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About Nasiadai

  • Birthday 01/01/1914

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    Hamburg - Bangkok - Duesseldorf
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    The girls of Nana Plaza

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  1. I am horrified and saddened. Khun Sanuk is dead. I cannot comprehend it. I knew him personally. We met a few times in the old ‘Woodstock’ (Nana Plaza; I think Rainbow 4 today). Once the New Zealander Stickmann (Paul) was there. That was an interesting round of talks. I would like to thank you in retrospect for founding and managing your Sanuk boards, which gave us the opportunity to exchange information and discuss. Lieber Marcel, ruhe in Frieden = Dear Marcel, rest in peace. A final greeting Nasiadai alias Bakwahn . Charly
  2. Part 2: Where from and why this hatred, this resentment of a successful society, of a people that always stands its ground in a hostile environment? The left-green milieu deeply hates any form of "being better", of "being superior". All forms of differences between people, groups of people or nations are linguistically and socially constructed and do not exist in reality. All people are equal, all cultures are of equal value. If there are nevertheless serious differences, this is justified with a rather one-sided attribution of blame to the culture and history of the West: imperialism, colonialism, racism, oppression, exploitation. In the case of clear differences within a society, it is allegedly systematic social disadvantages. The unsuccessful or clearly less successful group is always blameless. The blame always falls on the better, more successful, more capable. In our case, our own German culture and its strengths are criticised, even downright put down. This left-green-woke concept of culture no longer contains any normativity. Self-denial, even pathological self-flagellation and cultural relativism lead to abysmal hatred of one's own society, which is still extremely successful at the moment. Hence this anti-Israelism in the left-green intellectual milieu. Israel is proving to be the most modern, successful, creative and innovative society in the entire Arab world. At the same time, it is the most endangered, and I think this endangerment has increased rather than decreased. Again and again, and in every respect, Israel proves to be the superior nation to its hostile Muslim neighbours. Hence the hatred, the anti-Israelism in the left-green intellectual milieu. Live from Buxtetown on the Esteriver - 14 October 2023 - 6.55 p.m. local time Nasiadai
  3. Part 1: This inflammatory and anti-Israeli reporting by most of the journalistic mainstream, which has spread and taken root in the public broadcasters (e.g. Arte-Journal, 3Sat-Kulturzeit) and has virtually become the norm, raises questions. I do not call this disgusting opinion-making in our German Mass media anti-Semitism, but anti-Israelism. So why this astonishing anti-Israelism in the left-green intellectual milieu? A brief comparison between Israel and the surrounding Mohammedan states: On the one hand, small Israel, economically, scientifically-technically, culturally and militarily vastly superior to the surrounding Mohammedan states. It is a functioning democracy according to the Western model. The rule of law and legal security apply, and there is a prosperous, efficient economy with an acceptable level of prosperity. This is how I know Israel from newspaper articles and media reports. Yet Israel spends about 25% of its GDP on national defence. We in Germany don't even manage 2 %. On the other hand, there is the Islamic cultural area, which has produced political systems, economies and ways of life characterised by oppression and coercion, intolerance and lack of freedom, by intellectual desolation and economic poverty and wretchedness. From Morocco to Egypt, from Turkey to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia, there is only backwardness, poverty and, in some cases, misery. The Islamic states have nothing to be proud of in the international competition between nations, economies and cultures. They have nothing to show for their achievements but poverty, backwardness and hopeless inferiority. Looking at the pyramids and the gold shrines of their pharaohs, the Egyptians should realise that they have passed themselves through: From the very top to the very bottom. So much for my stocktaking.
  4. For better understanding, a short note on the mass media situation and the influence and shaping of opinions in Germany. For the past 15 to 18 years, left-green-woke topics and views have formed the mainstream of our mass media (print media as well as radio and television) in Germany. This left-green-woke journalism dominates 80% of the reporting and thus also the formation of opinion on central political issues and social developments. This does not only concern news, political talk shows or political reporting, but goes deep into cultural-relational reporting, even into TV crime dramas. left-green-woke shit reigns! on the war in the Middle East after the invasion of Israel and the Hamas massacres of Israelis.
