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Nervous God

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Posts posted by Nervous God

  1. Paddy was waiting at the bus stop with his mate when a lorry went by loaded up with rolls of turf.

    Paddy said, 'I gonna do that when I win lottery'


    'What's dat, says his mate.


    'Send me lawn away to be cut'.

  2. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2011/1/10/935177/-Tea-party-group-fundraises-off-of-Giffords-shootings


    The Palin “crosshairs†ad is here: http://media.photobucket.com/image/take%20back%20the%2020%20abc/josh_painter/sarahpac-20-300.jpg


    Not the way back in time web archive doesn't archive Palin's web site . . . . . smart move on Palin's adviser's.


    The Joe Manchin ad (literally shooting a scoped rifle at “cap and tradeâ€Â) is here:


    The gun movement is taking this as a lesson that reps should have guns






    Ohio Democrat, Steve Driehaus, clashed repeatedly with Boehner before losing his seat in the midterm elections. After Boehner suggested that by voting for Obamacare, Driehaus "may be a dead man" and "can't go home to the west side of Cincinnati" because "the Catholics will run him out of town," Driehaus began receiving death threats, and a right-wing website published directions to his house. Driehaus says he approached Boehner on the floor and confronted him.

    "I didn't think it was funny at all," Driehaus says. "I've got three little kids and a wife. I said to him, 'John, this is bullshit, and way out of bounds. For you to say something like that is wildly irresponsible.'"


    Driehaus is quick to point out that he doesn't think Boehner meant to urge anyone to violence. "But it's not about what he intended  it's about how the least rational person in my district takes it. We run into some crazy people in this line of work."


    Driehaus says Boehner was "taken aback" when confronted on the floor, but never actually said he was sorry: "He said something along the lines of, 'You know that's not what I meant.' But he didn't apologize."








    "inspired" events over the past couple of years:

    * Mar. 2009 - Michele Bachman (R-MN) states that she wants the citizens of her state "armed and dangerous".


    * Aug. 2009 - someone dropped a gun from their pants at a Giffords town hall meeting in Arizona.


    * Jan. 2010 - Sharron Angle gives famous "second amendment remedies" speech, and also states "we have to take Harry Reid out."


    * Mar. 2010 - Tom Perillo's (D-VA) brother came home to find a severed gas line after Tea Partiers posted his address online, thinking it was the Congressman's address.


    * Mar. 2010 - Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) said that the windows of her Niagara Falls office were broken and she received voicemail referencing snipers.


    * Mar. 2010 - Eric Cantor (R-VA) discovers that even Republicans aren't immune to having their office windows shot out. Perhaps his constituents figured out he doesn't celebrate Christmas.


    * Mar. 2010 - Monroe County Democratic Committee (N.Y.) were vandalized when bricks were thrown through the windows.


    * Mar. 2010 - Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) angrily shouts "baby killer" while Bart Stupak (D-MI) speaks on the floor of the House or Representatives. Afterward Stupak released tapes of violent threatening "baby killer" messages left on his voicemail, presumably not also by Neugebauer.


    * Mar. 2010 - RNC Chairman Michael Steele said Nancy Pelosi should be put on "the firing line."


    * Mar. 2010 - John Boehner (R-OH) states, in an interview, that congressmen who vote for the health bill would be 'dead men'.


    * Apr. 2010 - Sarah Palin tweets "Don't retreat, instead reload" to her followers.


    * Jul. 2010 - Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) office windows were shot at.


    * Oct. 2010 - Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) offices were sent white powder through the postal service.


    * Jan. 2011 - Explosive packages sent to the Maryland capitol building, the Maryland Department of Transportation and to the office of Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.


    The pattern follows the successful anti-abortion campaign. The anti-abortion campaign publishes the home addresses of doctors, involves threats as well as shootings, and has, by one count, eliminated abortions in 87 percent of counties in the U.S. the anti-abortion campaign even uses anthrax letters.






    Westboro Baptists Thank God For Giffords Shooting, Will Picket Funerals






    "God Sent The Shooter"


    To quote another friend


    "It reminds me of the vitriol prior to the American Civil War. The socio-economic-political (SEP) similarities as well, encompassing a bevy of issues unbounded by geography."

  3. <>


    Interesting you write that as I was about to write something similar/


    I was surprised when I first dabbled in politics how little the politician did, without the advisers, minders, writers etc.


    We don't vote for anyone anymore, rather a facade behind which is who knows what.


    One of Fords first things was in the car on the way to be sworn in he was given a 4 page memo "What to do when first in office" by an adviser, he glanced at it and scrawled "OK"


    At least Nixon had some personal vision,

  4. No i disagree. I don't case that on kennedy's but rather on a number of usa government election scholarship people i've spoken with on both sides of politics. sLet's take again nixon seeing as i am studying him now. Many commentated that he was so stupid not to burn the tapes. They often said if it was a shakesphere play he would be caught with the tapes. He had clear escape. He never acted. Ford is seen as a sad stupid character. But He never wanted to be president. He had no idea what to do, and ironically was more loyal than most nixon people, even though they kept him on the outer. One of ford's first questions was to ask of haig, how and what can a president pardon? Given every rat was deserting nixon, this is in hindsight and in non of my material, seen as a rather touching question.

