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Everything posted by jitagawn

  1. เงินสีดำ
  2. There it is a first hand account of the militarization of the police forces by Unit. YES A COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISGRACE- and the complacent US public watches...
  3. I love that Marine in the video clip God bless him
  4. I still have a residence in USA due to some circumstances "beyond my control" from a decade or so ago ()It turned out to e wonderful BUT I a getting more nervous in the USA all of the time I could sell the RE and bail 100% to LOS -It would be a lotta work but SERIOUSLY getting the heebie jeebies ... :shakehead
  5. Well it gets handed down. I use to remember my Dad talking about picking prunes in Santa Clara in the late 20's. He ended up getting his Doctorate at Columbia from hard work In a couple of years here the SWIHTF So as it happens I am "careful" as well...
  6. My grandmother on my fathers side died in 1977 at the age of 104. We are all from San Francisco originally and she did have some story to tell... Edison the Big Quake and on and on Bless her soul
  7. Instead they fabricate fantasies against cops and neighborhood watchmen who display grievous wounds from criminal animals they've killed. It's all quite comedic and amateurish. You need some better handlers. Queers and Mexicans and females are stealing your advantage. STFU
  8. "A taxi is like an airplane. Just sit there and shut your gob. Jeezus Chreist some people have to whine abut everything. If it gets you there in a reasonable time and your baggage isn't lost -- just STFU. You win, you goddamn idiots. It's always the same twats whining. You expect fuggen caviar and a neck massage for a 35 baht taxi ride. British STFU. " Well diligence and observation is necessary. A few times when they are so craked up on Yaaba I juts have them stop the cab and get out . I guess even being British is too "diverse" for the Shrimp. :neener: :neener: Maybe you should STFU
  9. I think the Taxis in BKK are cheap and I rarely have a problem with them putting the meter on but that may be due to speaking Thai... HOWEVER the vehicle's interior ambience is yet another story and varies widely depending upon the drivers "diet"...
  10. Sorry DHS been doing some shipping...
  11. The militarization of the various police units across America is out of control. IIts funded by the guberment(DHL aka US stasi) to ostensibly "fight terrorism"-Why do they need 50 cal machine guns?? Armored tank-like vehicles. ?? No like. :shakehead :help: :help:
  12. "Ghetto America. And it's getting worse. Ain't diversity great?" This statement alone reveals your bigotry.
  13. Oh yes everyone came to party. :tuxedo:
  14. I appreciate your restraint Steve.
  15. " My biggest beefs are the continued erosion of civil liberties. We are no longer a free society now. Its done. Obama has become like any other politician with promise, he sold out to big money." CS I agree his pooch handler is nothing compared to this ...it all just adds up to a decline in what we have understood to be America,
  16. Ah Clinton plaza # 33 uhm remember that package.
  17. DID you now that KING OBAMA HAS A DOG HANDLER TO TAKE CAR OF HIS POOCH WITH A COST TO THE US TAXPAYERS OF 102,000$ PER YEAR?? The cost to service his admin is enormous- crazy something like 1.5 billion per year(not sure of exact number there) DISGUSTNG.
  18. "He was merely black enough to assuage liberal white guilt" I did not like Romney. I personally was not feeling guilty.and I could care less what color he is... frankly I just thought he might do a good job but in my view he is a double cross and servant of wall street and big corporations.+++++++++
  19. Obama has been a disaster for America and The Constitution. I admit to voting for him the FIRST time I am not sure who is really working for...is certainly not the citizens. :help:
  20. I lived "soot soi" Suk 8 in the late eighties and early nineties and would wander up to the location on the corner of Soi 13" a lot" It was quite the spectacle and alotta fun. Last year I walked through around 11PM a NEVER GOTA GLANCE FROM THE GIRLS OH well nothing stays the same
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