  5. Last weekend there was a wine festival in the old town on Carlplatz. Winegrowers from German wine-growing regions such as the Moselle, Rheinhessen, the Middle Rhine, etc. offered their wines. We were there in the late afternoon and had a few glasses of different white wines. By the way: The pubs, beer bars and bistros are a huge beer festival all year round. The people of Düsseldorf and their guests and visitors drink by the hectolitre.
  6. Late summer in Duesseldorf; wonderful. Still pleasant temperatures during the day between 20 and 23 degrees; plus cheerful weather with lots of sunshine. Rhine bank promenade I enjoy every day and every evening I thank my Lord for giving me another wonderful day on this earth of ours. We or I alone - as the case may be - stroll along the Königsallee - Düsseldorf's magnificent boulevard, about 750 m long, which ends in a large curve in front of the Hofgarten and a small lake. Ultra-modern business and office buildings have been built here in recent years. We sit down, take a break and look at the water and the park in front of us. We enjoy the lovely view to the full - oh, you beautiful city. You are beautiful and sexy like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot or the German super-mannequin Claudia Schiffer in their younger years. Here's a look at the Köbogen. (All pictures were taken by professional photographers - I borrowed them from the internet.)
  7. These are famous verses from Goethe's "Faust", which I had rehearsed beforehand during the hours of waiting; as you can see, I was well prepared. She was quite surprised, stopped and laughed at me: "Yes, mein Herr, what do you want?" she asked snappishly. "May I invite you, my beautiful girl, to the nearby ice cream parlour?" I had asked my mother to pay me a few marks pocket money in advance; she withdrew the money from the then slender household budget. To my surprise, the girl agreed and we strolled the 250 metres to the ice cream parlour. We introduced ourselves to each other, told each other what else we did, what interests each of us had, etc..... Guys, what can I say? I'll cut a long story short. It worked out wonderfully with this girl. We spent a blissful spring and summer together; oh yes, sigh. In January of the following year, her family moved to another city and I was left alone. Well, sometimes that's the way it goes. Now comes the nostalgic look back; about 8 years later. I was now 26, in the middle of my studies, when I went to this pharmacy once again. The old pharmacist had long since retired, but nothing else had changed. I was standing in front of the medical center and the memory of this girl and our love experience came back to me. As far as love adventures were concerned, a lot had happened, e.g. back in my military days with a village beauty, a student nurse or recently with a fellow student from university. "What is my doctor's assistant doing today? Is she married? Does she have children?" Oh girl, you made the darkness of my schoolboy life light then, When I held your hand, you cast your spell over me. Oh girl, my girl. That's what ran through my head and a lot more. But shortly afterwards I said to myself, you are only 26; you still have your life ahead of you and hopefully there will be many more love affairs and pretty girls for you. That's exactly the difference between an 18 or 26 year old doing a melancholic nostalgic look back and a 74 year old reminiscing about an affair with a Bangkok girl. The young one still has several decades of future ahead of him, the old one has no future at all. The old one can at most take stock of everything that has happened or not happened in his life.
