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Posts posted by Bangkoktraveler

  1. SO am I correct in assuming that you NEVER provided insurance to your employees when you had them? and you currently have no medical coverage?


    FWIW, I am part owner of a small business in the bay area. [color:red]We are eligible to purchase group health insurance[/color] through the local small business association as well as the local county chamber of commerce. You may want to look into that. I also have my regular insurance through my main employer.



    I have not seen of these policies worth the paper they are printed on. One of the problems with these policies is they do not cover much and are for the most part expensive.


    Small businesses really get the screw in this area.

  2. BKKT,


    God I hate myself for this...you own a small business? If so, do you currently provide medical and or dental insurance to your employees? if so, how many and what is the cost? how will the Obama plan effect your final costs? It seems to me, from previous posts of yours, that you may be one of those effected byt "Obama Care." Please try to make sense in your reply...




    I did have employees.


    I had so many employees that I didn't have to work but under the Bush realm, one employee after another employee had to go. Right now it is me and my wife. We also have some people who rent from us so that helps.


    Right now an individual policy is very expensive to get and to get such a policy for my wife is not worth it because the coverage is crap. Under Obamacare, good coverage would be obtainable.


    As for the cost, from what I have read if you don't provide the policy the government will levy a 'fine' of about 2.5%. Now if that is based upon your net profits, that would be not much money - [color:red]a super bargain.[/color]

  3. I don't think you realize the repercussions of the 1099 fiasco.


    If I buy gas, I would have to send out a 1099 to the gas station. If I buy some jewelery in Bangkok, I would be expected to send out a 1099. Ascertaining an EIN from either business would be an almost impossibility.


    This truly was a crazy law. I am glad it looks like this crap is being repealed.

  4. Senate repeals part of health care law



    The Senate voted Wednesday for the first time to repeal a piece of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, rolling back a new tax reporting requirement that’s been universally panned by business owners.


    [color:red]The amendment to repeal the 1099 reporting requirement passed 81-17 with broad bipartisan support.[/color]

    The Senate voted several times last year on repealing the requirement, but all the attempts failed amid partisan bickering over how to pay for it. Republicans made an attempt to repeal the provision by taking money from the health reform law’s prevention and wellness fund. Democrats tried to repeal it without paying for it.


    The provision would have required business owners to file 1099 tax documents on all cumulative purchases from a single vendor that total more than $600 in a year.


    It was included in the health law because it would have raised about $17 billion in previously uncollected taxes. A bipartisan collection of business groups have opposed the provision, arguing that it would bury them in paperwork.











    Passing out 1099 to every vendor was one part of the health bill I really hated. Can you imagine passing out a 1099 to a Thai vendor?


    In order to give the Thai vendor a 1099 they would have to have a Federal Employee Identification Number.

  5. From what I understood the USA system was suppose to be similar.


    i.e. Person works in a restaurant:


    WHAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN UNDER O'BAMA CARE: Small restaurant without much profit or any profit at the end of the year. The employeers cost would be almost zero if not zero. Employee gets sick. The employee gets medical care and doesn't have to file bankruptcy. The insurance company is charged one of the smallest amounts for the service.



    Real world: Restaurant owner has to provide health insurance to all employees if he is over a certain number. (25 I think' date=' not sure.) Lowest quote came in at about $1.5k per person per year. At that level, if 30 people are employed, restaurant pays 45k off the bottom line for ins that it was not paying before. Result: If this is a small establishment, restaurant fires enough employees to be below the standard.


    One guy I know said he thought he might be able to do it and survive but was not willing risk it so he fired 10 people and became his own cleaning crew and host staff.[/quote']



    REAL WORLD: Do you have insurance thru your employer? Don't you think others should get the same type of benefits?


    REAL WORLD: If an employer doesn't pay for the insurance he will get penalize. The last I knew the penalty is about 2.5%. Exactly what gets penalized I am not sure. If it the net profits of the business for the month, quarter or year, that could end up being a super bargain.


    I think people should actually find out what the rules will be then restructure the business to the rules. I got a feeling this might be a great deal for small business owners who can not afford insurance. They could end up with coverage and depending on how the rules can be manipulated, may come out further ahead.

  6. After 65 the USA healthcare system is crap. My parents still have to buy a policy to cover all the things that medicare doesn't cover.


    Then there are the doctors that refuse to deal with medicare, so you pay them cash or try to go to another doctor.


    By the time you reach 65, the US politicians will have sucked all the money from medicare, so you will get ziltch, IMO.


    I know of one person who checks the medicare website each year and picks the medicare plan that best suits him. He spends very little and gets relatively good medical care.


  7. What is Germany's tax rate?


    The USA tax rate probably is higher.


    For example, if a person claims to be in a 35% tax rate in the USA, in all actuality he probably is in a tax rate over 50% (slave class). The reason for saying this is that most people forget to include Socual Security and Medicare as a tax. That rate is 15.30%.


    If you include sales tax, property tax, etc., we probably all are paying over 50% in taxes and getting shit in return.

  8. From what I understood the USA system was suppose to be similar.


    i.e. Person works in a restaurant:


    NOW: They get sick, they generally don't have health insurance and end up running a lot of medical bills. They get rid of the medical bills by filing bankruptcy. The medical bills are unbelievable high because the person gets charged at the highest rate possible. Everybody takes a loss.


    WHAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN UNDER O'BAMA CARE: Small restaurant without much profit or any profit at the end of the year. The employeers cost would be almost zero if not zero. Employee gets sick. The employee gets medical care and doesn't have to file bankruptcy. The insurance company is charged one of the smallest amounts for the service.

