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Posts posted by Bangkoktraveler

  1. There are people who want the country to fail and want the president to fail..


    There are people who want to 'fuck' the President.


    There are people who would like to see Pelosi 'fucked'.



    Now if a unstable person hears these expressions, and hears them a lot, the unstable person may act upon it. So the question is: Is the originator of such talk partially to blame?


    In the past, some people were held responsible for the damage done by their words but today that just does not happen. Ned Buntline was an 1800's character who wrote a lot of nickel/dime novels. One time he incited a riot in Manhattan and ended up spending some time in jail for his actions.

  2. Blogs and "news" accounts are over-flowing with comments regarding the alleged perp by former associates. Clearly' date=' this was a guy who has been on "the edge" for quite some time. Drugs were apparently part of the accused's lifestyle. Ironic: Libtards make up the majority of those who would legalize drugs and are, presumably, have the highest rate of use/abuse.


    It has been reported that the alleged perp had attended a similar seance sponsored by/for the Congresswoman three years ago...and that he was not happy with her/her responses at that time. A simple timeline would establish that this was prior to a great deal of the polarizing vitrol spewed by both SOME liberals and conservatives alike.


    If the Libtards want to blame the incident on "conservatism", so be it. (Such an irrational, delusional, and non-sensical laying of blame will not explain why the perp took shots at people other than the Congresswoman.) Further, I would suggest that it would be fair to claim that Libtards could then be guilty of sanctioning/promoting "murder" on the basis of their support of abortion.






    This could be the most nonsensical response I have ever read from HH.


    First would love to see your source on Liberals wanting to legalize drugs. I thought that was the Libertarians. [color:red]And let's check on the demographics of drug abusers. I'm sure ole' Rush Limbaugh has that one covered for you.[/color]

    Secondly, I am not aware of anyone directly blaming the incident on Palin/Faux News/Beck/Teabaggers/whoever. What is being said is their (and your) rhetoric contributes to and encourages the nutters to pull a stunt like this. No one is saying that Palin actually asked this particular nutter to pull the trigger, but her rhetoric creates an environment that encourages the behavior. If you cannot see and/or accept that, then you have the brains of a flea.


    And lastly, leave it to you to bring up the abortion reference. Small problem there pal. Abortion is legal. Attempting to assassinate a politician and/or gunning down innocent bystanders is not. Nice try though.


    Time to go back to your bunker now. Count up your emergency rations and be sure to fire off emails to the new governor, begging him not to dismantle the current pension system.



    Actually Rush went to Tucson to a rehab center to overcome his drug addictions.


    What a connection.

  3. Blogs and "news" accounts are over-flowing with comments regarding the alleged perp by former associates. Clearly, this was a guy who has been on "the edge" for quite some time. Drugs were apparently part of the accused's lifestyle. Ironic: Libtards make up the majority of those who would legalize drugs and are, presumably, have the highest rate of use/abuse.


    It has been reported that the alleged perp had attended a similar seance sponsored by/for the Congresswoman three years ago...and that he was not happy with her/her responses at that time. A simple timeline would establish that this was prior to a great deal of the polarizing vitrol spewed by both SOME liberals and conservatives alike.


    If the Libtards want to blame the incident on "conservatism", so be it. (Such an irrational, delusional, and non-sensical laying of blame will not explain why the perp took shots at people other than the Congresswoman.) Further, I would suggest that it would be fair to claim that Libtards could then be guilty of sanctioning/promoting "murder" on the basis of their support of abortion.





    This guy was all over the 'board' being skewed one way and then another way.


    When people say they want the government to fail or when people say that people should be killed who support abortion, etc., you got to admit somebody unstable just might take actions into their own hands.


    This guy definetely needed mental help. The community college he was attending that kicked him out for being mentally off should have pushed more to get him some help.


    In Arizona mental health is a major issue. The State kicked a bunch of them of medicaid and now some of them are no longer on their meds which means some are more wackier then they were before they took their meds.


    Our news is saturated with border issues, Obama Care, illegial immigration, etc. Instead of the local governments handling local issues, they get involved in federal issues. This area is a tenderbox in more ways then one.


  4. I don't think there is another State in the Union that has citizens that did what these Arizonians did. Were others would allow the shooter to continue shooting, in this case some men tackled the shooter to the ground and one gray haired 61 year old woman took away his magazine so he could not reload. That took a lot of guts.

  5. Lizard King, the right just likes to throw jabs without very little background. For example, the Right find nothing wrong with the USA paying the Iraqis health bill but if one penny is spent on USA citizens, that is Socialism.


