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Posts posted by paul101

  1. 3 minutes ago, buffalo_bill said:

    Again, Biden survived this horrorshow somewhat graceful and that is all a Biden-supporter could hope for. Trump played the idiot he is and that is what his supporters like to see.

    That's what you saw, his supporters saw something different

  2. 35 minutes ago, buffalo_bill said:

    The Pence/Harris event might be worth getting up in the middle of the night. Harris is the only one with healthy brains between the 4.

    Is that the nasty old tart who called Biden a 'racist'?

  3. 4 hours ago, cavanami said:

    ...yes, it is easy for "fix" the election and the Dems are doing their best to steal the election!!!

    ‘Project Veritas’ Report Accuses Ilhan Omar Supporters Of Illegally Harvesting Ballots

    President Donald Trump is calling for an investigation of Rep. Ilhan Omar after a right-wing group known for its controversial videos claims it has evidence of voter harvesting linked to Omar.

    The video from the group Project Veritas shows a man driving around Minneapolis in July with what he claims are hundreds of absentee ballots for then Minneapolis City Council candidate Jamal Osman. The video was released Sunday night and Trump repeatedly tweeted about it.


    I posted that video, absolutely shocking, Somali activists going around homes collecting ballots, people turning up from out of town pretending to have just moved them going home again after registering, votes being bought, intimidation, well that's the way they do it in Somalia. No way Omar won fairly and a disgrace she has not been investigated for it along with the other misdemeanors she is accused of, like marrying her own brother.

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  4. 1 hour ago, buffalo_bill said:

    The man in the leatherjacket arises from the ashes, I miss Dr. Corsi and the nervous woman with the mouse-face. Suitable ambassadors of the current US.

    I watched that clip, Biden was clearly joking and did even laugh about himself. The leatherjacket-idiot missed the meaning, no surprise.

    Seems to 'joke' a lot, it including saying if blacks don't vote Dem they aint black, being in the senate 180 years and slagging off the military, he's a real funny guy, especially when he forgets where he is. 🙄

  5. The Guardian is a socialist rag, if Trump brought about world peace and a cure for the virus they would moan about why it took him so long. Amusingly this woke paper supported slavery and the confederacy in the 1860's when it was called the Manchester Guardian.

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  6. 9 hours ago, chocolat steve said:

    tRump will either catch Biden and pass him or just lose out. It will be very, very close. The American have been blatantly and shockingly wrong before (Bush 2nd term, Nixon's second term). But when you have 40% of the people openly supporting fascism, its not a surprise. 

    The Dems are feckless.  The one thing that will happen no matter who is there is a crash. We are long over due. 


    I think you need to look up the definition of fascism mate,sounds more like BLM or Antifa

    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

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  7. Lincoln set the low standards when it came to law breaking and ignoring the constitution yet he is commonly regarded as your greatest President. Not because of the means, only because of the end, he managed to defeat 11 states who (arguably) legally left the Union. In doing so troops were raised without congressional approval, free speech went followed by Newspaper owners and editors jailed without trial, papers closed down and even opponents deported who disagreed with his tax measures. Maybe Trump could be the new Lincoln?

  8. 1 hour ago, cavanami said:

    Obviously you have ZERO knowledge of the real Biden!

    Biden was the MBNA (large USA credit card company) Senator, meaning he pushed thru massive legislation for the benefit of the credit card companies, screwing the middle class!

    Biden has always worked to screw the middle class,

    Please study Biden BEFORE you make stupid comments!!!

    Must admit not being American I did not realize just what a snake in the grass Biden is, lets hope enough voters do before Nov

  9. 2 hours ago, buffalo_bill said:

    "Be the stepping-stone to power for an even more leftist Democratic Party that takes its cue from “AOC and the Squad”


    What you and many other Americans think is leftist, would be something like Social-democratic in Europe. If I compare both worlds the result is obvious. The US are falling apart without a general view that values human subjects higher than the stockmarket. You mean the US need to be saved from diabolic Biden by Trump? Very humorous view.

    I think they would be seen for what they are, more like communists, definitely the likes of AOC and that nasty little bitch from Minnesota

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