  5. What's interesting for a non usa person reading about the nixon impeachment is it highlights very clearly, more than any thing else, the difference between a westminster parliament and a usa republic/monarchy. I've had the usa system described as a non hereditary monarchy, there are strong signs that lazyphil would agree if he studied this. I am leaning to this definition of the usa system. Is a republic a non hereditory monarchy?

  6. Ir's interesting you raise Clinton. Looking at taping, Nixon was doing what Kennedy and Johnson had done as well, if not to a greater degree.


    Nixon was a fascinating President, he introduced many ground breaking legislation's, but his "watergate" destroyed his chances of continuing his early successes.


    I wonder in a way of Clinton's charges where "revenge" for Nixon's?


    Both had been ground breaking, both presidencies crippled by basically bogus charges,


    "Nixon sought advice from senior Congressional leaders about a replacement. The advice was unanimous. 'We gave Nixon no choice but Ford' date='' House Speaker Carl Albert recalled later".[/quote']


    This is partly correct, Haig was very worried about Ford as Nixon's lawyers wanted Nixon to resign, but Ford wasn't even VP yet, and was thought to make a bad Pres. But Connally, Nixon's first choice was decided against for obvious reasons, though would have been interesting. It took Haig a lot of pressure, as well as others to cancel Connally out of Nixon's mind.


    Ford had been nominated, but it took over a month for congress to confirm.


    If Nixon had resigned before Ford was confirmed, the next in line was the heavy drinking Carl Albert, a Democrat.


    Funny huh - two Democrats almost "inherited" the top spots!


  8. Not bad for 52,


    Now interestingly Ford wasn't Nixon's choice of VP, I used to think Nixon had no say in who the VP would be, but it turns out if the pres is alive he gets to choose the VP, Nixons choice was a Ex-Democrat from Texas, who was a tad to shonky/

  9. We need some sex here, so I bring you a pretty good looking 52 year old




    Wheelchair-bound woman in underwear gets hour-long security search

    A woman in a wheelchair arrived at an airport wearing only her underwear to avoid an "enhanced" pat down, only to be subjected to an hour-long security search after traces of nitrate were found on her body.

    Tammy Banovac's strategy backfired after security found traces of nitrate on her body and she was held back for an hour-long search

    Tammy Banovac's strategy backfired after security found traces of nitrate on her body and she was held back for an hour-long search Photo: SPLASH

    By Nick Allen in Los Angeles 10:35AM GMT 03 Dec 2010


    Tammy Banovac, 52, said she decided to travel wearing only knickers and a bra after undergoing a search two weeks earlier.


    Referring to the earlier search, she told The Oklahoman newspaper: "If it happened anywhere else, it would have been sexual assault."


    When she turned up at Oklahoma City airport hoping to be processed quickly she was once again given an extra search, which caused her to miss her flight to Phoenix.


    A video of the incident, showing the wheelchair-bound passenger in her black underwear and carrying her pet lapdog, was filmed by another passenger and posted on YouTube.


    Officials said she was given the "enhanced" search this time because traces of nitrates, which can be used in explosives, were found on her body.


    Nitrates are also found in medications and could also have come from a recent hunting trip she went on.


    The Transvestite Security Administration has faced a growing outcry over new security measures at US airports, with many travellers complaining they are invasive and humiliating.


    In the latest case an Oklahoma City Airport spokesman said the TSA acted appropriately and "did everything they should have done."

  10. Obama to troops: 'Each of you has your own story'


    Just shut the fuck up and don't tell wikileaks!


    President Obama designed yesterday's surprise trip to Afghanistan as a tribute to U.S. troops.


    Here is how he closed his remarks to nearly 4,000 troops at Bagram Air Base:


    Each of you has your own story. Each of you is writing your own chapter with the story of America and the story of American armed forces. Each of you have some losses. Each of you have made sacrifices.


    You come from every conceivable background, from big cities and small towns from every race and faith and station. You've come together to serve a greater cause, one that matters to the citizens of your country back home and to strangers who live a world away.


    So make no mistake, through your service, you demonstrate the content of the American character. Sal is right, every single one of you is a hero.


    To some people ask whether America's best days lie ahead or whether our greatness stretches back behind us in the stories of those who have gone before.


    Presdient Obama greets troops at Bagram Air Base.


    By Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP

    And when I look out at all of you, I know the answer to that. You give me hope. You give me inspiration. Your resolve shows that Americans will never succumb to fear. Your selfless service shows who we are, who we always will be, united as one people, united as one nation, for you embody and stand up for the values that make us what we are as a people.


    America is not defined by our borders. We are defined by a common creed. And this holiday season, it's worth remembering that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are the right to life, and liberty and pursuit of happiness.


    And that's what you're fighting for in Afghanistan, and that's what you're protecting back home. And that belief is more powerful than any adversary.


    So we may face a tough enemy in Afghanistan and we're in a period of tough challenges back home, but we do not become the nation that we are because we do what's easy, as Americans, we've endured and we've grown stronger, and we remain the land of the free only because we are also home of the brave.


    And because of you, I know that once more we will prevail. So thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!

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