  9. They were invited to participate a 1' date='000 times. Fuckin' pussy Obama practically sucked their cocks to get them to the table. And gave in to ANYTHING the GOP wanted, hence such a crappy bill. And the GOP still stayed home.



    I happened to watch the TV coverage (live) of the big healthcare pow-wow organised and orchestrated by Obama. Fucking joke. It was supposed to be an opportunity for the GOP to present their ideas. All Obama would say was something like "it's something to think about". I don't ever recall him saying "good idea". Somebody put a timer on the speakers. Guess what? Even though there were basically the same number of Demos and GOP legislators at the meeting, Demos were given the floor to talk about 3/4 of the time...and Barry took up about 3/4 of that time. So don't call it bullshit. The bullshit is the 2500 page Obamacare legislation. [color:red]A fucking monkey at a keyboard could have done better.[/color]HH


    I would say the Patriot Act has more devastasting aspects then Obama Care. Why didn't you bitch about Obama Care?


  10. "As soon as the U.S. Supreme Court invalidates Obamacare, the [color:red]GOP will be offering a better law[/color]."


    55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


    Damn it. I think I hurt myself from laughing so hard.



    I thought the GOP was 100% against any socialized medicine.


  11. Group all of these virtually impossibilities together and the conclusion is the event really can't happen but in this case it did.




    Nope. None of it was "virtually impossible." Re read your Sun Tsu. [color:red]No one was even looking for an attack like that.[/color] That makes it very likely


    Hijacking had been done in the past, so why not on 9/11/2001?


    There had been talk off retrofitting a jet into a missile, why not on 9/11/2001?


    People had been checked before for box cutters, why weren't the terrorist of 9/11/2001 checked for box cutters?


    Hours can be spent pointing out such peculiarities.




    History will probably record the events of 9/11/01 as one of the greatest military

    acts ever committed in history.




    Mathmatically, 9/11/2001 couldn't really happen, but it did..




    Mathematically?? Huh? Please show me this math.


    Absolutely it could happen. Everything that does happen... could. (And a lot that just has not... can.)



    The probability of one terrist getting thru was very slim. The probability of two terrorist getting thru is a lot slimmer.


    When you look at 19 terrorist getting thru, the probability of the event occuring is so slim the number would be approaching zero. A number so close to zero is for the most part looked at as being zero or virtually impossible.


    When you look at some of the other variables, each variable such as the probability of 4 planes being hijacked in one day, is so close to zero it is like being virtually impossible.


    Group all of these virtually impossibilities together and the conclusion is the event really can't happen but in this case it did.

  13. Mathmatically, 9/11/2001 couldn't really happen, but it did.


    The probability of 19 terrorist getting thru security was statistically so small it would register virtually zero, but it happened.


    The same goes for 4 planes getting hijacked, 2 skyscrapers being missiled, and the list goes on and on.


    For all of this to happen, a lot of people must have been looking the other way, not doing their job, etc.


    The sad part, as far as I can see, nobody ever got chewed out for not doing their job. Figure it out.

  14. What the hell is going on with our country?


    Our banker is the commies.

    Our President according to the GOP is a commie Muslim and not even a US Citizen.


    I am not a US citizen. No big deal. I don't even recognize the US.


    My passport says I am a citizen of the USA which includes the 50 States, District of Columbia and territories.

  15. but its sad that the CIA have more power than they did pre 9-11


    I guess that can be considered an "opinion"' date=' rather than a fact. :content:




    P.S. Unless you are aware of laws relating to the sharing of intelligence with law enforcement which were in effect prior to 9-11, you might consider tempering any perceived criticism of the CIA regarding the attacks. :beer:





    Before 9/11/2001 we had a system that worked. It got us thru the Cold War.


    But on 9/11/2001 it was like nothing was working. What was literally mathmatically impossible became possible.


    Hard to believe what happened was allowed to unfold.

  16. So you've been talking to Cav' date=' have you. Tin hat time again.




    Flash, I freely admit that I watch way too many docos made by lefty types with an axe to grind. Even if 50% of what they say can be attributed to the CIA is fact, its just scary.


    As the American who spent a lifetime trying to help the people of Laos, particularly the Hill Tribes, put it 'This isnt about body count - they didnt leave any bodies. These people were vaporised, incinerated and torn to pieces in the continual bombardment'. I could insert quotes from Wikipedia on the amount of ordnance that the USAF dropped on Laos, but its all a moot point now - the US lost to both the North Vietnamese and the Pathet Lao, a generation of young Americans was scarred by a war they didnt need to fight and the US literally sowed the seeds for another unwinnable war : the war on that-of-which-we-dare-not-speak. Don't even get me started on Cambo : thats a topic for a whole new thread.




    In a way, we might be delusional. As a country we think we are always right, never wrong and indestructable.


    In reality, we have farked one country after another. We have killed our own people (Native Americans) and see nothing wrong with the genocides we have committed.


    Now we are broke and like a prostitute on drugs looking for the next fix, we have borrowed from everybody, especially our senior citizens, with no intentions of paying any of the money back.

  17. Our country is in its worse times it has ever had.


    We are fighting two endless wars. Something we never have done before.


    City after city and State after State are on the edge of bankruptcy - something we never saw before.


    Social Security and Medicare which ironically is deep in the black for both programs, is only black in paper. The USA government doesn't want to pay back any of the money they 'borrowed'.



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