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Posts posted by kamui

  1. Fair enough, now lets see Der Spiegel do an even handed review of the Democratic Party. Something tells me they won't. :hmmm:




    From an European perspective, the Dems might do bad politics, but they seem to be far less crazy than the current field of GOP candidates. Or could you provide equally crazy quotes and information on leading Dem pols from the past 3-4 weeks?



  2. Foreign view on the GOP candidates:


    A Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses

    A Commentary by Marc Pitzke


    The US Republican race is dominated by ignorance, lies and scandals. The current crop of candidates have shown such a basic lack of knowledge that they make George W. Bush look like Einstein. The Grand Old Party is ruining the entire country's reputation.


    Africa is a country. In Libya, the Taliban reigns. Muslims are terrorists; most immigrants are criminal; all Occupy protesters are dirty. And women who feel sexually harassed -- well, they shouldn't make such a big deal about it.


    Welcome to the wonderful world of the US Republicans. Or rather, to the twisted world of what they call their presidential campaigns. For months now, they've been traipsing around the country with their traveling circus, from one debate to the next, one scandal to another, putting themselves forward for what's still the most powerful job in the world.


    As it turns out, there are no limits to how far they will stoop.


    It's true that on the road to the White House all sorts of things can happen, and usually do. No campaign can avoid its share of slip-ups, blunders and embarrassments. Yet this time around, it's just not that funny anymore. In fact, it's utterly horrifying.


    It's horrifying because these eight so-called, would-be candidates are eagerly ruining not only their own reputations and that of their party, the party of Lincoln lore. Worse: They're ruining the reputation of the United States.




    They lie. They cheat. They exaggerate. They bluster. They say one idiotic, ignorant, outrageous thing after another. They've shown such stark lack of knowledge -- political, economic, geographic, historical -- that they make George W. Bush look like Einstein and even cause their fellow Republicans to cringe.


    "When did the GOP lose touch with reality?" wonders Bush's former speechwriter David Frum in New York Magazine. In the New York Times, Kenneth Duberstein, Ronald Reagan's former chief-of-staff, called this campaign season a "reality show," while Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan confidante Peggy Noonan even spoke of a "freakshow."


    That may be the most appropriate description.


    Tough times demand tough and smart minds. But all these dopes have to offer are ramblings that insult the intelligence of all Americans -- no matter if they are Democrats, Republicans or neither of the above. Yet just like any freakshow, this one would be unthinkable without a stage (in this case, the media, strangling itself with all its misunderstood "political correctness" and "objectivity") and an audience (the party base, which this year seems to have suffered a political lobotomy).


    Factually Challenged


    And so the farce continues. The more mind-boggling its incarnations, the happier the US media are to cheer first one clown and then the next, elevating and then eliminating "frontrunners" in reliable news cycles of about 45 days.


    Take Herman Cain, "businessman." He sat out the first wave of sexual harassment claims against him by offering a peculiar argument: Most ladies he had encountered in his life, he said, had not complained.


    In the most recent twist, a woman accused Cain of having carried on a 13-year affair with her. That, too, he tried to casually wave off, but now, under pressure, he says he wants to "reassess" his campaign.


    If Cain indeed drops out, the campaign would lose its biggest caricature: He has been the most factually challenged of all these jesters.


    As CEO of the "Godfather's" pizza chain, Cain killed jobs -- but now poses as the job-creator-in-chief. Meanwhile, he seems to lack basic economic know-how, let alone a rudimentary grasp of politics or geography. Libya confounds him. He does not believe that China is a nuclear power. And all other, slightly more complicated questions get a stock answer: "Nine-nine-nine!" Remember? That's Cain's tax reduction plan that would actually raise taxes for 84 percent of Americans.


    Has any of that disrupted Cain's popularity in the media or with his fan base? Far from it. Since Oct. 1, he has collected more than $9 million in campaign donations. Enough to plow through another onslaught of denouements.


