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Perv last won the day on January 23

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    In the desert

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  1. Perv

    Usa Thread

    What war? I thought it was over as the orange cock said it would be within 24 hours of his taking office. You mean, he lied???? Say it can’t be!
  2. Perv

    Thai TV

    I just did a search on Netflix and found Bangkok Breaking. 2021 series of 6 episodes. I will now binge watch it.
  3. Perv

    Thai TV

    I pay under $10usd for Netflix, which I feel is cheap but I pay almost $60usd for the lowest level of internet. No lube at that price.
  4. I admit, I’m not the sharpest tack, but I don’t understand where global came in. Could be my old age and the barrels of alcohol that have been consumed.
  5. He was the radio announcer for my hometown Major League Baseball team, Milwaukee Brewers. I grew up, listening to him call all the games.
  6. R.I.P. Bob Uecker, legendary baseball announcer and Major League actor https://www.avclub.com/rip-bob-uecker-baseball-announcer-major-league-star-mr-belvedere
  7. Perv

    Fresh Mussels

    Also known as a wifebeater.
  8. This list appears to be taken from a story of the top 25 airlines in the world from Forbes. Link #20 is Japan Airlines, which was involved in an accident in very early 2024 in Haneda in which 5 people lost their lives and 18 injured. The story I linked even references that accident. Hard to believe a list that includes a disaster that killed five people and think that they would be safer than others.
  9. Apparently, very popular cuz it’s not available.
  10. Perv

    Usa Thread

    Yes, his name is Jared and he lost a ton of weight. He actually became the spokesperson on their commercials and then it all ended when he got arrested for some sexual abuse or assault and he’s been in jail for many many years. So one could conclude, subway makes you go to jail.
  11. Perv

    Usa Thread

    We (US) are completely fucked if this is our future. Screwed
  12. Have to echo all these comments. Great human. Chatted with him at multiple meets. He will certainly be missed. RIP
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