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Posts posted by Hugh_Hoy

  1. Atwater has been dead for 20 years. Can't you do better than that?


    Well, in just the 5 months since Barry refused to significantly cut HIS deficit in December's budget negotiations, my Golden Eagles have been on a projected 20% return this year. Unemployment actually increased under Obama and is holding at 9%+ to over 20%, depending on the part of the country. Health insurance rates have increased while deductibles/co-pays have also increased. Gasoline prices have doubled in Barry's looooooong tenure; food prices have steadily climbed, and very serious inflation is just around the corner in time for 2012 !


    I'd love to see Newt debate Obama in 2012. Newt would eat his lunch. Not only is Newt smarter, he's more articulate without a teleprompter and much more knowledgeable about things that are important to getting my country back in the right direction. Obama has been a fucking disaster. Worse than Carter. Sure, the country is facing more serious challenges than Carter had to deal with or it would probably be a toss-up between them as to the worse President the country has EVER had.


    Oh...and since you like cartoons, here's one for ya. :content: (Make sure you read his teleprompter. Barry doesn't know what to do or say without it.)





  2. I wish you wingnutz would just be honest about the real reason they are obsessed with this subject.


    Ah, LK, good to see you back in form...twisting things for a bit of "shock". As my hero Newt has recently pointed out, Trump has the wealth to send 214 private detectives around the world to try to resolve the question the "birthers" pose. As Newt said, up to Trump. It's his money.


    On the other hand, again, as Newt pointed out, the country has a lot more to consider at this point than where Barry was born and his citizenship. The country is a mess and almost 2 1/2 years of Obama has done nothing...absolutely nada...to improve things. In fact, he's made it worsde...waaaaay worse. If you consider tripling deficit spending a good thing, ask your offspring how it will feel to have to start paying off that debt after they've spent years in school and, presumably, begin to pay federal taxes. If the youth of America knew/realized what Obama is doing to them, he'd not get one vote/centavo from any "thinking" college student. He'd get the boot from every campus he visits. 2012 can't get here fast enough !



  3. Ping HH. This is minor news for most people -- but have you read about the FBI seizing the domain names for the large online poker sites and shutting down access in the US?


    Politcal payback to Harry Reid. Watch Nevada casinos get the ok to run online poker now. (And, of course, the Indian casinos who contribute to Barry/Demoncraps.) :content:



  4. It will be interesting (and funny) if the Obama re-election campaign trots out it's "Hope and Change" slogan again. 55555555555555555 (I guess most are hoping for a "change" in the make up of Congress and the renter of the White House. The guy is a complete incompetent. And I mean COMPLETE. He has little of no foreign policy, all he can think about are ways to spend money and raise taxes...using any bullshit excuse he can think of and try to pass it off as a "reason". Libya needs a new Muslim leader? I suggest deporting Obama. Solve two problems with one plane ticket. :content: (Of course, he has two "anchor babies" that might keep him here.) :stirthepo



  5. The White House says Obama will address his plans for the country's energy security during a speech in Washington Wednesday.



    Just can't wait. 55555555555555


    Would you buy into a strategy thrown out by a guy who probably spent hours researching his March Madness choices and his beloved Kansas (seeded #1) got it's butt kicked by #11 Virginia Commonwealth? (He probably will pick the KC Royals to win the World Series.) 55555555555



  6. Did you ever stop to think that TV/Movie people are REQUIRED to be union members? The union mafia has been successful in mandating such a law/rule. But there are plenty of crack pot celebrities making the same money who think it's wonderful to pay more and more taxes. I hope they do so. They can also donate more of their easy money to the Treasury. Nothing is stopping them from giving all of their wages/residuals to Uncle Sam.



  7. Google it yourself.


    That 47% do not make enough in income to actually pay federal income tax.


    That's a fact, Jack !


    You can dance :elephant: scream and holler :cussing: and and argue :cussing: all you want.


    Facts are facts. .



    I agree. But you said the 47% don't pay federal income taxes because they are below the poverty level. And that ain't correct.




