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Posts posted by acockasian

  1. I wanted to post a story about the rape statistics in Sweden and how much different it is than the rest of Europe, and why Assange could be screwed.


    Do I need to create a Sweden topic?


    Or should it be in USA because it is mostly US diplomatic stuff being released? If it is in USA the Europeans will miss it...



    I would seriously think about Ensenada if I was moving someplace as an alternative to Thailand/SEA.


    Much cheaper than anyplace in the US last time I was there and it does have a sleaze street if you need it. Medical care there is probably as good as the US at a fraction of the price.



  3. "Some naked idiot stole the frat flag and my pal (a rugby player) chased him down and tackled him down the street on the asphalt. "


    The naked idiot with "your friend" right there on the street also sounds gay.


    I think you are both going to get OH rulings and they will be far, far worse than the Afghani dancing boy ruling I recently suffered from.

  4. "I remember guys coming to class in a t-shirt and swim trunks and leaning their surf board against the wall outside. Then Santa Cruz students actually got a letter from the rector telling them to stop kissing and groping each other in class. "


    That is great to hear and a clear statement of gay pride. What were the heterosexuals doing?

  5. As far as the Ronnie thing & Iran, we just recently learned that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a fabrication, 45+ years after the fact. So I am still gonna go with that he likely did it because I think him (and his handlers) to be that much of a scumbag...


    Just imagine what we will find out in 45 years about 9-11.


    If wikileaks doesn't do it first...


  6. Who the fuck is Ron? And why do we have this ridiculous thread on Thai360.com?


    Ron is Ronald Reagan.


    If you have to ask that question clearly the terrorists have won.


    Why is this thread on thai360?


    Because we care about freedom.



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