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Posts posted by Redbaron

  1. Expendables 3 - I've heard it will win every nomination it receives at the Oscars, as the last two did... It's what you expect, same as the last two.. awesome. Good for fun, but they throw a few younger ones into the mix, seems the old boys are a bit sore...


    Million ways to die is on the "while I'm doing the ironing" stick, tomorrow.

  2. On alcohol sales during flights, and forgive me if I'be told this tale before.. - flew Jetstar a year ago, Melbourne to BKK direct. Ordered and paid for a couple of beers for the Good Lady and I in economy, and by some miracle the trolley lady came back again and I asked for two more.... "No" was the definitive answer - responsible service of alcohol and all that - must be 2 hours between drinks. The Baroness and i were not happy... however - flying home in Jetstar's version of Business - 6 drinks before take off, 3 of them I didn't even ask for (top ups, etc) after living it large in the Qantas Club for 3 hours waiting for our flight.. bit of a contrast on the same airline which wouldn't let us pay for drinks a fortnight before...

  3. Doesn't surprise me - a lot of people have their nose in their phone all day it seems. I'm glad i work in an environment where they are not allowed. People are surprised when they see the Good Lady and I leave ours in the car when we go out for dinner.


    As for masturbating.. yeah I think I have got close, but never 150

  4. Best thing about owning a dog - if the dog knows you (ie a relative, one of the boys, or the kids next door), she wags her tail and gets excited at the prospect of a pat. Door knocker (incl religious) - she barks, looks and sounds like a killer dog.. I don't even need to be rude, I say, "Come on in," they politely leave and stick some junkmail in the letter box.

  5. The Lone Ranger - Not bad, as one could imagine Johnny Depp did a good job playing Tonto (he seems to like dressing up now doesn't he), and the final 30 odd minutes were fantastic. However a good 30-40 minutes could have been sliced out of the middle and we found ourselves wondering when something was going to happen at that point.

  6. Liberty Slipping: 10 Things You Could Do in 1975 That You Can’t Do Now




    In 1975:

    1.You could buy an airline ticket and fly without ever showing an ID.

    2.You could buy cough syrup without showing an ID.

    3.You could buy and sell gold coins without showing an ID

    4.You could buy a gun without showing an ID

    5.You could pull as much cash out of your bank account without the bank filing a report with the government.

    6.You could get a job without having to prove you were an American.

    7.You could buy cigarettes without showing an ID

    8.You could have a phone conversation without the government knowing who you called and who called you.

    9. You could open a stock brokerage account without having to explain where the money came from.

    10. You could open a Swiss bank account with ease. All Swiss banks were willing and happy to open accounts for Americans.

    There are thousands of other examples...


    With the possible exception of #'s 2, 3, 5 and 8 - I can't see a negative here...

  7. I've known a few lads over the years who have voted (in oz) for their mates who are stuck at work, who haven't been organised enough to vote early via post - even now we don't need to produce ID, and simply state our name and address. Not even DOB is on the book, just name and address.


    We get fined down here if we fail to vote, which is why this happens.

  8. If trying to make less people own guns isn't the answer... what is? Clearly the current state of affairs must be addressed... Or do people's lives mean so little these days, "Because it's in the Constitution"?


    disclaimer: yes I'm an Aussie - does this mean I shouldn't post in the US Thread? If not I'll stop when Americans stop commenting on other countries' affairs... including LOS


    disclaimer 2 : 90% + of Americans I've met have been great people.. the lawmakers/people with a bit of "pull", however (as in most countries) leave a lot to be desired.

  9. I'm no expert cav but one would assume if the Dow is up, then businesses may be turning a tidy profit (otherwise investors would not buy the shares) - and may be inclined to put on more employees - they definately won't be hiring if they are losing money, and the Dow is going down... Pretty simple really

  10. "Unintentional Poisoning" - stands out to me, I have known people who have dies by all other related deaths in the chart, bar this one.. and coss is right, death by cancer, stroke, heart, respiratory of a smoker will go down as tobacco related. Basically if a smoker dies by any "natural" means - that's what it goes down as.

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