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Posts posted by Hugh_Hoy

  1. And also' date=' most of the criminals still cling to their 3rd world "values" and cultural norms. Libral/progressive attitudes are also to blame.




    Howdy HH. Really, you think there may be an ideological aspect to it all?


    Frankly, I don't know. Its a head scratcher for a lot of social scientists.


    Yep...I think that there is an ideological aspect. Goes back to permisiveness ("I'm ok, you're ok") and failing to hold people accountable.




  2. I have no idea if police were justified in opening fire on the deceased. And either does the author of the story. That is for sure. Shows that author is just speculating and is naieve. Police do not give armed suspects the first shot. 555555555555


    As for confiscation of videos and alleged destruction of private recording devices, that is just plain wrong. I'd go after their asses on that one.



  3. Well, I know darn well that if GWB was doing this, the board libtards would be going nuts. So, our "nobull" peace prize pres is certainly fair game. LOL ! Speaking of libtard board members, they've been awfully silent lately. I guess it's getting more difficult to defend Barry...or, unlikely, they've become embarrassed by their previous support. I've been trying for months to get the libtards to raise their heads; they're all bunkered down. :rotl:



  4. They need a fucking SWAT team to check out a case of student loan fraud? WTF? This story can't be true! Is it that stupid back in the home soil these days? This is silly beyond words, and so dangerous and fascistic as to be reason for some serious revolution. The government has lost its collective mind.


    Hey...I keep tellin' ya all Obama is a reincarnation of Hitler ! :rotl: Seriously, I understand that the agency head has indicated that an internal review has been ordered up. Steve, as usual, made some good comments. I normally hesitate making/drawing conclusions absent specifics, but it seems to me that there was some poor planning on this one. For instance, it wouldn't be difficult to determine who and how many individuals might reside in the residence; if an arrest was not to be made, no need to strike at dawn with kids in the house (assuming that they might have otherwise already gone to school). I can see at least six officers involved in searching the premises. They must control the movement/activities of the occupants; though the occupants would normally be free to leave. Some agencies apparently have (as a SOP) entry teams (not same as "swat") do the "knock". Domestic venues pose more of a potential danger than, for instance, most businesses. The search warrant affidavit, which has probably been unsealed and available for view at the courthouse, might give us more info. But, like everybody else here, I'm AMAZED and will be interested in seeing how this plays out.



  5. No, it isn't a bet. Cuz I think the worst president in the last century has enough useful idiots who will probably continue to believe his bullshit and ignore what he's actually doing to the country. He's a fucking incompetent, clever, charismatic failure. But there are millins of dumbshits would would pass on the chance to vote for a piece of shit instead of voting for him.



  6. CS...doin' okay, thanks. :content:


    Nobody is ever entirely happy with a President; no question. Even if he/she? was somebody they voted for. Yeah...one of your brothers is right. 5555555555555 I, too, think we exercise to much effort in some parts of the planet; agree, we don't get shit in return. (A simple birthday card might be nice. 5555555555) For instance, Afghanistan. Why did we go in there? Cuz the "ghans" were hosting Bin Laden and his troops and the "ghans" wouldn't kick em out. Ok...go in and do your best to get rid of bin Laden, et. al. and get the "f" out. The last thing we need to be doing is "building democracies". OMG! I don't give a flying "F" about Gadaffy as long as he ain't bothering me (for instance). Same, same, Syria/Egypt. And here is Barry pronoucing that all these MF's "must go". Who/what does Barry think he is with these pious decrees? (Nevermind, we all know he's The One who would sweet talk all the trouble-makers after his election. I almost forgot. 55555555555555)



  7. ...Republicans are fucking up a lot though. They're putting nobody out there who will draw anyone but their hardcore folks. Hell, those people would vote for a piece of dog poop if it was the conservative candidate.


    If the Republicans are fucking up a lot, please explain. Seems last November that a good part of the voting citizenry mandated a "change" that could be "believed in". That is, they wanted to derail the Obama agenda to further expand the Federal government and keep spending $$$ like the Russians are across the river. Further, I predict that not just conservatives will come out in droves to attempt to defeat Obama, but a lot of independents will do so also. That is, they will want to vote for a piece of dog poop before they vote for Obama. (Not surprisingly, I'll be one of them. 5555555555)



  8. ... In my opinion he's governed as a centrist for the most part. No crime but its not far enough progressive enough for some Dems and he's the wrong party for Repubs. My question is would the Republicans be any different? ...


    Time out for a minute or two while I stop convulsing with laughter. .........Okay, while you are certainly entitled to your opinion, you need to stop "listening" to what Obama says and analyze what he actually does/promotes. You need to consider his entire history. If you think that tigers will change their stripes...that's another story and there's no hope for you. 55555 Of course the GOP would do things differently...particularly with economic and social issues on the home front. With respect to foreign policy, I'm quite certain the GOP would rather have the world "afraid" of the U.S. than have it the laughing stock of the planet...and that is just what Obama (our Nobel Peace Prize winner) has created. Everybody loves a kinder, more gentle U.S.A. They will continue to do so until one day they wake up and find their tits in a wringer and send out an SOS.



