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Kloster Beer / Klassik Beer


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I believe that there certainly exists a job for a marketing executive at the brewey responsible for the above beers (or perhaps the current one jusrt needs a kick up the arse)


A brewery( i forget the name0 was brewing klosters under licence from Interbrew the Begium giant . Interbrew decided not to renew the licence at the end of last year preferring to strike up a relationship with the brewers of Singha.


This left the first brewery with shitloads of klosters which it could not sell as Klosters because the name belongs to Interbrew.

Thus was born klassik. It might be slightly different, to me all lagers are the same, but basically it is the same brew and the brewery started to place this 'new ' beer with its old customers.with the intent of it becoming the number 3 beer in thailand

So far so good.


Obviously we are well into the new year and supplies of klosters are either gone or close to gone.

a request for Klosters in a good bar will usually bring you the reply 'sorry we no have We have Klassik" or they just bring you Klassik instead. If you drink it inside a condom you will not notice the difference.

However many bars the girls will look at you as if you have asked them to describe the meaning of life. That is until you give in and order a Carlsberg or a Heineken.

Just this week i have been given a bottle of Spy Classic, which i refused to drink and gave to the dekserve and in naaother I was firmly told by the bargirl that they did not have klassik whatever it is despite the fact that she was stood 1 foot in frontt of a poster advertising the stuff. I felt like coming behind the bar and seeking a bottle out for myself. Instead I ordered a Carlsberg.

At this rate beer number 300 in thailand will be a tallo rder never mind number 3.

i have given up and will either drink Chang or Singha from now on.


If you are the sales and marketing wizard behind this new brew wake up or hire me

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TOTALLY agree with you PP!!!

Kloster is (was?) my favourite brew in Thailand - cool, crisp, clean, refreshing, (how could anyone drink Singha....blah!), and can quite easily drink 15-20 a night and feel fine the next day.


A "Klassik" example, is one of my favourite starting points of an evening, Big Dogs at the enterance to NEP, now no longer has Kloster/Klassik. I don't know whether to not sit there and go somewhere that does serve it, or drink Heinekens or Carlsbergs. (Both ok, but not favourites).


The new label is a disgrace as well. It looks like Kermit the Frog after being run over by a Mack truck. It has no class at all - the Kloster label had a certain elegance about it - but I think the days of drinking Kloster/Klassik will soon be numbered. I can't see it becoming number three beer in LOS. How can it when nobody sells it anymore??? ::


Hopefully the smart bar owners will realise what's going on and then stock the Klassik realising it is the old Kloster. I will still drink it, as I assume they will not change the recipe, and when drinking in a condom, as you say, you can't see the label anyway.


I just hope they don't get rid of it altoghether. It really is a nice beer.


Fly P.

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