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Posts posted by kamui

  1. "I am From Siam: Siam, the Land of the White Elephants and the Land of the Free"

    Very interesting documentation I found on YouTube.
    It's from the Thai YouTube channel "Film Archive Thailand".




    The only independent absolute monarchy existing today, yet the people enjoy as much freedom as they do anywhere else in the world.
    Here we have a strange mixture of East and West - ancient, colorful ceremonies side by side with the most modern mechanical improvements. You would feel at home here as I do, for the Siamese are a friendly, happy people.



    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi guys and gals(?). How are you doing?

    I haven't been here for exactly a decade (my last post was in August 2013).

    But my last trip to LOS was in 2010. I went LOS and Cambo several times from 2004 to 2010 and Thai360 was my major and almost main source of information about the nightlife in Thailand.
    To my surprise, my browser still had my login data, otherwise I would have trouble logging in again.

    I just came across the "Thailand Bound" channel on YouTube with all the stories of failed relationships and mine does fit perfectly. Luckily there wasn't much harm done on both sides, it was just a foolish enterprise from my side anyway.
    Listening to the stories brought old memories back. I today I wondered if Thai360 would still exist. 

    Attached is almost the last image I took in SE Asia . It's of "Sa" whom I met at Tilac bar in 2004 (of course without showing her face or much else :-)). We met on and off during my trips to LOS.
    On the day I took the photo of her sleeping, I left her apartment in Din Daeng at around 5am in the morning. There wasn't a goodbye, she slept or pretended to sleep when I left. Two days after, I returned home.

    How are you doing guys?

    PS:  I would love to go to Thailand again, but due to illness in the past years (unrelated to COVID), I currently lack funding.

    PS/PS: Did I really write 6.9k posts at Thai360????

    Sa-BKK, 2010.jpg

  3. The Wolverine




    Set mostly in Japan, which I can strongly relate to.

    Hugh Jackman, buffed to the max! Congrats on him, as the effort shows!!


    A bit of a twist in the ending.


    Saw it on the big screen, so it was OK and I am a sci-fi buff anyways. :dunno:


    Saw the movie as well. It was def. better than the last X-Men movies.


    By the way most of the Japan scenes have been filmed in Australia (the Alaska scene was filmed in New Zealand). Only a few street scenes are actually from Japan, like the "Love Hotel" scene. The "Love Hotel" is a famous building often published in books on Japanese architecture. Anyway in reality it's a 'capsule hotel' with tiny single rooms.



  4. That annoys the shit out of me. I get the fact that most filums require a suspension of disbelief but that's worse than the unlimited ammunition magazines most movie guns seem to possess!


    Just watched a mainland Chinese fighter movie "King of the Streets" (2012). Same same here: a fighter is surrounded by 12 guys with metal bars and not one is able to him in the back... It destroys the whole plot.



  5. What the fuck is it going to take for US politicians to take on the gun lobby ? Even if they did manage to enact any worthwhile legislation, I suspect that it's too late - getting millions of weapons off the streets would take decades, and there will always be a black market somewhere.


    I'll guess you'll have to start at one point.

    For all non-US people the US love for guns is quite strange. Compared to any other industrialized country the number of Americans killed by guns is absolutely staggering.

    The new "Stand your ground" law is absolutely disgusting and it's being hated by US police and prosecutors.

    But it seems that US politicians live in deep fear of the NRA.

  6. It is not so many years ago that people were claiming Japan was buying up the USA. And look at Japan now.


    The Japanese fucked up their economy on a major scale at the beginning of the 1990s and did never really recover from it. Their political system is completely intertwined with an extremely powerful bureaucracy which is run by a powerful and highly corrupt conservative elite - and both entities are closely connected to the most powerful business associations. On the other hand the Japanese leaders are extremely weak (very much different to the position and ability to lead of the US president) and - except prime minister Koizumi ("Lionheart" 2001-2006) - were and are inapt to change the course of the country and reform the economy.

  7. How to balance the budget:


    Residents Alerted to Obamas' Hawaiian Holiday Plans




    You mean that the leader of the most powerful country on earth should not be able to spend Christmas holiday with his famliy at the place of his childhood?


    :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:


    While the President and his friends pay for their own rental homes, taxpayers pick up the cost of security and waterfront housing for the Secret Service, Navy Seals and Coast Guard as well as staff accommodations at a plush beachfront Waikiki hotel.

    I guess you expect that he pays Airforce One and his security out of his own pocket?


