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Posts posted by HSTEACH

  1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official



    Did you know that eating or even talking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be considered racist?


    That’s right.


    Apparently, it’s because people in some cultures don’t eat sandwich bread. Verenice Gutierrez, principal of Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland explained in and interview with the Portland Tribune:


    “Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year,†the Tribune said.


    “What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?†Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.â€


    …The Tribune noted that the school started the new year with “intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives,†to help educators understand their own “white privilege,†in order to “change their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance.â€


    "Last Wednesday, the first day of the school year for staff, for example, the first item of business for teachers at Scott School was to have a Courageous Conversation — to examine a news article and discuss the ‘white privilege’ it conveys,†the Tribune added.


    Gutierrez completed a week-long seminar called “Coaching for Educational Equity,†a program the Tribune says focuses “on race and how it affects life.†She also serves on an administrative committee that focuses on systematic racism.


    “Our focus school and our Superintendent’s mandate that we improve education for students of color, particularly Black and Brown boys, will provide us with many opportunities to use the protocols of Courageous Conversations in data teams, team meetings, staff meetings, and conversations amongst one another,†she said in a letter to staff.


    Next time you’re in the bread aisle at the grocery store, you may want to think twice. Sensitive liberal educators are now recommending the “torta†or the “pita†as a more culturally inclusive alternative.


    Now that you’ve been made aware of the evil of PB&J, there’s only one question left to answer: Is white bread more racist than whole wheat?






    I have a suggestion for all the complainers who criticize the way we do things in the US, buy a ticket and go back to the shithole you came from.

  2. HSTeach specifically since its your field but Flash and others please feel free to chime in. Obama spoke about lowering college costs. http://swampland.tim...-tuition-bills/ The middle class is VITAL for any country to grow and succeed. A thriving middle class even moreso. That is disappearing in America. A quality college education is becoming unaffordable. I don't know the reasons. Is it merely just greed on the universities? Or is it like what's happening with GM and other huge companies in that there are legacy costs. These unis have a huge staff. Not talking professors, the people in the cafeteria, the administration. My school had 25,000 students and so you need a small army to run things. Michigan, Texas, Penn State have well over 50k or 60k students!! The workers get paid well, great benefits and never leave. So, they retire and that retirement pay eats at costs, is that it? Or is it mismanagement? I have no idea. I'm sure someone in academia has written about it. Someone in Congress needs to find it, dust it off and find out the reasons. One of other concerns is that American unis are now a security issue. WIth the need for money, they have expanded international admissions. Understandable. These are almost always the wealthy of foreign countries. However, China is sending an 'army' (pun intended) of students to American unis and they are primarily in the hard sciences, engineering, etc. Okay, what's the big deal? Not so much that (they are trying to catch up technologically) but Chinese front companies are making agreements with schools like MIT, Cal Tech, U of Chicago to fund research and get first rights or co-usage to discoveries, findings etc. Much of this are things that have military application. I've read that the Chinese' ability to now hit the western USA or will soon and their stealth technology was stolen or sold. Stealth technology was lightyears ahead of its time. If some of you older guys can recall, Carter spoke about it and we perfected under Reagan. Its 30 year old technology that neither the Russians or the Chinese could duplicate...until now. Just like how both of the aforementioned got nuke technology (partially stolen from us), the same is happening with stealth other technology. Basically our unis research areas should be more of a security issue. It is but not nearly as secure as it should be.


    It seems the general consensus is everybody coming out of high school needs at least a BS/BA. I do not agree. How many people have you seen drop out of college after a year or two? They have no marketable skills and wind up working flipping burgers for minimum wage. The chances of advancing up the pay scale without some type of skill training is pretty slim. You cannot live on minimum wage. No way. They wind up on the public dole or worse get in trouble selling weed or crack.


    I taught technical education, culinary arts, and those students that went on to graduate from a community college or tech school in culinary or pastry arts after finishing HS are for the most part making 45-70K a year. More than most four year grads, if they can get a job. The number of tech jobs that are unfilled is staggering. The reason... not many young people don't want a "blue collar" job. I guess these days it's embarrassing to say you're a chef, aircraft mechanic, welder, or machinist. That's America's backbone. Without those types of jobs the US folds. Look at the salaries of blue collar workers in 2013,it will surprise you.