  9. Rob...just a small tip or two or three:


    Just cuz you don't like somebody or their policies/actions does not make u a "racist"; just cuz you have beliefs which are similar to some of those beliefs of a certain group does not make you a member of that group or condone the actions/speech of some members of a group.


    As for the posters on this board, I don’t think you’ll find that any have made “racist†remarks. As I have said before, the only people using the race card on this board are ones who are desperate to defend a two-faced, ineffective, inept person in the White House. On the basis that you and others who refuse to accept those terms, I would strongly suggest that you review the statements made on the board regarding Bachmann and Palin. I wonder how much “sexism†or “chauvinism†is behind those. Maybe cuz those guys KNOW they could not have fucked them even in their prime. So get off the race crap.


    As to the sign: what makes you believe that a Tea Partier produced and placed it? (and so what if one did?) I could, if bothered, post numerous quotes and actions taken by Obama supporters that are a hell of lot more “racist†than that. Actually, it‘s all quite moot: there is nothing “racist†about the sign.


    As to why I believe it is a doctored photo: 1.) you need to consider the venue in which the sign is allegedly located and the associated lighting; 2.) you need to consider the “structure†of the “signâ€; that is, consider the amateurish angles of the cutout, and, 3) examine the pixel count of the “sign†and compare your results to those found with the background.


    Rob…you seem to have a bit of trouble knowing what is and what is not “racisimâ€. May I offer the suggestion that you take a couple of university courses which deal with the subject? (I did.)




  10. obama_racist_sign_hussein.jpg


    Rob...first, the placard is an obvious photoshopped product; second, there was no Tea Party in 2008 which would have been responsible for its production.


    Didn't Australia refuse to allow Asians even visit the continent as tourists (much less, immigrate)up until about 40 years ago?



  11. Steve...


    I never signed on to the birther issue, though I thought it fascinating. Trump? Nah...he isn't a serious candidate. The Donald loooooooves the spotlight. Right now, he can get it cuz nobody else is really playing an "attack dog" role. He does that well. (And yeah, at least one of his companies, and maybe he personally, filed for bankruptcy.) While Trump is high in the polls, that won't last after others enter the fray. I heard a commentator suggest that the reason why Trump is popular right now is that he is speaking to the concerns of the average voter (aside from the birther issue). He is voicing the despair and anger of millions of voters.


    LP...you're right. The race card is one which is played out of desperation when no other explanation can be swallowed or admitted.


    dave32...I agree, Maher is entertaining. Though as an unabashed liberal, he only really appeals to that audience, but generally requires sarcasm in making his points. In the other corner is Dennis Miller, who I think is equally funny and can be equally cutting in his political assessments while being much more witty. I'd pay to see those guys on the same stage at the same time and go "mano a mano". It would be a classic. 55555555555555



  12. I agree that the debt ceiling will be raised.


    I don't think Barry will cave in on Medicare, but that won't matter when he's out of office in about 20 months. I see Medicare as we know it (and Medicaid) restructured. Those in their 50's and 60's will get grand-fathered into Medicare as we know it, though premiums will escalate considerably.


    Barry is scared to death to have the consitutionality of the Obama care reach the Supreme Court on a fast track basis. I think he knows or believes he has a good chance of seeing his biggest waste of time/resources be overturned. I wonder if he regrets giving the finger to Roberts, et. al. in his 2010 State of The Union Address? :content:




    I don't think you would find a Republican that would agree with you; that is, that Obama is a Republican. Call him a Marxist, and you would definitely get some agreement. Or call him what I call him: arrogant, charismatic, unprepared for the job, socialist/Marxist, BAD for the country.







  14. << But to tell lies about what he is doing is just beneath you Flash. >>



    So what lies did I tell? Posting a news report? You pinko lefties are all alike, resorting to personal attacks! :argue:






    Flash...it's called "kill the messenger".



  15. What color is the sky in your fantasy world HH? Do you have there unicorns shitting out cotton candy for all to eat too?


    They have drugs for delusions now, ya know!


    I fear that all the libs have already bought up the supply. Just another addiction they have.



  16. They have a number of very viable candidates. Is your memory so short that you don't remember how many "viable" candidates the Demoncraps had in 2008? (I know that was a long time ago. At least it seems like a long time ago with our "campaigner in chief" being in office over 2 fucked up years with things only getting worse.)


    BTW, here's a series of interesting comments by a conservative blogger. And it happens that he is a person of color. (Hope you can stomach it without calling the guy some name like "Uncle Tom" or "Oreo").







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