    No Shortage of Chutzpah


    Then there's Newt Gingrich, the current favorite. He's a political dinosaur, dishonored and discredited. Or so we thought. Yet just because he studied history and speaks in more complex sentences than his rivals, the US media now reflexively hails him as a "Man of Ideas" (The Washington Post) -- even though most of these ideas are lousy if not downright offensive, such as firing unionized school janitors, so poor children could do their jobs.


    Pompous and blustering, Gingrich gets away with this humdinger as well as with selling himself as a Washington outsider -- despite having made millions of dollars as a lobbyist in Washington. At least the man's got chutzpah.


    The hypocrisy doesn't end here. Gingrich claims moral authority on issues such as the "sanctity of marriage," yet he's been divorced twice. He sprang the divorce on his first wife while she was sick with cancer. (His supporters' excuse: It's been 31 years, and she's still alive.) He cheated on his second wife just as he was pressing ahead with Bill Clinton's impeachment during the Monica Lewinsky affair, unaware of the irony. The woman he cheated with, by the way, was one of his House aides 23 years his junior -- and is now his perpetually smiling third wife.


    Americans have a short memory. They forget, too, that Gingrich was driven out of Congress in disgrace, the first speaker of the house to be disciplined for ethical wrongdoing. Or that he consistently flirts with racism when he speaks of Barack Obama. Or that he enjoyed a $500,000 credit line at Tiffany's just as his campaign was financially in the toilet and he ranted about the national debt. Chutzpah, indeed.


    Yet the US media rewards him with a daily kowtow. And the Republicans reward him too, by having put him on top in the latest polls. Mr. Hypocrisy, the bearer of his party's hope.


    "I think he's doing well just because he's thinking," former President Clinton told the conservative online magazine NewsMax. "People are hungry for ideas that make some sense." Sense? Apparently it's not just the Republicans who have lost their minds here.


    The Eternal Runner-Up


    And what about the other candidates? Rick Perry's blunders are legendary. His "oops" moment in South Carolina. His frequently slurred speech, as if he was drunk. His TV commercials putting words in Obama's mouth that he didn't say (such as, "Americans are 'lazy'"). His preposterous claim that as governor of Texas he created 1 million jobs, when the total was really just about 100,000. But what's one digit? Elsewhere, Perry would have long ago been disqualified. But not here in the US.


    Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann has fallen off the wagon, although she's still tolerated as if she's a serious contender. Ron Paul's fan club gets the more excited, the more puzzling his comments get. Jon Huntsman, the only one who occasionally makes some sort of sense, has been relegated to the poll doldrums ever since he showed sympathy for the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators.


    Which leaves Mitt Romney, the eternal flip-flopper and runner-up, who by now is almost guaranteed to clinch the nomination, even though no one in his party seems to like or want him. He stiffly delivers his talking points, which may or may not contradict his previous positions. After all, he's been practicing this since 2008, when he failed to snag the nomination from John McCain. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    As an investor, Romney once raked in millions and, like Cain, killed jobs along the way. So now he says he's the economy's savior. To prove that, he has presented an economic plan that the usually quite conservative business magazine Forbes has labeled "dangerous," asking incredulously, "About Mitt Romney, the Republicans can't be serious." Apparently they're not, but he is, running TV spots against Obama already, teeming with falsehoods.


    Good for Ratings


    What a nice club that is. A club of liars, cheaters, adulterers, exaggerators, hypocrites and ignoramuses. "A starting point for a chronicle of American decline," was how David Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker, described the current Republican race.


    The Tea Party would take issue with that assessment. They cheer the loudest for the worst, only to see them fail, as expected, one by one. Which goes to show that this "movement," sponsored by Fox News, has never been interested in the actual business of governing or in the intelligence and intellect that requires. They are only interested in marketing themselves, for ratings and dollars.


    So the US elections are a reality show after all, a pseudo-political counterpart to the Paris Hiltons, Kim Kardashians and all the American Idol and X Factor contestants littering today's TV. The cruder, the dumber, the more bizarre and outlandish -- the more lucrative. Especially for Fox News, about which the Fairleigh Dickinson University found out that its viewers are far less informed than people who don't watch TV news at all.


