for social welfare.


    Ms Bauer had been supporting the child but was left unable to work due to ill health.


    On October 3, 2012, attorney Mark McMillan filed a petition on behalf of the Department of Children and Families seeking a ruling that Marotta is the father of Schreiner's child and owes a duty to support her.


    It said the department provided cash assistance totaling $189 for the girl for July through September 2012, and had paid medical expenses totaling nearly $6,000.


    Schreiner had allegedly been put under pressure to reveal Mr Marotta's name so that her daughter could continue to have health care.


    The legal agreement that the three made in 2009 was deemed invalid by Kansas state because they did not use a certified doctor for the insemination.


    Ms Bauer and Ms Schreiner, who separated in 2010, plan to help Mr Marotta fight the state's decision, saying they are 'forever grateful' for the child he gave their family.


    Ms Bauer, from Topeka, told cjonline.com this week: 'We’re kind of at a loss. We are going to support him in whatever action he wants to go forward with.'


    Hannah Schroller, Mr Marotta's attorney, argued that the case was consistent with a 2007 case in which the Kansas Supreme Court denied parental rights to a man who sought them after providing a sperm donation under similar circumstances.


    A licensed physician performed the insemination in the 2007 case.


    Schroller wrote that Marotta took the same actions as the man in the 2007 case did, and he - like that man - should be considered a sperm donor, not a father.


    She stressed that sperm banks regularly ship donations for the intended purpose of artificial insemination within the United States and abroad to both residential and medical facility addresses.


    Schroller argued in court documents that if a donor is free of parental responsibility only when a doctor performs an insemination, 'then any woman in Kansas could have sperm donations shipped to her house, inseminate herself without a licensed physician and seek out the donor for financial support because her actions made him a father, not a sperm donor.


    'This goes against the very purpose of the statute to protect sperm donors as well as birth mothers'.


    Ms Bauer and Ms Schreiner had been together for eight years and adopted eight children. They ended their relationship in 2010 but continue to co-parent their sons and daughters who range from three months to 25 years old.


    The state of Kansas does not recognize same-sex unions, so each of their children was registered for adoption by a single parent.


    A motion to dismiss the state's case will be heard in Shawnee County District Court on January 8.


    Angela de Rocha, spokeswoman for the Department for Children and Families, said that Kansas law prevented her from commenting on the case.




    . The judge handed down the verdict today. The man is responsible for child support because no licensed Doctor was involved in the process. ThT should put a chill in being a sperm donor, at least through Craigslist.
  3. I just read 2 articles. The first said considerably less than half of Americans watched the evening news and couldn't recognize a picture go Brian Williams, the anchor for NBC, the highest rated of the 3 newscasts. This explains why most of the commercials on the newscasts are aimed at retired persons, like commercials for prescription drugs. The second article claimed that ABC news was becoming the People magazine of the airways, covering far less hard news than the other two newscasts. Personally, I rarely get home by 5:30 to watch any of them.

  4. Peter O'Toole died at age 81 on Saturday, after a long illness. If he had only acted in "Lawrence," he would be considered one of the greatest actors of his generation. Given his poor health and drinking in his earlier days, I'm surprised he lived as long as he did. RIP!

  5. Three times the Republicans have shut down non essential government and all three times they have gotten full pay. Did anyone think that this time was going to be different? They certainly deserve their back pay but applying for unemployment benefits is too close to gaming the system for my tastes. It's like the border agents that think that they are entitled to claim padded overtime pay because an emergency fund sits there that is supposed to be used for overtime pay in urgent pursuit of smugglers, etc. Gaming the system also occurs in business but doesn't affect taxpayers except when a business has to be bailed out at taxpayer expense, like the financial sector in 2008. I'm happy that I only have 5-10 years before retirement and can put this "gaming" in my rear view mirror.

  6. The jobs report for October came out with over 200,000 new jobs added and the unemployment rate going up one tenth of a percent (7.3). The reason that the unemployment rate went up was that many federal workers declared that they were laid off. Didn't Congress pass a law that all affected federal workers would get all their back pay? Nice job if you can get it.

  7. I'm sure that he had a lot of Chinese relatives that he could sponge off of. He did get to the U.S. When he was 15. He would have been about the age to attend 3-4 years of a high school that offered English as a 2nd language. Either he was a Juvenal delinquent when he arrived or his sponsor did nothing to get him to go to school.

  8. It has more to do with U.S. Immigration laws. It was a 25 year old Chinese cousin of the family. Preliminary reports are that he was unemployed and was jealous of the Chinese families "success." He had been in the U.S. For ten years and spoke little english (and the deceased mother spoke little english). Having just worked for a Chinese lady who had been in the U.S. For decades and whose children spoke perfect English, don't immigrants see the connection in learning English and getting decent jobs? If you have been here for ten years bad don't bother to learn English, you have no one but yourself to blame for your predicament.

  9. I just saw a report that Mc D made a 1.5 billion profit (I can't remember if that was annually or quarterly) but it cost 1.2 billion in government support programs for those workers. So, the U.S. Taxpayer is supporting keeping Mickey D open.

  10. All of this talk about the inept US Congress is going to drive me to drink more beer. Unfortunately, it probably won't be KC's local beer, Boulevard. It was bought today by a Belgium Brewery, Duvel Moor that. I've never heard of this beer before. Is it any good?

  11. I decided to post this here, as I don't want to offend any BM's. New $100 bill is coming out this Tuesday. How long will banks and exchange companies be accepting the old $100 bill? When I was in LOS in July, I had 15 $100 bills and one of them was the old version. No bank would take it (I tried 4) and one exchange company out of 3 finally took it,

  12. A local TV station in KC chartered a plane to take WWII veterans tomorrow to DC. Probably the largest group of veterans in DC since WWI veterans stormed Washington for future benefits and were dispersed by government troops, led by General McArthur.

  13. Let's see if I have this straight. The Federal government brings its full weight against an individual who teaches prospective government employees how to get away with lying on their mandated polygraph test. However, in 5 years, the Federal government has not successfully prosecuted anyone involved in the financial meltdown of 2008. Do Federal officials care more about removing someone that could affect their job performance (and make them look bad, in the process) than people that cost the government and American taxpayers trillions (but are well connected, contribute millions to elected officials and have lobbyists coming out the wazoo)?


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