    As for Giffords, she is hated by the right for her stand on Healthcare but the right never mentions about her husband who has been to the Space Station and that he is suppose to be on the next flight to the space station which is the last flight to the space shuttle. Even the mention of Gifford's husband's twin brother being the current Commander at the Space Station is also not mentioned.


    She has received a lot of threats and most if not all of those threats were fueled by the right.

  6. Here in Arizona, when this guy got kicked out of college because of mental issues, he should have been processed thru the court system. If that had happened, he could not have bought a gun, at least leagally.


    Gabrielle Giffords has taken the blunt of hatred from the right wingers on her stand on health care. Another issue in Arizona is SB1070 which deals with illegal immigration. Right now, the Arizonan legislatures are possessed with getting rid of the illegals, getting rid of Medicare, getting rid of the Federal Government, etc. and has forgotten to look at State issues such as coming up with a budget.

  7. I still say the Congress should give the military 7 days to get or kill Bin Laden and 30 days to pull out of both countries.


    After the Civil War in the USA we had 1 million soldiers. After the war we had only 25,000 soldiers.

  8. Tragic events regarding the shooting in Arizona. If there is anytihng good can at least come out of it' date=' I hope its it reduces the harsh rhetoric from both sides.


    I'm no fan of Sarah Palin. However, I don't think her Facebook page can be blamed and neither can the Republcan party. I've been no big fan of the party for some time now so this is not coming from a member of the party.


    Nutcases like this guy, are going to do things like that for whatever demented reasons their minds can come up with. You can't blame a political party for motivating him anymore than you can someone who shoots someone because they played a rock record backwards.


    As angry as some of us have been about what politicians or a party does, we are not going to consciously pick up a gun, leave our homes with the intent of shooting someone. The actual physical process of going through all that can only be done from a truly disturbed mind.


    Therefore I'm leaving Palin blameless as well as the sometimes over the top comments from Republicans. [/quote']

    You should be blaming them. A person who has mental problems and anti-government delusions who's been fed a steady diet of "Second Amendment solutions," maps with elected officials marked with cross-hair targets, TeaParty candidate election appearances advertised by asking people to come with loaded automatic rifles, and the entire Republican Party and their TeaBaggers running a very well-crafted anti-government campaign. Yes he's crazy, and those are the people soaking up the poison being vomited up by the Republicans, the tea baggers and conservatives.


    Make no mistake, Limbaugh, Palin, et al, have gone over all this with their lawyers and they no exactly how close to the line they can get. So when something like this happens they can shrug and say, "Not my fault."


    Anyone with a brain knows otherwise.


    And sorry Choco, but “both sides†don't have a 24/7 hate television network and hate radio spreading lies and whipping up the fear and anger in their audience week after week. And there aren't any Democratic politicians out there doing what Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann and company have done with repeating eliminationist rhetoric at every opportunity. The right wingnuts own this completely.




    In Arizona, one big issue has been over the State's Medicaid. The Govenor has tossed a lot of people off Medicaid and some of those people are mentally ill. Without their medicines, they are just plain nuts.


    Hard to tell where this guy fits in if he fits in at all.

  9. What Congress should do is give the military 7 days to catch the boogey man Bin Laden and in 30 days get their butts back here and get reduced in size. Enough is enough.


    During the Civil War we had 1 milion soldiers. After the war we had 25,000 soldiers.

  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/us/politics/09giffords.html?partner=rss&emc=rss



    Wow -- only a start of things to come IMHO. She's only the second Representative to ever be murdered in office - the first being Rep. Leo Ryan, who was murdered by Jim Jones cult members when investigating Jonestown. And she was not even a hardcore lefty as she loved her some 2nd Amendment; but we are talking about AZ who desperately wants to out crazy TX & OK.


    What an atrocity -- any politician who went on about "second amendment remedies" and "if ballots don't work, bullets will" in the past election should resign...


    It is gonna get ugly out there over the next few years. I am afraid that this is just the start of the body count, and that this will make the 60s look tame.


    And I am sure that the shooter was undoubtedl­y in Arizona's well-regul­ated state militia... 2nd Amendment snark>


    And thus it starts.




    During the election, Sarah Palin made up a map with Gabrielle Giffords in her target sight. Hard to say what happened. All I can say is there are too many wackos out there.

  11. In today's newspaper it claims Arizona Republicans want to do away with State employee benefits, especially retirement. YES!


