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Posts posted by Bangkoktraveler

  1. "if you buy a hand gun for home protection why do you need more than 10 bullets for example?"


    You have no idea how fast you can go through 10 rounds. Then what do you do, throw it at the bad guys? Especially when an intruder is likely to be more heavily armed than you.


    But actually a good home defence weapon is an old fashioned double-barrelled shotgun, the kind with the hammer on each barrel. Keep one barrel loaded with tear gas or bird shot, to deal with a mild situation, and the other barrel loaded with buck shot! And have more buck shot shells in your pockets or strapped onto the stock. A load of buckshot is like being hit with a mini-Claymore mine. Also, the shot doesn't penetrate walls the way a steel jacked bullet does.


    Oh, and by the way ... Merry Christmas. :p



    My house has an outer 'court' door with 2 locks.

    The front door has a metal screen door and then another door with 2 locks.


    Inside we have 2 dogs that make all kind of noises when somebody comes around.


    I figure if somebody wants to step inside I guess I could help them outside with only a few rounds.

  2. If you ask somebody if .22 caliber weapons are okay, they generally say 'YES'.


    Then I ask them if a .22 caliber bullet increased in width by a human hair (.003 inches) is okay and they always say 'YES'.



    But the Connecticut shooter used a gun that shot .223 bullets!

  3. As for the Connecticut shootings.........


    In China a man stabbed 23 kids because he thought the World was coming to an end.

    He probably was inspired by the 'Almighty God' group who thought there would be 3 days and nights of darkness.

    The group also believed afterwards everything will be beautiful - paradise.


    The chap in Connecticut may have seen articles relating to the stabbing of the school children in China

    and being his Mother and probably himself were predisposed to the beliefs of the 'Almighty God' group (preppers)

    he may have been 'inspired' by the nut in China.


    After the Connecticut massacre, China banned the 'Almighty God' group and tossed about 1000 of their members into prison/jail.


    Strange world.

  4. Better yet.


    Let's arm all airline passengers. All onboard will have a gun. So if someone starts shooting others can shoot back.




    Same for the children. Let's arm all of the elementary students. All kids have a hand gun. Older kids can have the assault rifles. If there is a shooting in the schools - other students can shoot back.





    There was a time you could board some airlines and fly to the destination while carrying a gun out in the open.

    At the time, nobody considered it wrong.


    The school I went to, some of the students would drive to the school in their truck with their rifle straaped to the back window.

    At the time, nobody considered it wrong.


    But today, everything is wrong.

    No wonder some go ;nuts'.

  5. Ok, thanks, but the question was, how far away does this RFID thing broadcast too?


    Another question is "If a tree falls in the woods, is it heard?"



    How far a RFID transmitter broadcasts is not much concern.

    What is of concern is how far away a receiver can be to pick up the signal.

  6. to even have to ask the question is really to know the answer !


    Sounds like double talk to me.


    If a person comes into my store and pulls out a gun

    I feel I have a better chance of living if I have my gun available.


    I firmly believe everybody has the tight to protect themselves.

    If some don't want to protect themselves, that is their choice.

  7. Easy:


    For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% for tax years 1954 through 1963.[28]

    For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981. In 1978 income brackets were adjusted for inflation, so fewer people were taxed at high rates.[29] The top marginal tax rate was lowered to 50% for tax years 1982 through 1986.[30] Reagan undid 40% of his 1981 tax cut, in 1983 he hiked gas and payroll taxes, and in 1984 he raised tax revenue by closing loopholes for businesses.[31] According to historian and domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett, Reagan's 12 tax increases over the course of his presidency took back half of the 1981 tax cut.[32]



    Reagan 'forced' the States to raise their sales taxes, etc. and counties raised their property taxes because Reagan's Federal Government

    provided less money to the States. In effect, his policies, which arestill with us now, actually raised taxes dramatically.

  8. What is up McCain's and Graham's ass with regards to Susan Rice? They are acting as if she engineered the Benghazzi thing herself. She's a minor bit part in all of it. Is it some sort of move to force the President to expend some political capital?

    McCain is a hypocrite in the whole thing. When Condi Rice was being nominated for a position, she had the WMD baggage and he attributed the Democratic objections to her as sour grapes over the mid term elections.

    Condi Rice had a LOT to answer for. Susan Rice in comparison has been exemplary from all accounts in representing our interests at the UN. Not sure why.



    A report in The Times on Tuesday by Michael Barbaro showed just how low Republican leaders sank in the final week of the presidential campaign. Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast eight days before Election Day, and all the party could see was a Republican governor praising a Democratic president. When the president visited New Jersey, Mr. Christie had the temerity to describe him as “outstanding†and “incredibly supportive.â€

    Republicans don’t forget that kind of thing, said Douglas Gross, a party operative in Iowa. “The presumption is that Republicans can’t count on him,†Mr. Gross said. At the Republican Governors Association meeting last week, Pat McCrory, the governor-elect of North Carolina, told Mr. Christie: “People keep asking me why you were so nice to the president.†He added, “I tell them you are doing your job,†but the message was conveyed.

    It wasn’t just the praise for the president, though, that seemed to bother Mr. Romney’s supporters. For years, the party’s loudest activists have tried to delegitimize Mr. Obama, questioning his birthplace and his patriotism, even calling him a socialist and saying outright that he was in over his head.

    How could you stand so close to Mr. Obama on the tarmac, one donor to Mr. Romney asked, suggesting that physical proximity to the president was out of line. How could you have boarded the presidential helicopter for a tour of the shore? Apparently party leaders and donors really expected Mr. Christie to refuse to meet the president at a time when his state was suffering. They wanted him to reflect their own pettiness — so obvious in the last four years — and shun the hand dispensing federal aid.

    We have previously been critical of some of Mr. Christie’s shortsighted actions as governor, but it was hard not to admire him for standing up to his party’s worst elements and putting his state first.


    It sounds like the reason the Republicans lost

    was "If you aren't a Republican - you are the enemy."

  9. McCain looks like he wants to bring charges against Obama for the murder of

    4 people in Benghazzi. Whatever happened to holding responsible

    the persons who committed the murders?


    As for bringing charges against Obama, I hope they do.

    Then we can bring charges against GWB for all the deaths in Iraq.


    Wasn't McCain for the invasion of Iraq whereas Obama objected?

  10. What? Romney again?



    "Instead, Romney was speaking of what he called “gifts†to specific demographic groups, such as “forgiveness of college loan interest†to voters under the age of 29, “free health care†to African Americans, “amnesty†to the children of illegal immigrants (to lure Latinos) and “free contraceptives†for young, college-age women.

    Republicans have quickly distanced themselves from Romney’s remarks, which struck many as tin-eared or sour grapes. (Latinos, for instance, also might have been turned off by Romney’s harsh rhetoric on immigration during the primaries.) It is also worth recalling that Romney in the presidential debates said the opposite about many of these so-called “gifts,†frequently suggesting he had virtually the same policies."






    I see not much difference between Romney and Obama.


    The biggest difference was Romney's flip-flopping.

    He shouldn't have been changing his beliefs so much.

  11. Republicans claim Obie One stole 700 bllion from Medicare.


    Obie One claims that figure is the amount Medicare

    saves from fraud, over charges etc.


    If I save $1000.00 in by business

    will I be indicted for theft?


    Makes no sense...... only in Washington.

  12. mormon_garments11.jpg


    Those undies have no magical writings.

    I suspect Willard's undies have all kinds of magical writings.


    I got it from a good source

    that Willard wants to discontinue body armor for the troops

    in favor of the more reliable magical underwear

    that will protect believers from any and all harm.


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