    As far as major colleges are concerned, they have almost priced themselves out of the market. I think I remember you're a War Eagle. Compare what you paid and what the current student pays. It's crazy. So the question is.. do you go get a BS/BA and have 30-50K in student loan debt when you finish with the prospect to getting a good job questionable or go to community/technical school for two years, have a much smaller debt, and have a pretty easy time finding a decent paying job?

  3. I've been telling Steve that for years. But he is probably too honest and decent to survive in politics. :dunno:


    p.s. Congrats to your wife, HT. :)



    Thanks Flash! We take citizenship as a given, but fail to realize what it means to someone not from the US. Joy thinks it's one of the highlights of her life. To come from a small village in Thailand to US citizenship IS a big deal to her.


    I wasn't joking about Steve in politics. Hell we need people in Washington with common sense and Steve fits the bill. The idiots running the country now HAVE to go!!

  4. I used to be staunchly against legalizing illegal immigration. I've changed my tune to a large extent. First, I must say that I think the southern border should be enforced and shame on the Dems for not going along so they can get politcal points. Its tantamount to treason. How can any person NOT be for controling its own borders? Its unpatriotic at best, close to treasonous if you're an elected official sworn to uphold the constitution and sworn to do what's best for America.

    I also have a problem with many of the latinos who come. Specifically Mexican Americans. Past immigrants came to America to be Americans. Its hypocritical to come to America and hate on America and claim parts of America belong to your country and be for some sort of 'reconquista' of American territory. The past is the past. Sh*t happens. My ancestors were enslaved. I can't change that. Reparations isn't gonna change that fact. Sh*t happens. I am not bitter about, lets move forward since all of us are 'stuck' here together. So, not saying forget the past but don't harbor it as a reason to hate. Other latinos are good on being American. Nothing wrong with having pride in your ancestoral country. Millions of Irish, Italian Americans, etc. who have been here for over a century have ancestoral pride but they are American first and foremost. I've described it to foreigners on international trips when asked in terms of soccer. Man Utd is your favorite team by far but you have a soft spot for Crystal Palace since your famly is from London. But if the two played you cheer for Man Utd.

    Anyway, that said. People say 'well, past immigrants (from Europe) came here legally and so everyone else should' True, very true but lets be truthful. They had no choice. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that had Ireland, Italy, and other European immigrants been in Canada and/or Mexico they'd have streamed across the borders in droves. Latinos are no different and lets be real. Immigration is a latino issue. Even thogh there are thousands and thousands of Asians, Eurpoeans and non Latinos who came here on student visas or tourist visas and overstayed it purposely, immigration is seen as a 'Latino' issue. Americans simply don't see non Latino illegal immigrants in the same manner. Boston and NY still have hundreds if not thousands of illegal Irish immigrants. More than a few Russians in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn here illegally as well and many are part of the russian mafia but unfairly Latinos get the brunt of the hate. If you're here, law abiding, have your family here but came here illgally and then f*ck it stay. However, if there are anti-American things in your past, no, f*ck you, go back. Not saying you can't bitch and complain like the rest of us but all of us draw a line with being anti-American. So, that's my overall stance. If any of us were in central america we'd move heaven and earth to come (allthough frankly, I wouldn't these days).



    Steve, you need to go into politics, you make more sense than most of the Democrats and Republicans in D.C. Both sides are to damn arrogant to even try and compromise on even the most basic issues. They are not legislators, they're pot stirrers. Always trying to make points for their side. The future of the US doesn't look promising until all the clowns in office now are voted out.


    As far as immigration is concerned, citizenship has to be earned, not given. My Thai wife will become a US citizen next month after years of waiting and considerable expense. For those that want citizenship, get at the back of the line and be prepared to spend hard earned money for the privilege. Also, if you want to come to work hard and earn you own money and support the US, you're welcome to come. For those that want to criticize the US and live off the public dole, stay the hell where you are now. You are not wanted.