    Maybe that's the solution: Just ignore it all, until election day. Good luck with that -- this docudrama with its soap-opera twists is way too enthralling. The latest rumor du jour involves a certain candidate who long ago seemed to have disappeared from the radar. Now she may be back, or so it is said, to bring order into this chaos. Never mind that her name is synonymous with chaos: Sarah Palin.




  3. HAHAHAHAHA :rotl:



    Arapahoe Sheriff Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. has. Sullivan, a nationally renowned law enforcement leader, was arrested on drug charges and is now being detained in the Denver area jail that bears his name.


    Sullivan, who in 2001 was named the National Sheriff Association's "Sheriff of the Year," was arrested on suspicion of trafficking methamphetamines.


    Local news station CBS4 began an investigation of Sullivan last month on a tip that he had agreed to meet a male informant, providing drugs in exchange for sex.


    ...the deeper they fall.... elephant.gif

  4. The NYT is a solidly Democratic paper, which means take this with a grain of salt.




    Anyway looking from abroad this endless campaign becomes really disgusting.

    There is nothing of substance happing - just posture, demagogy, falsehoods, attacks and counter attacks - while _absolutely_ nothing is being getting done.


    Just to think, that this is just a preliminary phase of the election gives a really dark outlook for 2012.

    While the major parts of the Western world are imploding the US political elite is most busy with infighting, using up most of their resources and energy.

  5. Support for Tea Party Falls in Strongholds, Polls Show



    Support for the Tea Party — and with it, the Republican Party — has fallen sharply even in places considered Tea Party strongholds, according to an analysis of new polls.


    In Congressional districts represented by Tea Party lawmakers, the number of people saying they disagree with the movement has risen significantly since it powered a Republican sweep in midterm elections; almost as many people disagree with it as agree with it, according to the analysis by the Pew Research Center.


    Support for the Republican Party has fallen even further in those places than it has in the country as a whole. In the 60 districts represented in Congress by a member of the House Tea Party Caucus, Republicans are now viewed about as negatively as Democrats.


    The analysis suggests that the Tea Party may be dragging down the Republican Party heading into a presidential election year, even as it ushered in a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives just a year ago.


    Other polls have shown a decline in support for the Tea Party and its positions, particularly because its hard line during the debate over the debt ceiling and deficit reduction made it less an abstraction than it was a year ago. In earlier polls, most Americans did not know enough about the Tea Party to offer an opinion.


    “We know that the image of the G.O.P. has slipped, but to see it slip so dramatically in Tea Party districts is pretty surprising,†said Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Center. “You think of those as bedrock Republican districts. They are the base.â€


    The number of people who disagree with the Tea Party has also risen among the general public, according to the most recent of the polls in the Pew analysis, taken this month. Among the public, 27 percent said they disagreed with the Tea Party and 20 percent said they agreed — a reversal from a year ago, when 27 percent agreed and 22 percent disagreed.


    In Tea Party districts, 23 percent of people now disagree with the Tea Party, while 25 percent agree. A year ago, 18 percent of people in those districts disagreed with the Tea Party, and 33 percent agreed.


    In another poll in the Pew analysis, conducted in October, 48 percent of people in Tea Party districts said they had a negative view of the Republican Party, while 41 percent said they had a favorable view. The favorable rating had dropped 14 percentage points since March.


    That drop was steeper than it was among the general public, where the percentage of people with a favorable opinion of the Republican Party had fallen to 36 percent, from 42 percent in March.


    Opinions about the Democratic Party have shifted less, nationally and in Tea Party districts. Among the general public, favorable ratings for the Democratic Party fell to 46 percent in October from 50 percent in August. In Tea Party districts, favorable ratings for the Democrats stayed about the same — at 39 percent in October and 37 percent in August.




    There was even some evidence that Tea Party Republicans were viewing Democrats a little less harshly. The share of people in Tea Party districts who viewed the Democrats unfavorably had fallen to 50 percent in October, from 57 percent in August.


    How much this affects Republican chances in the presidential contest next year, Mr. Kohut said, probably depends on which candidate wins the nomination.