    P.S. Would somebody here please instruct Unit731 on how to "google"?

  8. 47% of US workers pay zero federal income tax. Cheaters?


    No, their income is below the stated poverty level.


    Wrong. 47% of citizens pay zero federal income tax...not 47% of "workers". And it isn't because their income is below the stated poverty level...it IS NOT below the "poverty" level.


    Look it up. "Google is your friend".



  9. Flimsy? LOL! How can you say that with only minimal info...and only the info the plaintiff has provided? Like the plaintiff admitted, he may fit a profile. But I imagine quite a few thousand others do also. I doubt if the FBI has the resources/inclination to put a transponder on ALL vehicles used by those similar. I'm sure there is a lot more than we are being/not being told. Maybe the plaintiff should go live in Egypt and see how authorities there gather info they want. 55555555555555555



  10. Come on HH


    Have I ever offended you when we have met in real?


    I stand by my statement that my comment was aimed at goverments and not citizens


    Never offended me in person or on the board...though I thought your original comment was made with a broad brush aimed at citizens, not government policies. Anyway, I'm really curious what "policies" of the U.S. might offend others; particularly foreign policies. I say that, cuz I have yet to identify any concrete foreign policies of the U.S. over decades and any number of GOP and Demoncrap administrations. Quite simply, I don't think the U.S. has any foreign policies.




  11. At least I have stirred up a debate, but please accept that my "Uncivil Remarks" were against the poicies of the respective goverments and [color:red]not the citizens of the country.[/color]Kong


    Not according to this: "FUCK OFF HOME YANKIES we didn't ask for or need you intervention


    Gung Ho Assholes"


    HH :stirthepo



  12. It is. The military Industry complex cant fight (or hold a candle to) the Media which only makes money when it exposes it.


    That is they beauty of the current system. Everyone is out to get the evil do'er. So they dont last very long.


    The military complex can't fight, but it sure can line the pockets of politicians.


    The "evil do'ers" seem to do quite well. They don't need to last very long to make financial killings. And even when exposed, they seem to be able to continue to get contracts with the Government after paying "fines" or bullshit "rebates".


    40 years ago I was meeting with an investigator with the Dept. of Defense. He was quite a character. He handed me a buiness card with about FOUR different seals on it. LOL. As I recall, one seal was from the old Dept. of War. He asked me if I noticed anything strange on the seal. I looked, but really didn't notice anything peculiar (though i had not seen the seal before). Then he pointed out the eagle on the seal. Placed above and below the extended wings of the eagle, in very, very small letters, were "W", "I", "G", and "B". He asked me if I knew what that stood for. He didn't give me a chance to think about it. "War Is Good Business".


    War IS good business. Lots of employment, lots profits, lots of opportunity for graft; profiteering. And when the fighting is over, of course, lots of "rebuilding".



  13. I only saw RFuckstick's comment cuz it was included in your response.


    The primary reason for U.S. vehicle companies producing cars and trucks in Canada has nothing to do with fringe benefits. It was due to a trade treaty entered into between Canda and the U.S. back in the 60's. It was a win-win for both Canadian workers and the U.S. auto industry. (My cousin made a small fortune due to this agreement. Not bad for a guy who dropped out of community college (or flunked out :content: ) and got involved in brokering Canadian-made truck parts.


    The "win" for Canada was more and better-paying blue-collar jobs, access to U.S. made cars/models without paying high tariffs, and balancing it's trade imbalance with the U.S. The "win" for U.S. auto companies was dramatically increasing sales of it's products in Canada. It's capitalism at it's best. :content:


    So don't be fooled (and I know you aren't) by someone's idea that this exchange has anything to do with health care. :banghead:



  14. If you want.


    But if you read just my posts, which are not very long esp compared to some, you will see that I am for health insurance but not a law that makes you a criminal if you dont have it, nor that will force a small business to either fire employees or go out of business.


    Sadly, we will not be hearing from Allistar anymore. I received a PM this morning that he had taken his own life and that it was a self-inflicted action. If enough are interested, I'll post the contents of the PM here.



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