    • Like 1
  5. Positions reversed ... now Obama has to show he is up to the job. That's a surprise turnaround.



    It would benefit the Democrats if they would put a piece of duct tape on Biden's mouth for his upcoming debate.

    • Like 1
  6. Who says Scots are tight ???


    A Scottish Soldier, in full dress uniform,

    marches into a pharmacy.

    Very carefully he opens his sporran

    and pulls out a neatly folded cotton bandana,

    unfolds it to reveal a smaller silk square handkerchief,

    which he also unfolds - to reveal a condom.

    The condom has a number of patches on it.

    The chemist holds it up and eyes it critically.

    How much to repair it? The Scot asks the chemist.

    Six pence, says the chemist.

    How much for a new one?

    Ten pence, says the chemist.

    The Scot painstakingly folds the condom into the silk square handkerchief

    and the cotton bandana, replaces it carefully in his sporran,

    and marches out of the door, shoulders back and kilt swinging.

    A moment or two later the chemist hears a great shout go up outside,

    followed by an even greater shout.

    The Scottish soldier marches back into the chemists

    and addresses the proprietor, this time with a grin on his face.

    The regiment has taken a vote, he says.

    “We'll buy a new one."

  7. I did not know this.....

    When you drink Vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure


    When you drink Rum over ice, it can give you liver failure,


    When you drink whiskey over ice, it can give you heart problems,


    When you drink Gin over ice, it can give you brain problems.


    Apparently, ice is really bad for you.


    Warn all your friends

  8. CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama


    by Joseph Curl


    Michelle’s back, and she’s madder than ever. She was already pretty angry, seemingly unhappy with just about everything. As her husband wrapped up the Democratic nomination in 2008, she let fly her real feelings: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country.†A few months into her job as first lady, her French counterpart asked how she liked the gig: “Don’t ask!†she reportedly spat. “It’s hell. I can’t stand it!â€


    She even seems to be mad at her silver-tongued husband. When the two were to set off on a luxurious 10-day vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, she left early - four hours early - and flew up alone. And those private vacations. She’s traveled to some of the world’s most plush resorts, taking 42 days off in the past year - that’d be eight weeks of vacay time if she held down a normal job.


    Now, she is ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail. A dignified, transcendent first lady? No chance. Michelle is going to break with a hundred years of tradition and play the role of attack dog, heaping derision on her husband’s political opponents like no other first lady before her.


    And it’s already begun. Mad Michelle this week popped down to Davis Island, Fla., to hobnob with the very people her husband despises - the 1 percent. At a massive mansion on the bay, filled with the wealthiest of the wealthy, America’s first lady launched into a tirade about “them†- the Republicans.


    “Let’s not forget about what it meant when my husband appointed two brilliant Supreme Court justices, and for the first time in history, our daughters - and our sons - watched three women take their seats on our nation’s highest court. But more importantly, let’s not forget the impact their decisions will have on our lives for decades to come - on our privacy and our security, on whether we can speak freely, worship openly and love whomever we choose. That is what’s at stake here,†she said to applause.


    Yes, Republicans hope to regain the White House so they can install Supreme Court justices who will trample Americans’ privacy, ignore the nation’s security, crush free speech and persecute the religious.


    Oh, and they’re rich and racist to boot. “Will we be a country where opportunity is limited to just the few at the top? Who are we? Or will we give every child a chance to succeed no matter where they’re from, or what they look like or how much money their parents have. Who are we?â€


    That’s right, rich people (white, of course) certainly don’t want black people to succeed. They want to squelch success based on what people look like, how much money they have. “Are we going to let them succeed?†the first lady yelled. “Nooo!†the rich white people screamed.


    Just as her husband’s re-election strategy is inanely simplistic - blame the Republicans for thwarting his brilliant, economy-saving policies - so too is the first lady’s. She will go to the opulent homes of rich people across the country to tell them how rich people are to blame for America’s woes and guilt them into giving millions for her husband’s campaign.