    “If the candidate is of a more conservative bent, he or she will have to deal with this complaint about the Tea Party among the general public, of being too extreme and not willing to compromise,†he said.


    “The focus has been very much on the candidate and not on the party, but going into this election, the party has problems,†he said. “Which isn’t to say that people are wildly enthusiastic about the Democratic Party, but it hasn’t lost the kind of favor the G.O.P. has.â€


    The analysis is based on polls conducted by the Pew Research Center from March 2010 through November.





  6. I would like to see some quality candidates being seriously considered. Its upside down. Paul, Huntsman and Johnson are the best of the lot. I see that its the ones with a bit of integrity that aren't liikely to be bought off that can't get a look. Speaks volumes of the party.


    Dems at least will vote their heart. Obama winning over Hillary proves that. I wouldn't have put money on him in Vegas. He was a long shot. Dems have a habit of picking long shots on occasion. Carter in '76. Clinton in '92. Obama in '08. Can't tell you when a party outsider won for the Republicans. The Republican machine picks the winner and the people go along.


    I guess it is too late for a white GOP knight, right?

  7. US Congress rules that pizza is a vegetable surprised.gifmonkeydance.gifmonkeydance.gifmonkeydance.gif

    pizza-390x285.jpgDoes this look like a vegetable to you?Image: Jyoti Das via Flickr

    PIZZA CAN BE classed as a vegetable – at least according to a decision made by the US Congress. Who knew?


    American lawmakers have ruled that the amount of tomato paste in pizza sauce means that pizzas can be counted as a vegetable.


    The bizarre move, which was decided in a vote on the annual spending bill for the Department of Agriculture, happened for purely political reasons.


    The crucial bill had oversight over subsidised school meals, and the department was seeking to restrict pizza, chips and starchy vegetables from the menu for school children in a bid to combat child obesity.


    MSNBC reports that politicians had been lobbied heavily by the frozen food industry who didn’t want to see a major revenue stream cut off given how often pizza is found on the menus of school canteens in the US.


    School meals subsidised by the government are mandated to include a certain amount of vegetables and the Department of Agriculture’s plan would have pushed pizza-makers at least partly out of the school lunch business.


    The salt industry, potato growers, and some conservative politicians who said that the federal government shouldn’t be involved in telling children what to eat, also lobbied against the change.


    After some debate, Congress voted that anything containing two tablespoons of tomato sauce can be labelled a vegetable, putting pizza into the vegetable categor


    The Obama administration is fighting to make school lunches healthier in the face of a growing obesity problem across the country.




  8. Our Dictator In Chief


    This is from Mark Knoller of CBS. The pilots and crew of Air Force One are flying more hours than a rookie on a beer run.




    They are tired of it too, and are adding more crew to Air Force-1, I know this for a fact because I'm one of the instructors that trains the crews. Our company (Atlas Air) has had the Air Force-1 and E-4 contract for over two years and I've been doing it for about 8 months now.


    Last year (2010) Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other day.


    White House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that the Democrat doesn't intend to hang around the White House quite so much in 2011. They explain he wants to get out more around the country because, as everyone knows, that midterm election shellacking on Nov. 2nd had nothing to do with his health care bill, over-spending or other policies, and everything to do with Obama's not adequately explaining himself to his countrymen and women.


    And with only 343 days remaining in Obama's never ending presidential campaign, the incumbent's travel pace will not likely slacken. At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR (not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime), that's a lot of frequent flier dollars going into Obama's carbon footprint. And everyone of US are paying for this YES, You & I


    We are privy to some of these numbers thanks to CBS' Mark Knoller, a bearded national treasure trove of presidential stats. According to Knoller's copious notes, during the last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days.


    He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf. Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.


    In fact, even including the 24 days of 2010 that we never saw Obama in public, his speaking works out to about one official utterance every 11 waking hours. Aides indicate the "Real Good Talker" believes we need more.


    Related: Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans to travel more


    Related: Vacationer-in-Chief Spends $1.75 Million to Visit Hawaiian Chums


    Obama has spent over $100 million taxpayer dollars flying around in Air Force One, and probably another $100 million on his entourage. Obama is just another tin-pot dictator living lavishly at the expense of his subjects.


