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Posts posted by migrant

  1. I picked up a hitchhiker yesterday. He said “thanks for picking me up but how do you know I’m not a serial killer?†I replied “the odds of two serial killer’s being in the same car are statistically astronomical".


    I asked my wife what women really want. She said, "Attentive lovers"... or maybe she said "a tent full of lovers" I really wasn't listening.


    Vacation Health Tip: sitting in a beach pub provides more skin protection than 100 SPF sunblock...


    I was eating dinner last night at a restaurant and a waiter yelled "Anyone know CPR?" I yelled out "I know the entire alphabet" and we all laughed... well except for that one guy.


    I look both ways before crossing a one-way street. That’s how much faith I have left in humanity.

    • Like 1
  2. Not wanting to be a contrarian, but Mr Bourdain RIP, was one of life's un-notables who got hit repeatedly by the lucky stick. I know people with a more interesting back story, who the world has chosen to ignore, and even 'Moi' was travelling and eating unusual food with interesting people, long before Mr Bourdain appeared.


    I guess this is an example of why so many talentless people get money showered on them.


    'Give me another cigarette, I can eat that, what's that?, prepared traditionally, cigarette please".


    I guess we disagree. Having read his books, in addition to seeing most his shows, his narrative was, to me, fantastic. Sarcastic, caustic, etc, It clicked with my (OK I admit I'm warped) humor. The fact that he traveled, and ate in different places was not new, yes, but it was sure different than any of the other travel/food shows I have seen.


    His first book, Kitchen Confidential, was an excellent view into behind the scenes of restaurants.

  3. R.I.P. Anthony Bourdain. Died by apparent suicide. IMHO a huge talent.


    Personally I feel suicide is a cowards way out, except for terminal disease,, but there is no denying that in some people depression takes hold. It's a real shame.





    This has happened to men, since time immemorial.


    I can count 7 women who have, accepted meals and drinks at my expense, only to 'disappear from the planet' after the first date.



    Funny, when I used to frequent Nana and Cowboy the opposite happened to me. Start out with one woman accepting drinks and end up with 10!!

    • Like 3
  5. Revenge (2017) - IMDB - Never take your mistress on an annual guys' getaway, especially one devoted to hunting - a violent lesson for three wealthy married men.


    I liked this, but you'll have to believe that a petite hottie, can do all the war soldier stuff this one can, after being impaled on a tree. But, pull the, 'suspension of disbelief' lever and enjoy the blood and gore.


    Worth a watch.


    There is an older movie called Revenge also. It stars Anthony Quinn and Kevin Costner. I enjoyed it.

  6. The wife always worries when I use insults (I do so in the privacy of my car at other drivers). Even though in the car she is shocked and always says "What if they hear you??"

    I always say they don't understand english. Her reply "They know all the bad words".


    As I think about this, I speak, besides American english, pretty fluent Spanish (well Mexican if you want to get picky) and a lot of Korean, but when it comes to the naughty words, I'm fluent in a lot of languages!!

  7. The wife put line on my phone (thanks honey??!!). I've never used it, but then I don't do a lot of calls/texts. Those I do communicate with I have regular text and instant msgr.


    Saying that EVERY Thai I meet, if we exchange numbers, asks if I have line. Not just social, but businesses too. I know the wife uses it a lot.

  8. It goes back to the early days of the nation, when the country was encouraging immigration. It is definitely bizzare these days, when one can slip into the country as an illegal and give birth to a child, then claim residency as the mother of a US citizen.


    Spent a couple months in California recently and, for 5 weeks, stayed in an apartment house in a Chinese populated section. It was amazing the number of pregnant ladies I saw. Can't say which, if any, were visiting, illegal, etc, but the percentage was way above normal.

  9. Trump says some unauthorised immigrants 'aren't people' but 'animals' who will be rapidly kicked out of the US



    I believe he was talking about MS13 and other street gangs. If so, then I, sigh, agree with him. Spent a lot of time in Central America and saw the effects of these gangs.

  10. Years ago, when I did the bar scene, I was talking to some of the Golden Bar girls. They asked so I showed them a picture of my 15yr old son. He's half Korean and a well built, good looking guy (Mom's side obviously). The girls said "Yum, yum, bring him here!!!".

  11. What is meant by this , President's twat?






    'breeding concept'?




    I don't think Jerry Brown is in the National Guard at the Border, I think he's somewhere else?


    I'm sure you know he is California governor. He is a very liberal guy and the governor controls the natl guard here in the states. Trump asked for guard assistance on the border and Jerry waffled. Last I heard (I just left California) he sent a token crew.

  12. Back in the states for a few months and that place shown is about 5 miles away. There has always been talk about the coffee shops but have never heard anyone being able to get a take out (well you know what I mean).


    There is a long time (not that kind) of Vietnamese coffee shop, Cafe Lu, near that sort of started it. The talk was if you invert your coffee cup and present to a waitress you wanted a go but I have had friends who say the ladies just laugh at that (May be them though).


    Large Viet, and Korean populations around so plenty of "massage" activities available.


    As for are they all female I would bet yes, despite some of the photos looking otherwise. Ladyboys, even in California, aren't too common and accepted.


    Here is a link to some Cafe Lu photos



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