    I regard to Obama's and his familie's travels some US media and blogs are surprisingly petty-minded.

  8. Source?




    For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% for tax years 1954 through 1963.[28]

    For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981. In 1978 income brackets were adjusted for inflation, so fewer people were taxed at high rates.[29] The top marginal tax rate was lowered to 50% for tax years 1982 through 1986.[30] Reagan undid 40% of his 1981 tax cut, in 1983 he hiked gas and payroll taxes, and in 1984 he raised tax revenue by closing loopholes for businesses.[31] According to historian and domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett, Reagan's 12 tax increases over the course of his presidency took back half of the 1981 tax cut.[32]


  9. Another topic that I want to hear comments about is the Susan Rice thing. What's up John McCain's and Lindsay Graham's asses? They have a hard on for this girl. They are also hypocritical as hell, Condi Rice straight out lied. No question. Susan Rice was parotting talking points from a situation she was not party to. Condi was in the thick of the WMD mess.




    The Rice matter was a pre-election thing. The right tried to make it into a huge scandal for to damage Obama's standing in regard to foreign policy. I remember a statistics that Fox committed more airtime on Rice and the attack on the consulate in Libay than on Sandy. Unfortunately for FOX/the GOP Sandy and Obama's response to it caught the attention of the public.


    For many years foreign policy was a weak spot of the Dems and a selling point for the GOP - but this time Obama had Osama bin Ladin and other Al Qaida leaders eliminated and the Arab spring happened without any US solidiers killed: the GOP had lost foreign policy line of attack almost completely (even though they constantly tried to paint Obama as weakling and unpatriotic).


    Now the Lybia/Rice matter is fizzling out and McCain has to retreat. I guess finally McCain realized that he was making a fool out of himself and did damaged himself severely.

  10. He got so ill that he was sent home against his wishes. He only lasted a few days in the States and checked out about 25 September. :(


    Even though I never met him, I think it's not fair the they forced him to return to the West for to die. I guess he would have been more happy in his last days with his pals and some Thai nurses around him...

  11. What I don't understand is why this unprecedented amout of petitions. Okay, some don't think Obama is a good President. In recent history some have been much, muich worse (Nixon, Dubya), why no secession petitions then?

    As for Texas specifically, if they seceded, they would become a minority dominated 'country' so let them. The demographics suggest that latinos and blacks are having kids at a far larger rate than whites.

    Aslo, good luck in protecting that border. They'll spend a large part of their 'GNP' on that alone. Texas secedes they'll basically be a latin America country...lol.


    I am surprise that you are surprised This hasn't anything to do with rational decisions. Don't forget that the right has been demonizing Obama since he became a candidate for president. For example one result of Obama's first election was that gun sales exploded. The same happened in recent months when people started to _fear_ that he would be reelected. All the while Obama didn't touch the issue of restricting gun sales at all and there wasn't the smallest hint that he would touch the issue during his second term.


    BTW, that's why there is such infighting in within the GOP: in the end the GOP started to beliefe it's own propaganda that Obama is the devil who will destroy the USA. They where really shocked to learn that the majority of the electorate saw Obama completely differently. And now they struggle how to deal with the reality.

  12. #2 is most likely, IMO. :dunno:


    More details about the affair are coming out.


    Paula Broadwell, the woman reported to be having an affair with CIA Director David Petraeus, sent harassing emails to State Department official, the AP reported.

    Jill Kelley, the woman who received emails from Broadwell that prompted her to alert FBI, reportedly works as a State Department military liaison.

    According to the Washington Post, the woman was "frightened" for her safety and contacted the FBI for protection. The Post describes the emails as "threatening."



    This Paula Bodwell seems to be a tough cookie. But seeing photographs of Petraeus' wife I can understand that he now and then wanted to dine outside the house.

  13. My two main worries are that the Republicans in Congress will not compromise and continue the "deny Obama any thing he wants even if we agree with it strategy" and Obama continues to be embittered and becomes combative.


    Andrew Sullivan (the Dish Blog at Daily Beast) to St. Colbert at the Colber Report:

    “There’s a black man in power who has nothing to lose.â€

    :surprised: :surprised:



    It must be the white man's Tea Party biggest fear.

  14. To be fair there should also be a Canuck thread, an Aussie thread, a Sheepshagger thread, one for the Pommie bastards etc. Don't want anyone to feel left out.


    p.s. A Roman thread in Latin?


    I like Munchie's Scotland thread. No one - except 1-2 two people - knows the place and no one outside GB seems to have an opinion about it. :chinaman:

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