    And we seniors have to "tighten our belts" because we aren't getting a COLA again this year... and none last year!






    Sometimes I think some you Americans are really small minded people. Complaining about the fact that the president is traveling too much...


    As if Obama and his family could - or even should - travel on the cheap.


    But this article doesn't come as a surprise, since it is not the first of this kind. Before there where complaints that his summer holiday was too expensive (Martha's Wineyeard) or the the stupid allegation by Fox and co. that Obama's trip to India last year did cost 200 mio USD _per day_. This would be more than the war in

    Tip to Mumbai


    Anyway, spending for Airforce One is just peanuts in the US government's budget.

    Compare this to the military budget of 663.84 billion USD (2010). In the year 2000 it was below 300 billion USD.


    Strangely most Americans seem to ignore the military budget when talking about exploding costs.

  9. As for the work done by Newt's COMPANY for Freddie Mac, maybe you should have studied harder if you wanted the contract. LOL. Jealousy is a sin :biggrin:




    Newt has a company for historical advice to financial institutions?

    I am becoming even more jealous. Why did I not come up with this...



    I am just trying to figure out what advice he must have given to them just before they needed to be bailed out with billions of US taxpayer's money. It was probably on the level of "Pecunia non olet". xmassmile.gif

  10. While I think that the president of the USA is much more powerful than many other heads of states, it seems that the system is so dysfunctional that even the strongest president can't win against the vested interests, the extremely powerful lobby groups and the corruption. The failure of the super committee has shown that there are extremely strong groups which are not interested in a solution which would pull the USA out of the mess. For those groups their own interests are more important than the fate of the USA.




  11. If you are saying that Newt and Romney are "loonies" and that Obama knows what he's talking about, there's some Florida land I've got on sale with your name on it. In a series of debates, Newt would absolutely chew Obama up and spit him out. Newt is sooooooooo much more knowledgeable about domestic and foreign affairs than Obama that it isn't even funny. BTW, it has been said that if you took ALL of the earnings (rather than just tax the earnings) of the top 1%, it would only be enough to run the government for 16 days. I guess that would satisfy Obama no end: Discourage people from advancing themselves, investing in businesses, and be successful...perhaps the forerunner of a collective social/economic model. (Pol Pot tried to do that.)


    But you're ignoring your general thesis regarding polarization of the American public upon which I agreed.




    Yeah, Newt, the one who started f@cking upcoming wife 2, while still being married to wife 1. He asked wife 1 for divorce while she was in hospital recovering of cancer. Next he left wife 2 with whom he was still married for wife 3. While being married with wife 2 and f@cking upcoming wife 3 (of course a House staffer and 23 years younger) Newt lead the impeachment of Bill Clinton because the Monica L. scandal.


    The Newt who received 300.000 USD from Fannie (or was it Freddie) for advice he gave as an historian for ca. 1 hr. a week? I guess that was the best paid job a historian ever had. Too bad that I did study history for just one year - I could have beene a rich man by now.


    I guess that's the candidate who represents the GOP's values best. hubbahubba.gifworship.gifcondom.gif

  12. How to make friends with the biggest investor in Alabama. surprised.gif


    By the way Mercedes intends to invest 2 billion USD in Alamba in 2014 - if Alamba is able to keep the German managers out of jail until then...


    Police arrest visting Mercedes executive under Alabama immigration law


    Published: Friday, November 18, 2011, 7:25 PM


    TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -- A German manager with Mercedes-Benz is free after being arrested for not having a driver's license with him under Alabama's new law targeting illegal immigrants, police said Friday.


    Tuscaloosa Police Chief Steven Anderson told The Associated Press an officer stopped a rental vehicle for not having a tag Wednesday night and asked the driver for his license. The man only had a German identification card, so he was arrested and taken to police headquarters, Anderson said.


    The 46-year-old executive was charged with violating the immigration law for not having proper identification, but he was released after an associate retrieved his passport, visa and German driver's license from the hotel where he was staying, Anderson said.