  8. I presented the prescription to the pharmacist, and while she was looking for the medication in various drawers, I looked out of the large bright windows to the outside. Suddenly, a beautiful girl appeared, strolled past the pharmacy windows and then went into the entrance to the doctor's offices. I looked quite spellbound at this pretty apparition and sank into sweet reverie for a few seconds. "That's the receptionist at the otolaryngologist office on the fourth floor," I heard the pharmacist say. I turned to her, became a little embarrassed and got a red head because I have been looking after the pretty girl with amorous and covetous eyes. "She's training to be a medical assistant in this practice; she's in her second year of training." The pharmacist put the medicines on the counter and looked at me with a mischievous smile on her face and then continued, "She doesn't have a boyfriend, I know that for a fact. The practice closes at about 6.30pm, that's when she gets off work." I noticed that the pharmacist, who was about 60 years old, meant well with me, she was on my side; she was like my ally. With her upper body slightly bent over, she whispered to me in a friendly conspiratorial tone, "Be brave and approach the girl politely. You have a good chance." I thanked her for the helpful information and tips, pocketed the medication and left the pharmacy. Shortly before 6.30 p.m. I positioned myself behind the tree, by then a mighty maple, and waited. And sure enough, a few minutes later she came out the door. I gathered all my courage, took a few steps towards her and spoke to her: Faust zu Gretchen: Mein schönes Fräulein, darf ich wagen, meinen Arm und geleit ihr anzutragen? Gretchen zu Faust: Bin weder Fräulein, weder schön, kann ungeleitet nach Hause gehen. Faust to Gretchen: „My fair lady, may I venture, to offer my arm and escort you?“ Gretchen answers: „I'm neither a lady, nor pretty, and can go home unescorted.“
  9. Today we are looking at a romance, a love affair that happened 56 years ago; or so. I had just turned 18, it was spring, nature had awakened, everything was green and blossoming. I was attending a „Gymnasium“ a grammar school at the time and fretted over German, English, Latin, mathematics and physics. I was anything but a model student - so definitely not an "A" student 5555. One day I was supposed to fill a prescription for my father at the nearby pharmacy in the medical centre. See photos.
  10. From now on it goes on here Diary - Logbook - very personal
  11. Since I can't report anything new about Siam, here's an old story from London - a very old story. A youthful memory I went to London twice, both times for a fortnight. That was in 1968 and 1971. The first time in spring in May; the second time in 1971 in a warm September. I was travelling with a group of young Germans aged between 18 and 22. Of course, we were involved in an extensive cultural programme during the day: Tate Gallery, National Gallery, Tower Museum, Madame Tussauds, St. Paul's Cathedral, etc. Plus the then world-famous Carneby Street, Soho Market, Piccadilly Circuit, Tower Bridge, Westminster Palace with the famous Big Ben, Speakers Corner in Hyde Park etc. etc. We were accommodated in a youth guesthouse far out in East London. We travelled by London Underground. The journey from our accommodation to the City of London took up to 40 minutes. During a ride on the tube, I saw an advertisement for Barclays Bank displayed between two windows. In large letters it read: Some girls don't know when to stop followed in small letters underneath by the explanation 'because Barclays has a branch near almost every stop on the London Underground and we are always looking for accountants, typists, secretaries etc.'. I read the line that was the attention-getter several times. Some girls don't know when to stop. I had to grin because I suddenly had an idea. hahahaha I dug out a pen from my jacket pocket, stood up, pointed to the Barclays Bank advertisement with my left hand and said loudly so that I could be heard by the passengers in a wider radius of the carriage: Some girls dont know when to stop I put a certain cheerfulness, funniness in my voice. Many of the English passengers now turned their attention to me. I raised my right hand with the pen towards the poster and quickly wrote in block letters: Thank God!!! And repeated again in a loud voice: Some girls dont know when to stop and then with emphasis I said loudly audibly Thank God!!!! The English audience laughed and smiled and one man gave me a thumbs up with a smiling face. Oh good old London Town I started to love you at that moment. Feedback geben Seitenleisten
  12. I can't report anything new about Bangkok and Pattaya. 2 years of Corona are behind us; a vacation was almost impossible. Then the past season autumn / winter 2022 and 2023 I could not for health reasons. It was impossible. But over the months of April 2023 to now I have recovered I even bought the ticket already! No, no ticket to ride but ticket to fly. It's supposed to start on November 20, 2023 - God willing.
  13. Corona is overcome. The pandemic situation has returned to normal worldwide for the past year. It is time to start a new journal. Personal experiences, thoughts about reading books, reflections on what I have read in newspapers, magazines, blogs and what I have seen in the cinema, on television or on the internet. I thought this board was dying because there were hardly any posts left. So I switched to a very lively German board. And I'm posting on an English Pattaya board by Scot Alex from the Rockhouse.
  14. Yes, it was a spelling mistake. I was inattentive for a second - I apologize. Shit happens sometimes.
  15. Oh my goodness! The board is still alive! What a surprise. I wrote off the board a long time ago. Now it's come back from the dead.
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