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Everything posted by TheCorinthian

  1. Papa John’s Becomes First Business to Put a Price on Obamacare My link $0.14 a pie sure is a good way to put things to the beer and pizza crowd that they can understand.
  2. NPR which is pretty liberal leaning did a piece about this this morning. Funny thing is, they sort of backe up Ryan with their numbers. Which was pretty amazing for NPR. It does seem some funny stuff is afoot with Medicare. What I think is worse though, is everyone knows it has to be altered and altered in a big way. But it is tough to tell someone who gets something for pretty much free that they can not have it any more or as much as they did have it... when these same people are the ones that vote for you.
  3. Eisenhower had other evidence for the need than that. When he was a Lt or a Capt he participated in a cross country car and truck convoy in the early 20's. It took like 7 months to go from NYC to LA. So in the event of a major disruption of the like 10 rail lines going that way at the time, the need for a road system to move troops was paramount in his mind. There were two chapters about it in the biography on him that I read.
  4. So why is CNN saying it too...?
  5. True but hundreds of jobs. When I read that item the only thing that came to my mind was "loser." I am a firm believer through experience that the world is what you make of it. But when it is "easier to kill yourself than to pick something up".... well... something else is wrong and most likely it is YOU!
  6. Im sorry but I would be working at McDs before that happens or especially when it did! I think that article just underscores the fact that there are many jobs some Americans just will not do because doing nothing is easier. I read that and I call her a quitter. This point I found telling...
  7. How soon people forget: http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/leave.asp http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081018123032AAhRZ1S
  8. Guess you forgot this one...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade and this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregg_v._Georgia You did not read it then. If you are a US Citizen, you have to buy it or pay the fine. I know some expats in BKK and several other places, card carrying Republicans and Democrats and Libertarians like me, where the $100 to $500 a month has them seriously worried. But I bet you never thought about it that way, did you?
  9. Huh? Explain what it is again...? (Or really for the first time.)
  10. The tax I find highly questionable is the 'employee withholding tax' employees/employers pay each week. Surprisingly nobody questions this practice. I consider this tax practice illegal. Explain what it is. And why you think it is illegal.
  11. Beats me but that's not even a sentence... let alone coherent. Must be the AZ public schools at work.
  12. Must be. Its like 7:00pm there too, so he may be drunk again.
  13. Huh? That does not even makes sense.
  14. Yea. Someone at NBC is going to get fired for sure. And this backs up my various replies about how there is no right or left wing mass conspiracy in the total of US news orgs. They all police themselves and love catching the other guys fucking up.
  15. Personally I think the law itself is very flawed. But it is still the law right now and I just cant see what they can charge him with.
  16. You should read the order it replaces (Clinton) EO 12919 and see just what changed first.
  17. Q: How big is Switzerland's full army? A: Huge! Q: Wars fought in the last 150 years? A: Zero.
  18. Ok that's an interesting thing to say which prompts a question. But maybe this is one for another thread on that topic.
  19. Knowing you (and me!!) I would suspect that liver trouble would be the first thing to crop up!
  20. Not necessarily. The test I was referring to is simply looking for cells from a spleen. No reason to do it at all unless the practitioner is suspicious you dont have one. And no reason to do that unless you are unconscious in an emergency room or we just dont trust your medical history. (distrust of stated medical history is why we ran it on everyone that showed up in trials) So unless you specifically asked for one, I highly doubt you were ever given that test.
  21. I would be willing to bet you have it. If you really want to know a blood test will show you. Not being able to visualize it is no big deal. All those medical charts of the body are basically averages. I have seen aortas with as few as two branches and as many as 5 in my days. Avg is three so that is what tends to be on the charts. We always test for removed or not working ones them to test subjects in our trials as lack of one can be potentially dangerous depending on the vaccine being utilized.
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