    It wasn't immediately known how long the man was in custody or the status of his court case.


    The law -- parts of which were put on hold amid legal challenges -- requires that police check citizenship status during traffic stops and take anyone who doesn't have proper identification to a magistrate. Anderson said that's what was done, but someone in the same situation wouldn't have been arrested before the law took effect.


    "If it were not for the immigration law, a person without a license in their possession wouldn't be arrested like this," he said. Previously, drivers who lacked licenses received a ticket and a court summons, according to Anderson.


    Mercedes-Benz spokeswoman Felyicia Jerald said the man is from Germany and was visiting Alabama on business. The company's first U.S. assembly plant is located just east of Tuscaloosa.


    "This was an unfortunate situation, but the incident was resolved when our colleague ... was able to provide his driver's license and other documents to Tuscaloosa police," Jerald said.



  13. Kamui...we finally agree on something politically ! (I think the world is, indeed, coming to an end. 55555555) The country was quite polarized politically even before Barry was elected. His platform was one which included non-partisanship, working together, blah blah blah. (As Steve noted above, he campaigned extolling those things which he had almost no chance to accomplish.)


    Almost immediately, Obama took on issues which clashed significantly with the oppositon. Instead of focusing on the economy and jobs (which he knows little about), he focused on stuff like "don't ask, don't tell", telling our enemies when we will be running up the white flag, doubling GWB's deficit in only 2 years, and literally pushing health care legislation down the public's throat. These were all issues that significantly polarized the parties, instead of promoting "cooperation". It was only natural that his opposition would dig in it's heels and give him the finger, as he had done to it so publicly. The November 2010 elections has shown that a good portion of independents have abandoned Barry; I suspect even more will join the opposition. Over 70% of the country thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction. Just today, two former Demoncratic polsters/advisors have written in major newspapers that Obama should not seek a second term, as did Johnson. He is just too polarizing and challenges the opposition to deny him what he wants. They are NOT going to give it to him.


    A change in the WH will be good, I hope. A lot of folks hoped that 4 years ago and they were wrong. New leadership in that position is the only thing that will get the bus back on the road. Four more years of Obama demonizing 1% of the population as the reason he can't effectively govern is pathetic.




    Why do you think a change in the White House will change much? The current GOP candidates are as incompetent as an politician can be. While this doesn't seem to matter on state level (see Rick Perry), it would have severe consequences if one of the current GOP loonies would become president. You can say about Obama what you want, he actually knows what he is talking about, while McCain, Perry, Bachman, e.g. seem to have failed in high school latest.


    I am sure the 1% are feeling really terrible at the moment. GWB and the other GOP players kissed their asses for many, many years and now this: people demand that they pay as much tax as the middle class does. I guess the 1.000 USD psycho therapy sessions in N.Y. are booked out for months. help.gif

  14. The refreshing thing about many Dems is that they will be honest about their feelings and criticize each other. Chris Matthews has valid points. During the 8 years of Bush, Republicans did nothing. Many saw the BS, erosion of freedoms and civil liberties and stood idly by. Even the media. The party it seems is more important than the nation. I truly believe maney see the party and the country as the same so being loyal to the Republican party is being a good American and being loyal to America.




    From an outside view it doesn't matter anymore whom to blame for the current crisis. What matters now is that the political system has become so dysfunctional that it is incapable of finding and implementing proper solutions to overcome the self-caused mess.


    First the Reps blocked any solution in spring, now the so called super committee failed completely with Dems and Reps blaming each other, and soon the election campaign will be in full swing. In the worst case there won't be a real solution until 2013.


    IMHO US politics are as deeply split as in LOS. Dems against Reps, like Red Shirts against Yellow Shirts. While the people in LOS can improvise and if they fail, no one outside SE Asia will really notice, an even more declining USA will have severe consequences all around the world. We will all have to pay for it.


    I guess the elite in the USA still doesn't feel enough pain to face the reality.