    And the Princeton graduate will tell supporters they simply can’t comprehend the significance of what’s occurring today in America.


    “It can be hard to see clearly what’s at stake - because these issues are so complicated, and quite frankly, folks are busy and they’re tired. We’re raising families and working full-time jobs, and many helping out in their own communities on top of all that. So many of us just don’t have the time to follow the news and to sort through all the back-and-forth, and to figure out how all of this stuff connects to our daily lives.â€


    Yes, only Michelle and her husband can truly understand, although she often tells those uninformed people that when the president returns from one of his campaign trips, “He says, ‘You won’t believe what folks are going through.’ †So maybe she is the only person in America who understands.


    So, America’s first lady will travel the country this election season to tell her fellow Americans just how bad it is out there (between lavish vacations, of course). Unlike President Ronald Reagan, who saw morning in America - that great shining city on a hill - Michelle will tell all who will listen that Republicans want to poison the air and water, stifle free speech, oppress the religious. She will offer not an uplifting vision of what her husband’s America could be but only a vapid view of what Republicans’ America would be.


    That is the America she lives in, and by campaign’s end, it will be clear that she’s no longer “proud of my country.†Maybe she never really was.


    Washington Times




    She only has 14 months left to complain......post-85-0-21241700-1320118917_thumb.jpg

  9. Maybe Bobby Jindal for Cain's VP? Let's really make history. :beer:


    A good candidate for Herman Cain would be Marco Rubio. junior Republican Senator from Florida. His family are Cuban exiles so that garners the Hispanic vote in Florida. A Black President and a Hispanic VP..THAT would make history.........

  10. Actually Flash, I don't know this guys ideology but conservative blacks have long criticized black Dems or left of center blacks or black activists. In the past it was Jesse and Rev Al and occasionally Maxine Waters and members of Congress. Obama being President its no surprise.

    Interesting thing is Rev Al was critical of Obama when he announced he was running. Its not in his best interest (nor Jesse's) to publicly attack him because they'd lose their constituents. Rev Al's and Jesse's beef is that he's not doing the 'blame the white man' thingy and not pushing for all kinds of programs specifically for blacks. Also, I think its Obama not providing a place for them at the table.

    Fact is Obama isn't liked by the black establishment. The Congressional Black Caucus did the unprecedented thing of backing Hillary for the '08 election. The 11th commandment of the CBC is thou shall always support a fellow member. Obama was always on the outside. He got elected in Chicago going against a long time black pol. Very few blacks of note supported him early. Jesse Jackson Jr ironically enough. Henry Louis Gates as well. The blacks in Congress, mayors, etc. across the country were firmly for Hillary. He's kept them all out of his administration and they pretty much have no more access to him than they did Bush.


    Obama is hated by the right and has a mutual dislike for black politicians on the left.




    This guy needs to be in the next administration in some capacity!!


    Herman Cain bio:

    ■Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.

    ■Master’s degree in Computer Science.

    â– Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).

    â– Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.

    â– VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury (this is the top of the ladder in the computer world, being in charge of information systems for a major corporation). All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed careers!

    ■ Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in the country. Spent the first nine months learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets. After three years he had turned them into the company’s best performers.

    ■Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.

    ■In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury. He was now the owner of a restaurant chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another industry.

    â– He was also chairman of the National Restaurant Association during this time. This is a group that interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry, and it gave him political experience from the non-politician side. Having reached the top of a second industry, he changed careers again!

    â– Adviser to the Federal Reserve System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.

    â– Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. He worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank. This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country). This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system. After reaching the top of the banking industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!

    ■Writer and public speaker. He then started to write and speak on leadership. His books include Speak as a Leader, CEO of Self, Leadership is Common Sense, and They Think You’re Stupid.

    ■Radio Host. Around 2007—after a remarkable 40 year career—he started hosting a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country). He did all this starting from rock bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid). When you add up his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated industries: information systems, business management, and banking—Herman Cain may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in the last half century.

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