    The rest of the nation will follow and then the government will realize what the rest of us have had to put up with.


    We might all be farked!

  12. I guess the Republicans in Congress are going to do the right thing and turn in their health care as a prelude for their desire to get rid of Obama Care.




    here's the reality of things!


    2nd person denied Ariz. transplant coverage dies




    A second person denied transplant coverage by Arizona under a state budget cut has died' date=' with this death "most likely" resulting from the coverage reduction, a hospital spokeswoman said Wednesday.


    University Medical Center spokeswoman Jo Marie Gellerman said the patient died Dec. 28 at another medical facility after earlier being removed from UMC's list for a liver transplant needed because of hepatitis C.


    Gellerman cited medical privacy requirements in declining to release any information about the patient.


    Arizona reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants on Oct. 1 under cuts included to help close a shortfall in the state budget enacted last spring.


    Officials at the Tucson, Ariz., hospital said the patient's death "most likely" resulted from Arizona's scaling back coverage for transplants, she said...[/quote']




    This lousy bastard obviously did something to get Hep C, drank too m uch, drugs, dangerous sex etc...why should we the tax payers have to pay to fix him? It would be different if I needed the transplant of course...



    One of the chaps who wants a lung transplant was a heavy equipment driver. He became disabled. Couldn't pay for his health insurance and now waits - for what looks like his death.


    The money needed for transplants in Arizona is 1.5 million dollars. The Govenor probably has blown that much and more in her debates about illegals and birth rights.



    Once again, your ignorance is blinding! This tax dollar sucking parasite, CHOSE that job, and full well knew the risks! So why should we hard working real Americans contribute 1 cent (which distinctly says "In GOD WE Trust") to his recovery, clearly, he brought it all on himself!



    Tell me why Arizona Medicaid will not fund transplants even though the people voted in a reforandum that Medicaid benefits in Arizona should be raised but the Govenor has decided the people do not know what they want and has decided to lower benefits and if she gets her way, eliminate Medicaid?


    There is no money for Medicaid for transplants but there is money for transplants for State employees.


    Nobody promised us a life free of health problems. And nobody' date=' including good-doers, should promise that your neighbor will be forced to pay for your problems. A person's health is not addressed in the Bill of Rights.



    You seem to be of the opinion that it a government program does not directly benefit you, then you should not have to pay for it. Does that mean that for the 99.9999% of Californians that got no benefit from your employment by the state, and by the 100% of Californians that get no benefit from your retirement, that we should just drop all of your benefits and ask for our money back??


    Oh, and there is nothing in the bill of rights that guarantees your pension either.



    Is HH is willing to get rid of another socialize health program - Veterans Administration?

  14. I guess the Republicans in Congress are going to do the right thing and turn in their health care as a prelude for their desire to get rid of Obama Care.




    here's the reality of things!


    2nd person denied Ariz. transplant coverage dies




    A second person denied transplant coverage by Arizona under a state budget cut has died' date=' with this death "most likely" resulting from the coverage reduction, a hospital spokeswoman said Wednesday.


    University Medical Center spokeswoman Jo Marie Gellerman said the patient died Dec. 28 at another medical facility after earlier being removed from UMC's list for a liver transplant needed because of hepatitis C.


    Gellerman cited medical privacy requirements in declining to release any information about the patient.


    Arizona reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants on Oct. 1 under cuts included to help close a shortfall in the state budget enacted last spring.


    Officials at the Tucson, Ariz., hospital said the patient's death "most likely" resulted from Arizona's scaling back coverage for transplants, she said...[/quote']




    This lousy bastard obviously did something to get Hep C, drank too m uch, drugs, dangerous sex etc...why should we the tax payers have to pay to fix him? It would be different if I needed the transplant of course...



    One of the chaps who wants a lung transplant was a heavy equipment driver. He became disabled. Couldn't pay for his health insurance and now waits - for what looks like his death.


    The money needed for transplants in Arizona is 1.5 million dollars. The Govenor probably has blown that much and more in her debates about illegals and birth rights.

  15. Arizona's Republican govenor is whipping everybody into shape. She wants to eliminate Medicaid and wants no part of ObamaCare.


    I guess the Republicans were right about the death list, we already have them in Arizona.

  16. The USA doesn't need a strong military but needs a government the people love and respect.


    With people talking about cutting Medicare, Social Security, raising taxes on the poor and middle class while lowering taxes for the upper class has a lot of people not happy with our government.


    What our government did to Medicare and Social Security is one of the all time nasties that a government has done to its own people.

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