    Just compare this with Greece and Italy. In both countries the traditionally terrible and corrupt politicians who ran their countries into the ground have been fired and replaced by technocrats - but both countries had almost to declare bankruptcy until this could happen.


    p.s. You are probably not old enough to remember when Ertha Kitt stood up at a White House dinner and told off Lady Bird Johnson over the Vietnam War. Come to think of it, you are probably not old enough to remember Ertha Kitt or Lady Bird Johnson. :p



    Not all of us fought is the Spanish-American War. smirk.gif



  16. Correcting the ‘fairy tale’: A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died



    Forget whatever you think you know about the night Osama bin Laden was killed. According to a former Navy SEAL who claims to have the inside track, the mangled tales told of that historic night have only now been corrected.


    “It became obvious in the weeks evolving after the mission that the story that was getting put out there was not only untrue, but it was a really ugly farce of what did happen,†said Chuck Pfarrer, author of "Seal Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden".




    The helicopters, called “Stealth Hawks,†are inconspicuous machines concealing cutting-edge technology. They entered the compound as planned, with “Razor 1″ disembarking its team of SEALs on the roof of the compound — not on the ground level. There was no crash landing. That wouldn’t occur until after bin Laden was dead.


    Meanwhile, “Razor 2″ took up a hovering position so that its on-board snipers, some of whom had also participated in the sea rescue of Maersk Alabama captain Richard Phillips, had a clear view of anyone fleeing the compound.


    The SEALs then dropped down from the roof, immediately penetrated the third floor, and hastily encountered bin Laden in his room. He was not standing still.


    “He dived across the king-size bed to get at the AKSU rifle he kept by the headboard,†wrote Pfarrer in his book. It was at that moment, a mere 90 seconds after the SEALs first set foot on the roof, that two American bullets shattered bin Laden’s chest and head, killing a man who sought violence to the very end.


    My link








    So the difference is, that they entered the building from the roof and killed Bin Laden. This fact is of course changing everything. laugh.gif



  17. Didn't know about "Elephant White" and just downloaded it via Torrent.


    I have seen worse Bangkok movies. The storyline was somewhat mixed between a typical Western action B movie and Thai mysticism.


    PS: After thinking about the movie a little bit more about the movie, it's clear that most part of the storyline is complete bullshit. That the hero is almost never being hit by bullets is action movie standard. But that he did a Heroin detox with Thail girl by strapping her one a pole for one night is really absurd. The next morning the girls wakes up looking much more fresh than a BG after a LT (no smeared make up, clean clothes, no vomit, no pee, e,g,).

    And the finale of the movie is equally stupid.

  18. CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama


    by Joseph Curl


    Michelle’s back, and she’s madder than ever. She was already pretty angry, seemingly unhappy with just about everything. As her husband wrapped up the Democratic nomination in 2008, she let fly her real feelings: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country.†A few months into her job as first lady, her French counterpart asked how she liked the gig: “Don’t ask!†she reportedly spat. “It’s hell. I can’t stand it!â€



    Washington Times


    That's an old accusation by the Right. Like the right tried to paint Obama as the "Other", as un-american, Muslim, e.g., they try on Michelle Obama another negative stereotype, that of the "angry black women", who doesn't love America. Which means they try to paint her as un-patriotic as well.



    But since Michelle O. seems to be well respected in the USA I don't think that this will work.



    By the way, here is an "angry black women" ad by Pepsi:



    PS: and WT included another attack: that the Obama's living a lavish life in the White House and making expensive holidays. Fox tried this several times by now, like when Obama went for a holiday to Hawaii, where he grew up, and scolded Obama for being elitist.

    Of course this shows how small minded some of the Right are. Do they expect that the most powerful man on the earth shall make holiday at Jersey Shore?

  19. Just watched White Elephant starring Kevin Bacon .


    This movie is set in Bangkok ..a few shots outside Dollhouse and the entrance to Soi Cowboy early on in the movie....fast paced and lots of action ..


    Didn't know about "Elephant White" and just downloaded it via Torrent.


    I have seen worse Bangkok movies. The storyline was somewhat mixed between a typical Western action B movie and Thai mysticism.

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